The included .ps file is a "stripy plot" generated by FIRST, describing the rigid cluster membership of each residue in the protein during the course of a "rigidity dilution". During the dilution, a hydrogen bond energy cutoff is gradually lowered, progressively eliminating weaker interactions from the network and thus reducing the rigidity of the protein. A new line of the stripy plot is written whenever the rigid cluster membership of an alpha carbon changes. Blocks of the same colour on a given line indicate residues belonging to a common rigid cluster. Each [name]_cut[Value].pdb file contains the protein structure with its rigidity analyses using a hydrogen bond energy cutoff of -[Value] kcal/mol. Rigid cluster membership is written into the b-factor columns of the PDB format, so that all members of the largest rigid cluster are given a b-factor of 1.00, all members of the second largest are given a b-factor of 2.00 and so on. Each such pdb file has a matching .pml script which will load the corresponding PDB file into PyMOL and select the rigid clusters for display. The pml files also contain the sets of hydrogen-bond and hydrophobic tether interactions as lists of distance selections.