Pre-hydrolysed TEOS was prepared by mixing TEOS and ultrapure H2O 1:1 and the addition HCl to catalyse the reaction. This was added to 10 ml of 1 mg/ml TTCF solution, once both phases turned homogenous, at 1:50 ratio at pH 7 in a glass beaker. Using a sterile syringe, 1 ml of sample was taken and injected into a quartz capillary. SAXS measurements were performed on the Time-Resolved Ultra Small-Angle Scattering beam-line ID02 at the European Synchrotron Research Facility (ESRF), Grenoble, France [23]. The incident X-ray energy was 12.46 keV and sample-detector distance was employed at 1.5 m. SAXS data were acquired using the Rayonix MX-170HS detector with exposure times between 0.01 and 0.03 sec. The measured 2D patterns after normalization by incident flux, sample transmission, and the solid angle were azimuthally averaged to obtain the 1D static scattering profiles as a function of the magnitude of scattering vector, q. Where q is given by, q=(4π sin⁡θ)/λ, with λ the incident X-ray wavelength (=0.0996 nm) and θ the scattering angle. This gave a q-range of 0.006