The videos and other data contained in this directory and all sub-directories forms part of the Dataset for "Speaking Flames – A study of threshold experiences inherent in fire-cræft and the affordances of kindling metaphors for the principles they provide for progressive pedagogy" Ed.D. thesis created by Dr Jonathan M Code, held at the University of Bath Research Data Archive. Participants have kindly given informed written consent to have images and audiovisual recordings of them included in this dataset and made available, on the understanding that the data is used responsibly and respectfully for reference and research purposes. The dataset remains copyright © the University of Bath. Distribution of the dataset is only with the permission of the University of Bath and the researcher responsible for the creation/management of the dataset. This is to ensure that the data are used respectfully and responsibly within the context for which they were created, as supporting documentation to the thesis titled "Speaking Flames – A study of threshold experiences inherent in fire-cræft and the affordances of kindling metaphors for the principles they provide for progressive pedagogy"’. The dataset should not be used in any way which could be deemed disrespectful or demeaning to the participants. Any users of the dataset should remain at all times respectful of the participants, and videos should not be shared to unrelated contexts.