README This zip file contains the sonar image data used to test and train the CNNs as described in the manuscript. The images provided are uncorrected and require rescaling as per Figure 3 in the manuscript. The dimensions of each image are appended to the filename. Some images appear smeared / warped due to the USV turning whilst imaging the floor or imaging whilst stationary (e.g. when waiting for passing traffic). These images should be adjusted / discarded as deemed appropriate. Images are unlabelled with regards to the target / background class. Some directories contain a separate subdirectory named 'target' which contain examples of images containing the target. Unfortunately, the full set of labelled data has been lost. Some directories also contain the position data of the USV in MATLAB format, which is useful for georeferencing the images as shown in Figure 9 in the manuscript. Where available, some directories have the georeferenced images included. The GPS waypoints used for Underfall Yard are included in a CSV file. An additional dataset was collected at this location at a later date and is included in the '8_apr_2022' directory. This data was not used for this work. The USV is equipped with two sets of side scan sonar operating at 450 kHz (low frequency) and 990 kHz (high frequency). Only the 990 kHz data was used for this work. The 450 kHz data is also included.