Bibliographic Information for Found Literature,,,,,,Search Criteria,,,Inclusion in Review, Title,Author,Author affiliation,Source,Publication year,Database,Search Term1,Search Term2,Search Term3,Downloaded (Y/N),Focus of article "Buildings, Systems Thinking, and Life Cycle Assessment","Todd, J.A.",,Life Cycle Assessment Handbook: A Guide for Environmentally Sustainable Products,2012,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,N, "6th International Conference on Research into Design, ICoRD 2017",[No author name available],,"Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies",2017,Scopus,Design Process,,,N, A BIM tool for carbon footprint assessment of building design,"Lu, C.-M., Chen, J.-Y., Pan, C.-A., Jeng, T.",,"CAADRIA 2015 - 20th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia: Emerging Experiences in the Past, Present and Future of Digital Architecture",2015,Scopus,Design Process,,,N, A methodology for optimal lightweight design of moulds and dies - A case study,"Nie, Yi(1); Sun, Wei(2); Lin, Yueh-Jaw(1); Huang, Tao(3)","(1) Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Nottingham, Ningbo, United Kingdom; (2) Department of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom; (3) State Key Laboratory of Mechanical Transmission, Chongqing University, China","ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE)",2015,Compendex,Design Process,,,N, Challenges on the integration of LCA data in the BIM platform: Issues on the existing tools,"Bueno, C., Fabricio, M.M.",,CESB 2016 - Central Europe Towards Sustainable Building 2016: Innovations for Sustainable Future,2016,Scopus,Design Process,,,N, Comparative study of frame-corewall and frame tube structural systems based on environmental cost,"Zhou, Y., Fang, S., Wang, M.Y., Zhao, X.",,IES Journal Part A: Civil and Structural Engineering,2014,Scopus,Design Process,,,N, Current status and future challenges in molecular design for reduced hazard,"Coish, P., Brooks, B.W., Gallagher, E.P., Kavanagh, T.J., Voutchkova-Kostal, A., Zimmerman, J.B., Anastas, P.T.",,ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering,2016,Scopus,Design Process,,,N, Development of an optimisation approach for the energy efficient buildings,"Loh, E.(1); Dawood, N.(1); Dean, J.(1)","(1) Centre for Construction Innovation Research, University of Teesside, Middlesbrough, TS1 3BA, United Kingdom",Proceedings of the 2009 ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering,2009,Compendex,Design Process,,,N, Early-design integration of environmental criteria for digital fabrication,"Agustí-Juan, I., Hollberg, A., Habert, G.",,"Life-Cycle Analysis and Assessment in Civil Engineering: Towards an Integrated Vision - Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, IALCCE 2018",2019,Scopus,Design Process,,,N, "IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems, APMS 2012",[No author name available],,IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology,2013,Scopus,Design Process,,,N, "Integrated multidisciplinary research and demonstration project ""INTENSYS"" for future modes of living and concepts for sustainable housing","Flach, Michael(1); Schneider, Maria(2); Kraler, Anton(3); Trojer, Therese(3); Wieland, Georg(3); Brinkmeier, Conrad(3)","(1) Faculty of Civil Engineering, Institute for Construction and Materials Science, University of Innsbruck, Technikerstrasse 13, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria; (2) Institute of Urban Design and Regional Planning, Faculty of Architecture, University of Innsbruck, Technikerstrasse 13, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria; (3) Timber Engineering Unit, University of Innsbruck, Austria","11th World Conference on Timber Engineering 2010, WCTE 2010",2010,Compendex,Design Process,,,N, Life cycle assessment of waterproofing materials manufactured in Turkey,"Kaya, U., Turkeri, N.",,"9th International Conference and Exhibition - Healthy Buildings 2009, HB 2009",2009,Scopus,Design Process,,,N, Life-cycle analysis of the built environment,"Kohler, N., Moffatt, S.",,Industry and Environment,2003,Scopus,Design Process,,,N, "Life-Cycle Analysis Tools for ""Green"" Materials and Processes Selection",[No author name available],,Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings,2006,Scopus,Design Process,,,N, Metrics for buildings or building of metrics: A comparison of environmental footprint of the traditional vs. The renewable in medical offices,"Ragheb, A.",,"42nd ASES National Solar Conference 2013, SOLAR 2013, Including 42nd ASES Annual Conference and 38th National Passive Solar Conference",2013,Scopus,Design Process,,,N, Modeling complex aviation systems - The Eco-Design tool EcoSky,"Ilg, R.