The time series data used in the Random Decrement Technique (RDT) analysis of Lake Geneva took the form of water elevation data collected at three locations; location 2026, 2027 and 2028. This data had a sampling rate of 10 minutes and was continuously collected between 00:00 on 1 January 1974 and 23:50 on 7 January 2013. The RDT analysis for Lake Tahoe was carried out using water pressure head data collected at a buoy located at Homewood. Three time-series data sets were utilized in the analysis; 30 July 2013 00:00:00 to 6 December 2013 23:59:30, 1 January 2014 00:00:00 to 10 May 2014 23:59:30, 6 January 2015 00:00:00 to 15 May 2015 23:59:30. All data had a sampling rate of 30 seconds.