%This function finds the top and bottom edges of the tube and uses these to %find the tube axis. The velocity is then integrated radially and %circumferentially to find the flow rate. %For full details see "Ultrasound Imaging Velocimetry with interleaved %images for improved pulsatile arterial flow measurements: a new correction %method, experimental and in vivo validation", J Royal Soc Interface, 2017 %K H Fraser, C Poelma 2016 function [flow2, Flow, upperEdge, lowerEdge]=flowRatePulse_f(xPix, yPix, times, timesteps, depth, lines, VxC, VyC, Iavg, iastep1, iastep2, minTop, maxTop, minBot, maxBot); for t=1:timesteps meanData(:,:,t)=Iavg(:,:,t)'; %interlaced end for t=1:timesteps %-- this section is where you need to adjust the limits according to your images A(:,:)=log(1+abs(hilbert(squeeze(meanData(:,:,t)')))); %find the inner edges of the tube for n=1:lines % figure; plot(A(n,:,t)); %uncomment this the first time through windowSize = 10; B=filtfilt(ones(1,windowSize)/windowSize,1,A(n,:)); windowSize = 17; C=filtfilt(ones(1,windowSize)/windowSize,1,A(n,:)); % plot(B,'g'); hold on; plot(C,'r') %uncomment this the first time through D=B-C; % hold on; plot(D); %uncomment this the first time through maximum=max(D(minTop:maxTop)); temp=find(D==maximum); pos1(n,t)=temp(1); maximum=max(D(minBot:maxBot)); temp=find(D==maximum); pos2(n,t)=temp(end); end %XX end %--end of limits section for t=1:timesteps A(:,:)=log(1+abs(hilbert(squeeze(meanData(:,:,t)')))); fit1{t} = fit([1:128]',pos1(:,t),'poly1'); %linear fit to upper artery edge in pixels fit2{t} = fit([1:128]',pos2(:,t),'poly1'); %linear fit to lower artery edge in pixels %this figure is for you to check the edges are in the right places % if t./5==round(t./5) % figure; imagesc(A'); colormap gray; % hold on; plot(fit1{t}); % hold on; plot(fit2{t},'b'); % legend('upper wall','lower wall'); % end end for t=1:timesteps m=1; for n=1:iastep1:lines %convert these edges to coordinate system %y coordinates in m yCoords(m,:,t)=([1:iastep2:length(meanData)]-(fit2{t}(n)+fit1{t}(n))/2)*yPix; upperEdge(m,t)=fit1{t}(n); %upper and lower edge positions in pixels lowerEdge(m,t)=fit2{2}(n); diameter(m,t)=fit2{2}(n)-fit1{2}(n); %diameter in pixels m=m+1; end end %find magnitude from velocity components Vmag=(VxC.^2+VyC.^2).^0.5; Vmag=Vmag.*sign(VxC); %Calculate flow for t=1:timesteps for n=1:lines/iastep1-1 r=1; for R=round(upperEdge(n,t)/iastep2):round(lowerEdge(n,t)/iastep2) %flow for each semi-cylinder, for each column of interrogation regions, in m^3/s dFlow(n,r,t)=VxC(n,R,t)*abs(yCoords(n,R,t))*iastep2*yPix*pi; r=r+1; end end end flow=sum(-dFlow,2); %flow for each column of interrogation regions in m^3/s flow2=squeeze(mean(flow(5:(end-5),:,:)*1e6*60,1)); %flow in ml/min Flow=mean(flow2) %mean flow rate, in ml/min