(1)","(1) Department Life Cycle Engineering, Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics, Germany","Green Design, Materials and Manufacturing Processes - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Intelligent Manufacturing, SIM 2013",2013,Compendex,Design Process,,,N, Reliability-based life cycle assessment for civil engineering structures,"Schnetgöke, R.(1); Klinzmann, C.(1); Hosser, D.(1)","(1) Institute of Building Materials, Concrete Construction and Fire Protection, Braunschweig University of Technology, Braunschweig, Germany","Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management - Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management, Life-Cycle Performance and Cost",2006,Compendex,Design Process,,,N, Simplification strategies for mechatronic products: A methodology proposal,"Mengarelli, M., Zamagni, A., Buttol, P., Cortesi, S., Nanfitò, S., Porta, P.L.",,Materiaux et Techniques,2015,Scopus,Design Process,,,N, Standards versus recommended practice: Separating process and prescriptive measures from building performance,"Trusty, Wayne(1)","(1) Alhena Institute, Green Building Initiative, ANSI Technical Committee for Green Globes, Merrickville, ON, Canada",ASTM Special Technical Publication,2009,Compendex,Design Process,,,N, Stocking your green building toolkit,"Trusty, W.B.",,Construction Specifier,2005,Scopus,Design Process,,,N, The basics of life cycle assessment (LCA) for structural engineers,"Buonopane, S.G.",,Proceedings of the 2008 Structures Congress - Structures Congress 2008: Crossing the Borders,2008,Scopus,Design Process,,,N, The International Summer School for Advanced Studies UniBS: CONTEMPORARY IDENTITIES. Interweaving Spaces and Relations in the Design of Living Services,"Barbara, A., Badiani, B., Ciribini, A.L.C., Tagliabue, L.C.",,"Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies",2020,Scopus,Design Process,,,N, An eco-design approach for an innovative production process of low molar mass dextran,"Ahmadi, A., Severac, E., Monties, N., Claverie, M., Remaud-Simeon, M., Moulis, C., Tiruta-Barna, L.",,Green Chemistry,2019,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,N, Analyzing the life cycle environmental impacts in the Chinese building design process,"Yang, W., Li, Q.Y., Yang, L., Ren, J., Yang, X.Q.",,"Life-Cycle Analysis and Assessment in Civil Engineering: Towards an Integrated Vision - Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, IALCCE 2018",2019,Scopus,Early Stage Design,Design Process,,N, Comparative analysis of life cycle inventory databases for structural steel members,"Zygomalas, I., Efthymiou, E., Baniotopoulos, C.",,Proceedings: CESB 2010 Prague - Central Europe towards Sustainable Building 'From Theory to Practice',2010,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,N, Defining the building green process,"Bashford, Howard H, Robson, Kenneth F.",,ASCE Construction Congress Proceedings,1995,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,N, Design-integrated environmental performance feedback based on early-BIM,"Hollberg, A., Agustí-Juan, I., Lichtenheld, T., Klüber, N.",,"Life-Cycle Analysis and Assessment in Civil Engineering: Towards an Integrated Vision - Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, IALCCE 2018",2019,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,N, Development of RIBA sub-process to assist reduction of building life cycle impact: Integration of RIBA work stage with EU EIA legislation and ISO14040,"Loh, E., Dawood, N., Dean, J.",,IBPSA 2009 - International Building Performance Simulation Association 2009,2009,Scopus,Early Stage Design,Design Process,,N, Environmental performance of timber constructions located in highly utilised area - Based on realised buildings made of sawn timber or CLT,"Yeh, Y.-H., Chiao, C.-K.",,WCTE 2016 - World Conference on Timber Engineering,2016,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,N, Function-driven Investigation of Non-renewable Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Material Selection in Food Packaging Applications: Case Study of Yoghurt Packaging,"Aggarwal, A., Schmid, M., Patel, M.K., Langowski, H.