All data was collected online through the REDCap online survey platform. E-DLD members have found out about the project a variety of ways, but found the sign up link through our website in most instances. Parents indicated their status as a parent of a child with DLD in an initial question and then were presented with an information sheet and consent forms (including consent for their data to be made more widely accessible). After fully consenting, parents were asked to fill in the sign up survey. Parents who indicated their child has autism as their main diagnosis were sign posted to autism research databases and are not included in these databases. Two weeks after sign up (and thereafter on a yearly basis) parents were invited to complete a more in depth yearly survey, which is tailored to the child's specific age. The yearly survey was optional and the parents received two reminders after the initial email. Thereafter, they did not receive further reminders. Parents were occasionally emailed about incomplete sign up surveys and provided with a link and return code to complete their survey. This was also optional.