# Summary This data archive contains the underlying data for the conference publication entitled "Automatic Design Structure Matrices: A Comparison of Two Formula Student Projects". The paper has been published in the conference proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design. The paper presents the comparison of Design Structure Matrices from two Formula Student teams that have been automatically generated from the monitoring of the co-occurrence of updates to the product models. These product models were stored on a shared network drive. A software tool developed by the author was used to monitor the changes to these files. # Dataset The dataset comes in the form of a SQLite database file, which contains two tables. The first is the parts table and has the columns: - partId; - category; and, - team. The second is the metadata table, which contains the times when the parts where edited. The columns are: - partId; - dateModifiedDate; and, - team. In order to anonymise the data, the following steps have been taken: - the original filenames have been replaced by unique Ids. - the teams have been referenced as A and B. - the date modified dates are represented as a delta time from the first metadata change that occurred for the team. Care has been taken to ensure that the integrity of the underlying relationships in the data remain. Researchers following the analytical process presented in the paper will be able to produce the same results. Please reference the paper and data if you use this data in your research. The authors are happy to be contacted if you would like to discuss the nature of the data further.