-C.",,Procedia CIRP,2018,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,N, Implementing sustainability considerations in packaging design curricula,"Mulder-Nijkamp, Maaike(1); De Koeijer, Bjorn(1); Torn, Robbert-Jan(1)","(1) Department of Design, Production and Management, Faculty of Engineering Technology, University of Twente, Drienerlolaan 5, Enschede; 7522 NB, Netherlands",21st IAPRI World Conference on Packaging 2018 - Packaging: Driving a Sustainable Future,2019,Compendex,Early Stage Design,,,N, Informing packaging design decisions at Toyota Motor sales using life cycle assessment and costing,"Early, Claire(1); Kidman, Tim(1); Menvielle, Michelle(1); Geyer, Roland(1); McMullan, Ryan(1)","(1) Donald Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-5131, United States",Journal of Industrial Ecology,2009,Compendex,Early Stage Design,,,N, Integrated hybrid life cycle assessment and supply chain environmental profile evaluations of lead-based (lead zirconate titanate): Versus lead-free (potassium sodium niobate) piezoelectric ceramics,"Ibn-Mohammed, T.(1,2); Koh, S.C.L.(1,2); Reaney, I.M.(3); Acquaye, A.(4); Wang, D.(3); Taylor, S.(5); Genovese, A.(6)","(1) Centre for Energy, Environment and Sustainability, University of Sheffield, Sheffield; S10 1FL, United Kingdom; (2) Advanced Resource Efficiency Centre, University of Sheffield, Sheffield; S10 1FL, United Kingdom; (3) Departments of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Sheffield, Sheffield; S1 3JD, United Kingdom; (4) Kent Business School, University of Kent, Canterbury; CT2 7PE, United Kingdom; (5) School of Civil and Building Engineering, Loughborough University, Loughborough; LE11 3TU, United Kingdom; (6) Logistics and Supply Chain Management Research Centre, University of Sheffield, Sheffield; S10 1FL, United Kingdom",Energy and Environmental Science,2016,Compendex,Early Stage Design,,,N, "Integrating Building Information Modeling (BIM), energy analysis and simulation tools to conceptually design sustainable buildings","Jalaei, F., Jrade, A.",,"Proceedings, Annual Conference - Canadian Society for Civil Engineering",2013,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,N, Life cycle assessment of emerging environmental technologies in the early stage of development: A case study on nanostructured materials,"Bartolozzi, I., Daddi, T., Punta, C., Fiorati, A., Iraldo, F.",,Journal of Industrial Ecology,2019,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,N, Optimization parameter sets for sustainable concrete in tunnels,"Strömberg, L., Löfsjögård, M., Ansell, A., Hintze, S.",,ISEC 2019 - 10th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference,2019,Scopus,Early Stage Design,Design Process,,N, Resistance to transformation: Synthetic visual indicators to evaluate the environmental impact of building refurbishment through the use of BIM models,"Raimondi, A., Santucci, D.",,CESB 2016 - Central Europe Towards Sustainable Building 2016: Innovations for Sustainable Future,2016,Scopus,Early Stage Design,Design Process,,N, "Sustainability in the Design, Synthesis and Analysis of Chemical Engineering Processes","Ruiz-Mercado, Gerardo(1); Cabezas, Heriberto(1)","(1) US Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati; OH, United States","Sustainability in the Design, Synthesis and Analysis of Chemical Engineering Processes",2016,Compendex,Early Stage Design,Design Process,,N, THE adoption of LCA to assess sustainable building technologies in office buildings,"Dimitrokali, E., Hartungi, R., Howe, J.",,Proceedings: CESB 2010 Prague - Central Europe towards Sustainable Building 'From Theory to Practice',2010,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,N, "An integrated theoretical framework to enhance resource efficiency, sustainability and human health in agri-food systems","Horton, P., Koh, L., Guang, V.S.",,Journal of Cleaner Production,2016,Scopus,Iterative,,,N, Development and implementation of a lifecycle carbon tool for highway maintenance,"Itoya, E.(1); EL-Hamalawi, A.(2); Ison, S.G.(3); Frost, M.W.(2); Hazell, K.