This dataset contains raw data for the associated scientific paper. The data relate to samples made of metal nanohelices with nominal dimensions of length = 110 nm, loop diameter = 50 nm, loop pitch = 55 nm and wire diameter = 25 nm. The composition is Ag 97% and Ti 3%, with a 10 nm Au nanoparticle attached at one end of the helix. More details can be found in the experimental section of the research paper. The data include images of the samples, numeric data values for the curves and numerical simulation data. Specifically, there are 4 folders. – Lumerical Data: this folder contains the numerical simulations performed on the samples. Simulations are provided for electric (E) and magnetic (H) fields. The metadata text file provides all the details. – Pulse length emission: this folder contains 4 sub-folders with data acquired on different days. For each sub-folder, the raw data files are provided and a plain text file provides technical details. – SHRS power dependence: provides 2 raw data files and a ReadMe text file specifying details. – SHRS rotating analyser: provides 76 raw data files and a ReadMe text file with all the technical details.