The research protocol of the pedestrian experiment was approved by the Bioethics Committee for Scientific Research at the Academy of Physical Education in Katowice (No. 1/2022/6/23) and met the ethical standards of the Declaration of Helsinki. All participants signed written consent. The files do not contain any identifiable, personal, or confidential data, and that they also do not contain any data that is owned by any third parties, such as background IP. Researcher confirmed that no identifiable data contained within the dataset. However, they said that the file "" contains images of human subjects and, even though they already post-processed them to cover the faces, they think it would be good for safeguarding to restrict the access. They are expecting some public interest and media attention surrounding the associated article, and they would not want the files to be used for purposes other than research. They are willing to make the research available for legitimate research purposes. All data necessary to reproduce the results is included in secondary files “”, so the videos are just a little bit extra. They are not promised in the article and they have never been asked to provide them by the reviewers/editors, so they would have been prepared to delete them if the access restrictions for the aforementioned zip file weren't put in place.