(1)","(1) Balfour Beatty Living Places Limited, Basingstoke; RG23 8BG, United Kingdom; (2) School of Civil and Building Engineering, Loughborough Univ., Loughborough; LE11 3TU, United Kingdom; (3) Transport Studies Group, School of Civil and Building Engineering, Loughborough Univ., Loughborough; LE11 3TU, United Kingdom",Journal of Transportation Engineering,2015,Compendex,Iterative,,,N, Environmental assessment of the maintenance of façade openings in dwellings - The Dutch case,"Blom, I.S., Itard, L.C.M.",,"Portugal SB 2007 - Sustainable Construction, Materials and Practices: Challenge of the Industry for the New Millennium",2007,Scopus,Iterative,,,N, Standard Guide for Environmental Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Building Materials/Products (Withdrawn 2014),,,ASTM International,2005,Compendex,Iterative,,,N, Standard Guide for Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Building Materials/Products,,,ASTM International,1998,Compendex,Iterative,,,N, Uncertainty in Environmental Assessment for the Built Environment,"Ries, R.",,"Contruction Research Congress, Winds of Change: Integration and Innovation in Construction, Proceedings of the Congress",2003,Scopus,Iterative,,,N, A diagnostic model for Green Productivity assessment of manufacturing processes,"Pineda-Henson, R., Culaba, A.B.",,International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment,2004,Scopus,Streamlin*,,,N, Development of a life cycle assessment (LCA) based decision-making tool for the assessment of building products,"Urie, A., Dagg, S.",,Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management,2004,Scopus,Streamlin*,,,N, Environmental relative burden index: A streamlined life cycle assessment method for facilities pollution prevention,"Dickerson, D.E.",,Journal of Green Building,2016,Scopus,Streamlin*,,,N, Integrating COSMO-Based σ-Profiles with Molecular and Thermodynamic Attributes to Predict the Life Cycle Environmental Impact of Chemicals,"Calvo-Serrano, Raul(1); González-Miquel, María(2,3); Guillén-Gosálbez, Gonzalo(1)","(1) Centre for Process Systems Engineering, Imperial College of Science, Technology, and Medicine, South Kensington Campus, Roderic Hill Building, London; SW7 2BY, United Kingdom; (2) Departamento de Ingeniería Química Industrial y Del Medioambiente, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Calle José Gutiérrez Abascal num. 2, Madrid; E-28006, Spain; (3) School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science, University of Manchester, Mill, Sackville Street, Manchester; M1 3AL, United Kingdom",ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering,2019,Compendex,Streamlin*,,,N, Life Cycle Evaluation of Factories: The Case of a Car Body Welding Line with Pneumatic Actuators,"Heinemann, Tim(1); Kaluza, Alexander(1); Thiede, Sebastian(1); Ditterich, Daniel(2); Linzbach, Johannes(2); Herrmann, Christoph(1)","(1) Institute for Machine Tools and Production, Technology, Chair of Sustainable Manufacturing- and Life-Cycle-Engineering, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany; (2) Festo AG and Co. KG, Esslingen, Germany",IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology,2014,Compendex,Streamlin*,,,N, The efficiency and risks of megaprojects in the Czech Republic,"Hromádka, V., Hanák, T., Korytárová, J., Vítková, E.",,"Advances in Civil Engineering and Building Materials IV - Selected and Peer Reviewed Papers from the 2014 4th International Conference on Civil Engineering and Building Materials, CEBM 2014",2015,Scopus,Streamlin*,,,N, The environmental sustainability of biogas production with small sized plant,"Collotta, M., Tomasoni, G.",,Energy Procedia,2017,Scopus,Streamlin*,,,N, A computer aided strategy for more sustainable products,"Russo, Davide(1)","(1) Industrial Engineering Department, University of Bergamo, Viale Marconi 5, Dalmine, BG 24044, Italy",IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology,2011,Compendex,Design Process,,,N, Economic and environmental constraints relevant to building aggregates beneficiation plants,"Badino, V., Blengini, G.A., Garbarino, E., Zavaglia, K.",,"Proceedings of the 20th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey, IMCET 2007",2007,Scopus,Streamlin*,,,N, (sic)COFFICE-LCC AND LCA AS PART OF THE INTEGRATED DESIGN APPROACH FOR A HIGH PERFORMANCE-LOW COST OFFICE BUILDING,"Delem, L; Decuypere, R; Dartevelle, O",,EXPANDING BOUNDARIES: SYSTEMS THINKING IN THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT,2016,Web of Science,Iterative,Design Process,,N, A life cycle assessment approach to improving the energy performance of housing: a case study,"Chok, CS; Crawford, RH",,LIVING AND LEARNING: RESEARCH FOR A BETTER BUILT ENVIRONMENT,2015,Web of Science,Streamlin*,,,N, Assessing the Uses of NLP-based Surrogate Models for Solving Expensive Multi-Objective Optimization Problems: Application to Potable Water