The numerical data presented in the paper "Dynamical phase transitions in one-dimensional hard-particle systems" are collated here. The figures are separated into individual folders, within a .zip archive. Each figure has its own readme.txt file with some further information. The plots were all made in xmgrace and the .agr files can be opened using xmgrace. The data is also presented separately in simple ascii files. These are of three types 1. Filenames that begin "wham_" are obtained by applying the weighted histogram analysis method (WHAM) [Ferrenberg and Swendsen, Phys Rev Lett 63, 1195 (1989)] to large data sets generated by the transition path sampling method, as described in the paper. The WHAM method allows data for multiple values of the field 's' to be combined, to obtain the s-dependence of various observed quantities. Details of the file naming scheme and contents are given below. 2. The "trajectory diagrams" in Figs 4 and 8 are generated from the trajectory information in the files whose names start "trajectorys{svalue}TPS" where {svalue} is the value of the field s. Details of the method for generating the pictures is provided in the readme.txt files in those directories. 3. All other data (figs 1,5,6,9-11) were produced by averaging the relevant observables over sets of trajectories. Each set of trajectories is associated with a single value of the field 's'. Each file (for example Fig_1/k0_phi_data) includes all the data for a single figure panel, in two columns. The various data series are separated by blank lines. Description of files wham_* : The filenames are of the form wham_{observable}sysRreg{ensemble)N{number of particles}t{observation time} {observable} can take the values: "Ks" for activity. "averagedV" for the system volume, averaged over the trajectory {ensemble} can take the values: V{xxx} for the constant volume system. P{xxx} for the constant pressure system. where {xxx} indicates the numerical value of the volume fraction or pressure used. {number of particles} and {observation time} are system parameters with numerical values. The first column in each file is a value of the field 's', the second is the average value of the observable for that value of s. The third is the first derivative of the observable with respect to s, obtained as a central finite difference. In some cases (figures 3 and 7) these data are rescaled by constant factors of N or tau_LL before plotting. The density in Fig 7 is the value of N, divided by the (s-dependent) averaged volume.