These datasets contain information gathered at study sign up and within the yearly surveys for parent members of the Engage with Developmental Language Disorder Project (or E-DLD project). Parents signed up to the E-DLD project as they decided to be part of the research database project, where they received monthly or quarterly emails about research projects currently recruiting participants. On sign up, they gave demographic information about themselves, their family and their child with DLD along with indicating what areas of language their child struggles with, any co-occurring conditions and their child's official DLD diagnosis. About two weeks after sign up, they received an invitation to complete a yearly survey. The yearly survey content changes according to the child's age, which is determined at the beginning of the yearly survey. Completion of the yearly survey was optional. In total, these databases contain 198 parents within the sign up database and 137 parents who completed at least one year (but often multiple years) of the yearly survey. Children were aged between 3 and 15. Data was collected between October 2020 and April 2024.