Chains,"Capitanescu, F; Marvuglia, A; Benetto, E; Ahmadi, A; Tiruta-Barna, L",,PROCEEDINGS OF ENVIROINFO AND ICT FOR SUSTAINABILITY 2015,2015,Web of Science,Iterative,,,N, BIM-Based Life Cycle Assessment and Costing of Buildings: Current Trends and Opportunities,"Nwodo, MN; Anumba, CJ; Asadi, S",,"COMPUTING IN CIVIL ENGINEERING 2017: SMART SAFETY, SUSTAINABILITY, AND RESILIENCE",2017,Web of Science,Early Stage Design,Design Process,,N, Comparative Life cycle assessment: structural masonry of concrete and clay blocks,"Bueno, C; Rossignolo, JA; Ometto, AR",,INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT AND CONSTRUCTION: CIVIL ENGINEERING AND BUILDINGS,2012,Web of Science,Design Process,,,N, DECISION- MAKING FOR ENHANCING BUILDING SUSTAINABILITY THROUGH LIFE CYCLE - A REVIEW,"Rusu, D; Popescu, S",,ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS SERIES-APPLIED MATHEMATICS MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING,2018,Web of Science,Early Stage Design,,,N, Decision-making case study for retrofit of high-rise concrete buildings based on life cycle assessment scenarios,"Horvath, SE; Szalay, Z",,INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT AND CONSTRUCTION: CIVIL ENGINEERING AND BUILDINGS,2012,Web of Science,Design Process,,,N, ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF STEEL BUILDINGS,"Broniewicz, M",,EKONOMIA I SRODOWISKO-ECONOMICS AND ENVIRONMENT,2017,Web of Science,Design Process,,,N, Environmental Product Declarations: Use in the Architectural and Engineering Design Process to Support Sustainable Construction,"Burke, RD; Parrish, K; El Asmar, M",,JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT,2018,Web of Science,Design Process,,,N, Evaluation of design performance through regional environmental simulation,"Ries, R; Mahdavi, A",,"COMPUTER AIDED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN FUTURES 2001, PROCEEDINGS",2001,Web of Science,Design Process,,,N, Experience with life cycle assessment in woven textiles,"Kuusinen, T; Barker, R; Alexander, D",,1997 NONWOVENS CONFERENCE,1997,Web of Science,Streamlin*,,,N, Genetic multi criteria optimization for existing buildings holistic retrofit,"Rivallain, M; Baverel, O; Peuportier, B",,INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT AND CONSTRUCTION: CIVIL ENGINEERING AND BUILDINGS,2012,Web of Science,Early Stage Design,,,N, Improve Environmental and Economic Performance with Streamlined Life Cycle Assessment (SLCA),"Shatkin, J; Larsen, W",,"NANOTECHNOLOGY 2011: ADVANCED MATERIALS, CNTS, PARTICLES, FILMS AND COMPOSITES, NSTI-NANOTECH 2011, VOL 1",2011,Web of Science,Streamlin*,,,N, Integration of environmental criteria in early stages of digital fabrication,"Agusti-Juan, I; Hollberg, A; Habert, G",,"ECAADE 2017: SHARING OF COMPUTABLE KNOWLEDGE! (SHOCK!), VOL 2",2017,Web of Science,Early Stage Design,Design Process,,N, Life cycle design principles for the architecture and planning professions,"Fisk, P; MacMath, R; Vittori, G",,PROCEEDINGS OF THE 21ST NATIONAL PASSIVE SOLAR CONFERENCE,1996,Web of Science,Design Process,,,N, MANAGEMENT OF USER AND STAKEHOLDER INTERESTS IN MULTI CRITERIA ASSESSMENTS,"Kreiner, H; Passer, A",,EXPANDING BOUNDARIES: SYSTEMS THINKING IN THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT,2016,Web of Science,Early Stage Design,,,N, Product features that influence the end of a building,"Guequierre, NMJ; Kristinsson, J",,"DURABILITY OF BUILDING MATERIALS AND COMPONENTS 8, VOLS 1-4, PROCEEDINGS",1999,Web of Science,Design Process,,,N, "Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Process towards Sustainable Construction Management Development for the Electrical, Automation and Mechanical Engineering Construction Industries Business excellence achievements","Iyer, VG",,"PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2018 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL, AUTOMATION AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (EAME 2018)",2018,Web of Science,Early Stage Design,,,N, Sustainability principles for product design,"Shaw, MA",,DESIGN AND MANUFACTURE FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 2003,2003,Web of Science,Design Process,,,N, "Sustainable constructions, environmental impacts","Moreno, LMV",,NODO,2019,Web of Science,Design Process,,,N, THE ENVIRONMENTAL RELEVANCE OF THE CONST RUCTION AND END-OFLIFE PHASES OF A BUILDING: A TEMPORARY STRUCTURE LCA CASE STUDY,"Arrigoni, A; Collatina, D; Zucchinelli, M; Dotelli, G",,EXPANDING