# DFT Dataset: Mg Intercalation into (OH,F)-Substituted Anatase TiO2 Benjamin J. Morgan ORCID: [0000-0002-3056-8233](https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3056-8233) This dataset contains DFT calculation data and analysis codes for calculation of Mg intercalation energies into anion-substituted anatase TiO2. More details on these calculations and analysis are given in Ma et al., Chem. Comm. 2018 (Ref. 1). ## Contents The top level directories are: ``` |-- stoichiometric |-- vacancy_intercalation |-- data |-- analysis |-- figures ``` * [`stoichiometric`](./stoichiometric) VASP input and output files for calculations of Mg intercalation into stoichiometric anatase TiO2. * [`vacancy_intercalation`](./vacancy_intercalation) VASP input and output files for calculations of Mg intercalation into anion-substituted anatase TiO2. * [`data`](./data) YAML files containing summaries of the VASP calculation data. * [`analysis`](./analysis) Jupyter notebook containing calculations of Mg-intercalation energies, with these results plotted as an outputted figure. * [`figures`](./figures) Figure showing calculated Mg intercalation energies in stoichiometric and anion-substituted anatase TiO2. Each VASP calculation directory contains the following files: - `INCAR`: VASP master input file. - `KPOINTS`: VASP k-point input file. - `POSCAR`: VASP structure input file. - `POTCAR.spec`: Specification of the pseudopotentials used. - `OUTCAR`: VASP master output file. - `vasprun.xml.gz`: Gzipped XML VASP output summary. - `vasprun.yaml`: Additional metadata describing the calculation. ### `INCAR`, `KPOINTS`, `POSCAR`, `OUTCAR`, `vasprun.xml` Standard VASP input and output files. Please see the [VASP manual](http://cms.mpi.univie.ac.at/vasp/vasp/vasp.html) for more details. ### `POTCAR.spec` Each calculation directory contains a `POTCAR.spec` file that specifies the pseudopotentials used for that calculation. e.g. ``` Ti_pv PBE_54 ``` indicates the `Ti_pv` pseudopotential, from the PBE v.54 has been used. The `POTCAR.spec` data have been automatically generated using the `potcar_spec` tool in [`vasppy`](https://github.com/bjmorgan/vasppy), which matches the pseudopotentials from a `POTCAR` file via their md5 hash values. ### `vaspmeta.yaml` Each calculation directory contains a `vaspmeta.yaml` file, that describes additional metadata for that calculation. e.g. ``` title: stoichiometric anatase description: > stoichiometric anatase TiO2 3x3x1 supercell. notes: The lattice parameters were generated by fitting volume-constrained geometry optimised structures for a single unit cell, then imposing the correct spacegroup symmetry of the minimum energy-volume structure. status: finished ``` The `title` entry is used in subsequent processing as a unique identifier for each calculation. ## Data Processing The data processing and analysis is handled with a [snakemake](https://snakemake.readthedocs.io/en/stable/index.html) workflow. If the necessary Python dependencies have been installed (see below), this can be run with the command ``` snakemake ``` The workflow consists of: 1. The output of the VASP calculations is parsed and collated using the `vasppy` `vasp_summary` script. This produces a YAML file summarising the DFT data: `data/4x4x2_vasp_summary.yaml`. 2. A Jupyter notebook `analysis/intercalation_energies.ipynb` is run. This calculates the Mg intercalation energies, and generates the figure `figures/Mg_intercalation_energies.pdf` (Fig. 2b in Ref. 1) This data analysis uses the elemental reference Mg energy from `data/elemental_reference.yaml`, which is taken from Ref. 2. ## Requirements Python dependencies for the data processing workflow are listed in `requirements.txt`. These can be installed using `pip` with ``` pip install -r requirements.txt ``` The required dependencies are: ``` numpy pandas vasppy >= jupyter version-information matplotlib snakemake pyyaml nbconvert >= 4.2.0 ``` ## References \[1\] J. Ma et al. “Controlled Hydroxy-Fluorination Reaction of Anatase to Promote Mg2+ Mobility in Rechargeable Magnesium Batteries” Chem. Comm. 2018. \[2\] B. J. Morgan “DFT dataset: X=(Li,Na,Ca,Mg,Al) Intercalation into (F/OH)-Substituted Anatase TiO2” [doi:10.15125/BATH-00473](https://dx.doi.org/10.15125/BATH-00473).