# Dataset for “Native Defects and their Doping Response in Lithium Solid Electrolyte Li7 La3Zr2O12” [![LICENSE](https://img.shields.io/badge/LICENSE-CC%20BY--SA%204.0-lightgrey.svg)](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/) [Alexander G. Squires]() [David O. Scanlon](https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9174-8601) [Benjamin J. Morgan.](http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3056-8233) This repository contains the computational data for the paper [“Native Defects and their Doping Response in Lithium Solid Electrolyte Li7 La3Zr2O12”][paper_link]\[1\]. The repository contains input and output files for the DFT calculations, performed using [VASP](https://www.vasp.at/). This is detailed below in the Data section. generation of the metadata used to carry out analysis depends on the [`vasppy`](https://github.com/bjmorgan/vasppy) Python module \[2\]. ## Data The complete data set produced for this study. ### Directory structure ``` . ├── HSE │ ├── defects (HSE06 defect calculations) | | | | | ├── neutral defect | | | | | | | ├── charge states | | | | | | | | | └── input/output/metadata | | | | | | | └── input/output/metadata | | └── ... | | │ ├── LOPTICS (High frequency dielectric response calculation) | | | | | └── input/output/metadata | | │ ├── parchg (oxygen vacancy partial charge calculations) | | | | | ├── PARCHG_V_O | | | └── input/output/metadata | | ├── PARCHG_V_O_+ | | | └── input/output/metadata | | └── PARCHG_V_O_++ | | └── input/output/metadata | | │ ├── ref (competing phases and elemental references) | | | | | ├── system | | | | | | | └── input/output/metadata | | └── ... | | │ └── vol_opt (equation of state fit for stoichiometric LLZO) | | | ├── scaling factor | | | | | └── input/output/metadata | | | └── opt (optimised volume relaxation) | | | └── input/output/metadata └── PS ├── LEPSILON (low frequency dielectric) | | │ └── input/output/metadata | └── o_mobility | ├── neb1 | ├── input/metadata | └── images | └──output ├── neb2 | ├── input/metadata | └── images | └──output ├── neb3 | ├── input/metadata | └── images | └──output ├── neb4 | ├── input/metadata | └── images | └──output ├── neb5 | ├── input/metadata | └── images | └──output └── neb6 ├── input/metadata └── images └──output ``` Each bottom level directory contains the following VASP calculation files: ``` INCAR POSCAR KPOINTS OUTCAR vasprun.xml vaspmeta.yaml ``` The `vaspmeta.yaml` file contains additional metadata for each calculation: ``` title: short description of the calculation description: long description of the calculation notes: any additional notes status: describes the status of the calculation. This will be "finished" in all cases here to denote completed calculations ``` ### summarised data The various `.yaml` files contains relevant subsets of VASP calculations in the dataset formatted as YAML, including summarised input, output, and additional metadata. e.g. for the LaLi defect calculation, the summary is: ``` --- title: La_Li status: finished stoichiometry: - Li: 27 - La: 13 - Zr: 8 - O: 48 potcar: - Li: PAW_PBE Li 17Jan2003 - La: PAW_PBE La 06Sep2000 - Zr: PAW_PBE Zr_sv 04Jan2005 - O: PAW_PBE O 08Apr2002 energy: -832.53744678 eV lreal: True k-points: scheme: Monkhorst grid: 2 2 2 functional: screened hybrid. alpha=0.25, mu=0.207 encut: 520.0 ediffg: -0.01 ibrion: 2 vbm: 8.593 cbm: 9.6709 converged: True version: vasp. vasprun md5: 29e1ed97f168a70066ad2585a05a4af4 directory: ./La_Li/ ``` To reproduce the analysis found at , metadata is should be collated using the `vasp_summary` script, which depends on the [`vasppy`](https://github.com/bjmorgan/vasppy) module \[2\]. For parsing the `vasprun.xml` files, this makes extensive use of the `Vasprun` object in [`pymatgen`](http://pymatgen.org/) \[3\]. ``` vasp_summary --recursive > defects.yaml ``` ## Citing this dataset ``` ??? ``` ### BibTeX ``` ??? ``` ## References 1. paper. 2. Benjamin J. Morgam. vasppy. doi:[10.5281/zenodo.801662](https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.801662). 3. Shyue Ping Ong et al. Python Materials Genomics (pymatgen) : A Robust, Open-Source Python Library for Materials Analysis. Computational Materials Science, 2013, 68, 314–319. doi:[10.1016/j.commatsci.2012.10.028](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.commatsci.2012.10.028). [paper_link]: http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nmat4976