BOUNDARIES: SYSTEMS THINKING IN THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT,2016,Web of Science,Early Stage Design,,,N, The Role of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Development and Application,"Fava, JA; Smerek, A; Heinrich, AB; Morrison, L",,BACKGROUND AND FUTURE PROSPECTS IN LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT,2014,Web of Science,Streamlin*,,,N, Towards the definition of specialized vessels' model,"Luglietti, R; Wurst, S; Sassanelli, C; Terzi, S; Martin, CM",,"2018 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION (ICE/ITMC)",2018,Web of Science,Early Stage Design,,,N, "Using life cycle assessment to reduce the energy use and global warming impacts of a detached house in Melbourne, Australia","Bagley, S; Crawford, RH",,LIVING AND LEARNING: RESEARCH FOR A BETTER BUILT ENVIRONMENT,2015,Web of Science,Streamlin*,,,N, Comparative overview on LCA software programs for application in the façade design process,"Bach, R., Mohtashami, N., Hildebrand, L.",,Journal of Facade Design and Engineering,2019,Scopus,Design Process,,,Y,Building Assembly Sustainable design for reinforced concrete columns through embodied energy and CO2emission optimization,"Yoon, Young-Cheol(1); Kim, Kyeong-Hwan(2); Lee, Sang-Ho(2); Yeo, Donghun(3)","(1) Department of Civil Engineering, Myongji College, Seoul; 120-776, Korea, Republic of; (2) Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul; 120-749, Korea, Republic of; (3) Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Maryland at Baltimore County, Baltimore; MD; 21250, United States",Energy and Buildings,2018,Compendex,Design Process,,,Y,Building Assembly Toward the reduction of environmental impacts of temporary event structures,"Fumeaux, L., Rey, E.",,Procedia Engineering,2014,Scopus,Design Process,,,Y,Building Assembly A simplified tool to evaluate the sustainability of buildings in steel in early stages of design,"Santos, P., Gervásio, H., Da Silva, L.S.",,Materiaux et Techniques,2016,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Building Assembly An Investigation into the Role of the Building Structure on Energy Use & CO2 Emissions over the Life Cycle of a Medium-Rise Residential Building,"Nolan, Thomas(1); Doyle-Kent, Mary(2)","(1) Waterford Institute of Technology, Cork Road, Waterford City, Ireland; (2) School of Engineering and the Built Environment, Ireland",IFAC-PapersOnLine,2018,Compendex,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Building Assembly Application of building design strategies to create an environmentally friendly building envelope for nearly zero-energy buildings in the central European climate,"Volf, M., Lupíšek, A., Bureš, M., Nováček, J., Hejtmánek, P., Tywoniak, J.",,Energy and Buildings,2018,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Building Assembly BIM enabled optimisation framework for environmentally responsible and structurally efficient design systems,"Eleftheriadis, S., Mumovic, D., Greening, P., Chronis, A.",,"32nd International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction and Mining: Connected to the Future, Proceedings",2015,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Building Assembly Comparing the embodied energy of structural systems in buildings,"Griffin, C.T., Reed, B., Hsu, S.",,"Structures and Architecture - Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Structures and Architecture, ICSA 2010",2010,Scopus,Early Stage Design,Design Process,,Y,Building Assembly Environmental Impact Profiles for Glazing Systems: Strategies for Early Design Process,"Taghizade, K., Heidari, A., Noorzai, E.",,Journal of Architectural Engineering,2019,Scopus,Early Stage Design,Design Process,,Y,Building Assembly Environmental Performance of Advanced Window Systems in Patient Rooms,"Eisazadeh, N., Allacker, K.",,Procedia CIRP,2018,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Building Assembly LCA profiles for building components: Strategies for the early design process,"Marsh, R.",,Building Research and Information,2016,Scopus,Early Stage Design,Design Process,,Y,Building Assembly Lifetime performance of semi-transparent building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) glazing systems in the tropics,"Ng, P.K., Mithraratne, N.",,Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,2014,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Building Assembly Multi-objective building envelope optimization