#Open know-how manifest 1.0-valid --- # The content of this manifest file is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. # Licenses for modification and distribution of the hardware, documentation, source-code, etc are stated separately. # Remove any fields that are not used. Comments (beginning with '#') may also be removed. # Manifest metadata date-created: 2019-10-17 date-updated: 2019-10-17 manifest-author: name: Richard Bowman affiliation: University of Bath email: r.w.bowman@bath.ac.uk manifest-language: en-GB documentation-language: en # Properties title: Raspberry Pi Camera Calibration Jig description: | # required | paragraph A 3D-printed jig to uniformly illuminate the Raspberry Pi camera module's sensor, for the purpose of calibrating its response to different colours of illumination. This enables flat-field correction, and also the unmixing of colour channels. As the off-centre lenslet array means that (with uniform angle-of-incidence) the pixels at the edge suffer from significant crosstalk relative to the centre, correcting for varying colour response results in much truer colour representation. intended-use: | # recommended | Paragraph Calibrating the Raspberry Pi camera module for colour response. keywords: # At least one keyword is recommended | text array - colorimetry - calibration - camera module - raspberry pi project-link: https://gitlab.com/bath_open_instrumentation_group/picamera_cra_compensation/ # At least project-link or documentation-home is required, otherwise recommended | absolute path URL health-safety-notice: | # paragraph No major health and safety issues have been identified. contact: name: Richard Bowman # text affiliation: University of Bath # text email: r.w.bowman@bath.ac.uk # email address social: - platform: twitter user-handle: mindnumbed contributors: # recommended - name: Richard Bowman # text affiliation: University of Bath # text email: r.w.bowman@bath.ac.uk # email address image: ./calibration_jig/assembly_instructions/images/jig_assembled.jpg version: 1.0.0 # text license: hardware: CERN-OHL-1.2 documentation: CC-BY-4.0 software: GPL-3.0-or-later made: true # boolean - true or false made-independently: false # boolean - true or false # Documentation documentation-home: ./calibration_jig/assembly_instructions/ # At least one of the project-link or documentation-home fields is required | absolute path archive-download: https://gitlab.com/bath_open_instrumentation_group/picamera_cra_compensation/-/archive/master/picamera_cra_compensation-master.zip design-files: # recommended - path: ./calibration_jig/openscad/ # Absolute or relative path title: OpenSCAD source files # text schematics: # recommended where applicable - path: ./manuscript/artwork/apparatus.pdf title: Diagram of the apparatus # text bom: ./calibration_jig/assembly_instructions/calibration_jig.md tool-list: ./calibration_jig/assembly_instructions/calibration_jig.md making-instructions: # recommended - path: ./calibration_jig/assembly_instructions/calibration_jig.md # Absolute or relative path title: Assembly instructions manufacturing-files: # recommended where applicable - path: ./calibration_jig/stl/ title: STL files for printing operating-instructions: # recommended - path: ./manuscript # Absolute or relative path title: LaTeX format manuscript, describing usage and results # text software: # recommended where applicable | Source code or executable software that the thing uses - path: ./image_acquisition/ # Absolute or relative path title: Python control scripts # text - path: ./neopixel_driver title: Arduino firmware # User defined Fields # Include any custom / extended fields here