How to read the data: In each of the folders titled "Si [pos/neg] power" there are a series of txt files containing the data. The wavelength/filters and sample name are placed in the header. The "emission" data also follows this. There are two types of files: files containing reference calibration data. These will only have one number after the date (eg 20230120_46.0) and then the raw experimental data. These will have 2 numbers. (eg: 20230120_46_45) The right angle scattering data is in column 2 and the forward scattering data is in column 3. The first and last data point in column 3 is a reference/calibration measurement and not from a scattering measurement. When processing data, the first and last line of data (containing the reference measurements) has been omitted In the excel files, HWP angle and Power are measured to allow for a power curve to be plotted. An average of reference values is taken here and fitted to the power curve