for life-cycle cost and global warming potential,"Flager, F., Basbagill, J., Lepech, M., Fischer, M.",,"eWork and eBusiness in Architecture, Engineering and Construction - Proceedings of the European Conference on Product and Process Modelling 2012, ECPPM 2012",2012,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Building Assembly Sustainable material selection for building enclosure through ANP method,"Mahmoudkelaye, S., Taghizade Azari, K., Pourvaziri, M., Asadian, E.",,Case Studies in Construction Materials,2018,Scopus,Early Stage Design,Design Process,,Y,Building Assembly "Why method matters: Temporal, spatial and physical variations in LCA and their impact on choice of structural system","Moncaster, A.M., Pomponi, F., Symons, K.E., Guthrie, P.M.",,Energy and Buildings,2018,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Building Assembly Structured Under-Specification of Life Cycle Impact Assessment Data for Building Assemblies,"Tecchio, P., Gregory, J., Ghattas, R., Kirchain, R.",,Journal of Industrial Ecology,2019,Scopus,Streamlin*,Design Process,,Y,Building Assembly Designing pedagogy with emerging sustainable technologies,"Lockrey, Simon(1); Bissett Johnson, Katherine(2)","(1) RMIT University, Centre for Design, Building 15, 124 La Trobe Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia; (2) Swinburne University, Faculty of Design, PU Building, 144 High Street, Prahran, VIC 3181, Australia",Journal of Cleaner Production,2013,Compendex,Design Process,,,Y,Not Building Related Eco-innovation of a wooden childhood furniture set: An example of environmental solutions in the wood sector,"González-García, Sara(1,2); García Lozano, Raúl(3); Moreira, Ma. Teresa(1); Gabarrell, Xavier(3); Rieradevall i Pons, Joan(3); Feijoo, Gumersindo(1); Murphy, Richard J.(2)","(1) Department of Chemical Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Santiago de Compostela, 15782-Santiago de Compostela, Spain; (2) Division of Biology, Department of Life Sciences, Sir Alexander Fleming Building, Imperial College of London, South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom; (3) SosteniPrA (UAB-IRTA-Inèdit), Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), School of Engineering, Campus de la UAB, Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Valles), 08193 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain",Science of the Total Environment,2012,Compendex,Design Process,,,Y,Not Building Related Life Cycle Assessment of residential streets from the perspective of favoring the human scale and reducing motorized traffic flow. From cradle to handover approach,"Gámez-García, Diana C.(1); Saldaña-Márquez, Héctor(1); Gómez-Soberón, José M.(2); Corral-Higuera, Ramón(3); Arredondo-Rea, Susana P.(3)","(1) Barcelona School of Architecture, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, 649 Diagonal Avenue, Barcelona; 08028, Spain; (2) Barcelona School of Building Construction, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, 44-50 Doctor Marañón Avenue, Barcelona; 08028, Spain; (3) Mochis Faculty of Engineering, Autonomous University of Sinaloa, no number Fuente de Poseidón y Ángel Flores, Los Mochis; 81210, Mexico",Sustainable Cities and Society,2019,Compendex,Design Process,,,Y,Not Building Related Bridging the Gap from Pilot Plant Experimental Records to Life Cycle Inventory,"Zhou, Y., Lee, C.K., Sharratt, P.",,Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2017,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Not Building Related Combining LCA and RA for the integrated risk management of emerging technologies,"Breedveld, L.",,Journal of Risk Research,2013,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Not Building Related Cradle-to-gate assessment of environmental impacts for a broad set of biomass-to-product process chains,"Karka, P., Papadokonstantakis, S., Kokossis, A.",,International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment,2017,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Not Building Related Environmental life cycle assessment of bridges,"Hammervold, J., Reenaas, M., Brattebø, H.",,Journal of Bridge Engineering,2013,Scopus,Early Stage Design,Design Process,,Y,Not Building Related Implementation of an object-oriented life cycle assessment framework using functional analysis and systems engineering principles,"Gadre, Shantanu(1); Esterman, Marcos(1); Thorn, Brian K.