Rapid guide to navigating these sets of data: Data is sorted by which individual array, or chip the data comes from. Each chip will have its own zipped file In each zip file: Folders labelled "BG" are results of back gate sweeps - results from the Lock-in amplifier Folders labelled "Noise" are raw data sets dumped from the Dynamic Signal Analyser (DSA) Folder labelled "VH" are results from field-Hall voltage sweeps - raw data obtained from the Source Measure Unit Names of individual datasets are near self-explanatory, these will typically include, the back voltage the data was collected at (or range where applicable), the drive current (where applicable), the cross wire width and the frequency (where applicable). Please note that each data point in the noise file is tab seperated. The same applies with the back gate data, where the latter half of data points are leakage current data and the first half are voltage data.