Fig. 2 a Raman data saved in txt file (space delimited). Col 1 - Raman shift (cm^-1), Cols 2-10 - Raman intensity and fits (a.u.) Fig. 2 b Photoluminescence data saved in txt file (tab delimited). Col 1 - Energy (eV), Col 2 - photoluminescence intensity (a.u.) Fig. 3 a Raman data at four different H2S flow rates saved in txt files (space delimited). Col 1 - Raman shift (cm^-1). Cols 2-10 - Raman intensity and fits (a.u.) Fig. 3 b Photolumiescence data at four different H2S flow rates in txt files (space delimited). Col 1 - Energy (eV), Cols 2-5 - photluminescence intensity and fits (a.u.) Fig. 4 + 5 Single Excel file. Data in blocks with labelled columns. Fig. 4 Raman data; Col 1 - flow rate (sccm), Col 2 peak ratio or Raman shift FWHM (cm^-1), Col 3 error bar with no units for ratio or (cm^-1) for Raman shift FWHM. Fig. 5 Photoluminescence data; Col 1 -flow rate (sccm), Col 2 photoluminescence intensity ratio or FWHM (meV), Col 3 error bar no units for ratio or (meV) for FWHM. Fig. 6 a + c Raman map data in 15 x 15 pixel array. Each of 225 pixels saved individually in txt file (tab delimited). Col 1 - Raman shift (cm^-1), Col 2 - Raman intensity (a.u.). Fig. 6 b + d Photoluminescence map data in 29 x 29 pixel array. Each of 841 pixels saved individually in txt file (tab delimited). Col 1 - energy (eV), Col 2 - Photoluminescence intensity (a.u.) Fig. 7 b AFM image as *.ibw file and as four separate txt files for the image height (nm), amplitude (nm), phase (Deg) and Z-sensor (nm). Fig. 9 a + b Raman data of film on sapphire and after transfer onto Si/SiOx in txt files (space delimited). Col 1 - Raman shift (cm^-1), Cols 2-8(9) Raman intensity and fits (a.u.). Fig. 9 c + d Photoluninescence data of film on sapphire and after transfer onto Si/SiOx in txt files (space delimeted). Col 1 - Energy (eV), Cols 2-4(5) photoluminescence intensity and fits (a.u.).