--- title: "Notes on data repository for publication 'Root reinforcement: continuum framework for constitutive modelling'" author: "Gerrit Meijer" date: "22/09/2021" output: html_document --- This data repository is associated with the publication "Root reinforcement: continuum framework for constitutive modelling", authored by G. J. Meijer, D. Muir Wood, J. A. Knappett, A. G. Bengough and T. Liang and published in Geotechnique. This repository contains all data underlying the results and is organised as follows: ## Folder `1-Figure_data/` Contains all data used to generate plots in the publication. This can consist of experimental data and/or modelling data. File names indicate which figure the data is used in and are self-explanatory. All data is saved in `.csv` format following the concepts of "tidy data", see for example https://r4ds.had.co.nz/tidy-data.html. In short: * Each variable has its own column * Each observation (e.g. a measurement) has its own row * Each value has its own cell If values are dimensional, the measurement unit is shown in the column headers. Column headers have been given self-explaning names. A short explanation of all files: * `Fig01_root_count_data.csv` contains the number and diameters of all roots counted on the shear plane of each experimental rooted direct shear test * `Fig02_experimentaldata_isotropic_compression.csv`, `Fig02_experimentaldata_oedometric_compression.csv` and `Fig02_experimentaldata_triaxial.csv` contain data for triaxial, isotropic and oedimetric compression tests that were performed on Bullionfield soil. These experiments underpin the fitting of the Modified Cam Clay + Hvorslev surface soil model used. * `Fig02_experimentaldata_triaxial.csv`, `Fig02_modeldata_isotropic_compression.csv` and `Fig02_modeldata_oedometric_compression.csv` contain the corresponding MCC + Hvorslev model predictions for each triaxial and compression test. * `Fig03_experimentaldata_tensilestrength_straintofailure.csv` contains measured root tensile strength and strain to failure values for grass, willow and gorse roots of various diameters, measured in uniaxial tension tests. * `Fig04_experimentaldata_normalised_tensilestressstrain.csv` contains the full tensile stress-strain curves for grass, willow and gorse roots of various diameters, measured in uniaxial tension tests. This file also contains stresses and strains normalised by the tensile strength or tensile strain to failure. * `Fig10_11_12_experimentaldata_allsheartests.csv` contains shear stress-displacement data for all direct shear tests conducted, both on fallow (unrooted) and rooted samples. The shear stresses are calculated by dividing the measured shear forces by the original cross-sectional area of the soil (i.e. no area corrections were applied). * `Fig10_experimentaldata_averagefallow.csv` and `Fig10_fibremodeldata_averagefallow.csv` contain the average measured and predicted fallow (unrooted) direct shear displacement-shear stress behaviour for each shearing depth (i.e. the average of all replicates). * `Fig11_12_fibremodeldata_allsheartests.csv` contains fibre model simple shear stress-strain predictions for each conducted direct shear test. * `Fig11_beammodeldata_allsheartests.csv` contains beam model shear displacement-reinforcement predictions for each direct shear test. * `Fig13_comparison_experimental_models.csv` contains a comparison of experimentally measured and predicted (with the various models) peak root reinforcements. * `Fig14_modeldata_fallowsample.csv` contains a stress path data example for fallow (unrooted) soil, calculated using the fibre model. * `Fig14_modeldata_rootedsample.csv` contains a stress path data example for a rooted soil (grass, replicate 2, shear plane depth 200 mm, soil-loaded root length 200 mm), calculated using the fibre model. ## Folder `2-Fibre_model_MATLAB_analysis/` Contains the model files, input files and results files of all fibre model analyses run for each direct shear test described in the paper. Model input is generated using `R`, while the model itself runs in `MATLAB`. Within this folder, a separate README file (`_README.md`) is provided, containing more information about the contents of this folder. ## Folder `3-Beam_model_Python_analysis/` Contains the model files and input files all beam model analyses run for each direct shear test described in the paper. Model input is generated using `R`, while the model itself runs in `Python`. The results of these model simulations are not included as they take of a large amount of disk space. Within this folder, a separate README file (`_README.md`) is provided, containing more information about the contents of this folder.