Fig. 1(b) AFM image as *.ibw file and as four separate txt files for the image height (nm), amplitude (nm), phase (Deg) and Z-sensor (nm). Fig. 1(c) AFM linescan as *.csv file. Col 1 - X (mum), Col 2 - Z (nm). Fig. 1(d) Raman data saved in txt file (space delimited). Col 1 - Raman shift (cm^-1), Col 2 - Raman intensity. Fig. 3 Hall voltage noise versus frequency as *.dat file. Col 1 - f(Hz), Col 2-13 - Vn(V/SQRT(Hz) at IHall = 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0(muA). Fig. 3 Inset Hall voltage noise versus Hall current as *.dat file. Col 1 - I(muA), Col 2 - Vn(V/SQRT(Hz)). Fig. 4(a) MOKE image of YIG film as *.png file. Fig. 4(b) Data underpinning images Fig. 4(b)-(g) are saved in 128*128 pixel square arrays contained in Fig4b.txt (space delimited), Fig4c.txt (space delimited), Fig4d.txt (space delimited), Fig4e.txt (space delimited), Fig4f.txt (space delimited), and Fig4g.txt (space delimited).