This disc contains supplementary videos for the PhD thesis submission of Andrew Chinery. The videos are arranged by category. Simple descriptions of each video are given below. For full details please see the thesis. The videos are encoded using the Cinepak Codec by Radius. This was the best available codec that gave the highest quality, and still gave some compression. Videos have been tested to play properly in VLC media player in Windows and OS X. If the flames appear distorted, you may need to update codecs. Please refer to Chapter 3 for general comments on image quality, particularly on brightness. The three-dimensional results use a simple MATLAB voxel renderer. The videos are intended to show shape and density. The images have been cropped independently from larger images, and so may be slightly off in terms of size. A digital copy of the thesis is also included for convenience. The colours were mastered for screen rather than print, and so results look best in this copy. 0 - CandleFit Results of fitting a flame to a three dimensional voxel model of a candle, from Chapter 5. Video plays at the original speed, 100fps. 01 - candlefit.avi -- shows original video from one angle, the voxel reconstruction, and the fitted flame core result from the same angle. 1 - LighterFit Results of fitting a flame to a three dimensional voxel model of a lighter, from Chapter 5. Video plays at the original speed, 100fps. 11 - lighterfit.avi -- shows original video from one angle, the voxel reconstruction, and the fitted flame core result from the same angle. 2 - TwoDimensionalFit Results of the two-dimensional fitting from Chapter 5. Both use the lighter training data. Both videos are played in slow motion for illustration, 25fps despite being shot at 100fps. The erratic motion of the lighter still looks natural at this slower speed. 20 - sameangle.avi -- the input video from one angle, and results of fitting to both the three-dimensional voxel models, and fitting directly to each two-dimensional image. As you can see, from the same angle, the motion is captured well. 21 - rotating.avi -- the models fit from three-dimensional voxels, and those fit from images, are rotated in a full circle. Note the images look very similar from the same angle, but as they rotate the planar nature of the two-dimensional version becomes clear. 3 - Generated Results of the generative model of Chapter 6, using various input data and control options. Results were generated and play at 25fps. 30 - candlegen.avi -- generated sequence based on the regular candle data 31 - lightergen.avi -- generated sequence based on the regular lighter data 32 - tallcandle -- generated sequence based the candle training data controlled to be extra tall 33 - pinklighter.avi -- generated sequence based on the lighter data controlled to look like the pink lighter image (see Chapter 5)