P000_Static_1 - first 5-10 seconds static standing across both belts, then full weight bearing on each leg P000_walk_slow_1 - walking at 3 km/h across both belts/force plates (+1% gradient) P000_walk_fast_1 - walking at 5 km/h across both belts/force plates (+1% gradient) All running trials just on 1 belt (force plate 1): filenames that include "flatrun": treadmill is set to +1% gradient filenames that include "uphillrun": treadmill is set to +6% gradient filenames that include "downhillrun": treadmill is set to -4% gradient filenames that include "slow": treadmill is set to 90% of participant's norm speed (included in Participant_Info.csv) filenames that include "norm": treadmill is set to the participant's norm speed filenames that include "fast": treadmill is set to 110% of participant's norm speed filenames that include "fixed": treadmill is set to 12 km/h (for all participants)