An interview schedule was developed for the purpose of interviewing participants regarding their experiences and perceptions of their PMHS, and was informed by the RE-AIM evaluation framework. RE-AIM comprises five dimensions that are considered important for evaluating the impact of healthcare interventions: Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, and Maintenance. We ensured that questions pertaining to each of the five RE-AIM dimensions were included in the schedule. During data collection, the interview schedule served as a flexible guide for interviews, enabling participants to discuss aspects of their PMHS that were important to them. All interviews were audio-recorded. After their interview, the following background data were collected from each participant over the telephone: age, gender, ethnicity, job title, number of years employed as a pharmacy professional, and number of years’ experience of operating or providing a PMHS. All audio-recorded interviews were transcribed verbatim into separate Microsoft Word documents. Framework analysis (FA) was used to analyse the transcribed data. Analysis involved the standard FA stages, as outlined by Ritchie and Spencer (the developers of FA): familiarisation with the data, coding, developing an analytical framework, indexing, charting, and interpretation. The only deviation to the FA stages was that Iterative Categorisation (IC) was used in place of charting. The choice to use IC was made in order to increase transparency and rigour.