(1)","(1) Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester; NY, United States",Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference,2017,Compendex,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Not Building Related Introducing sustainable design principles in freshman civil engineering design,"Price, Jennifer Mueller(1); Aidoo, John(1)","(1) Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, United States","ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings",2013,Compendex,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Not Building Related Life cycle assessment as a decision support tool for bridge procurement: environmental impact comparison among five bridge designs,"Du, G., Safi, M., Pettersson, L., Karoumi, R.",,International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment,2014,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Not Building Related Life cycle assessment for the green procurement of roads: A way forward,"Butt, Ali Azhar(1); Toller, Susanna(2); Birgisson, Björn(1)","(1) Division of Highway and Railway Engineering, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm; SE-10044, Sweden; (2) Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket), Sweden",Journal of Cleaner Production,2015,Compendex,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Not Building Related Customizing CO2 allocation using a new non-iterative method to reflect operational constraints in complex EU refineries,"Gordillo, V., Rankovic, N., Abdul-Manan, A.F.N.",,International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment,2018,Scopus,Iterative,,,Y,Not Building Related Designing environmentally sustainable computer systems using networks of exergo-thermo-volume building blocks,"Shah, A., Patel, C., Bash, C.",,"Proceedings of the ASME InterPack Conference 2009, IPACK2009",2010,Scopus,Iterative,,,Y,Not Building Related Ecodesign framework for developing wind turbines,"Bonou, A., Skelton, K., Olsen, S.I.",,Journal of Cleaner Production,2016,Scopus,Iterative,,,Y,Not Building Related Green evaluation of microwave-assisted leaching process of high titanium slag on life cycle assessment,"Chen, Guo(1); Chen, Jin(1); Peng, Jin-Hui(1); Wan, Run-Dong(1)","(1) Faculty of Metallurgical and Energy Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650093, China",Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China (English Edition),2010,Compendex,Iterative,,,Y,Not Building Related Screening LCA of torrent control structures in Austria,"Paratscha, R., von der Thannen, M., Smutny, R., Lampalzer, T., Strauss, A., Rauch, H.P.",,International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment,2019,Scopus,Iterative,,,Y,Not Building Related A data-driven approach for improving sustainability assessment in advanced manufacturing,"Li, Y., Zhang, H., Roy, U., Lee, Y.T.",,"Proceedings - 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Big Data 2017",2017,Scopus,Streamlin*,,,Y,Not Building Related Carbon footprint and embodied energy assessment of a civil works program in a residential estate of Western Australia,"Biswas, W.K.",,International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment,2014,Scopus,Streamlin*,,,Y,Not Building Related "Development of a streamlined, environmental life-cycle analysis matrix for facilities","Weinberg, Laurence",,IEEE International Symposium on Electronics & the Environment,1998,Scopus,Streamlin*,,,Y,Not Building Related Hybrid life-cycle inventory for road construction and use,"Treloar, Graham J.(1); Love, Peter E.D.(2); Crawford, Robert H.(1)","(1) Built Environment Research Group, School of Architecture and Building, Deakin Univ., Geelong 3217, Australia; (2) Sch. of Mgmt. Information Systems, Edith Cowan Univ., Perth, Australia",Journal of Construction Engineering and Management,2004,Compendex,Streamlin*,,,Y,Not Building Related "Implementation of life cycle management practices in a cluster of companies in Bogota, Colombia","Moreno, O.A.V., Swarr, T.E., Asselin, A.-C., Milà i Canals, L., Colley, T., Valdivia, S.",,International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment,2015,Scopus,Streamlin*,,,Y,Not Building Related Incorporating the impacts of climate change into infrastructure life cycle assessments: A case study of pavement service life performance,"Guest, G., Zhang, J., Maadani, O., Shirkhani, H.",,Journal of Industrial Ecology,2019,Scopus,Streamlin*,,,Y,Not Building Related On the possibilities to apply the result from an LCA disclosed to public,"Erlandsson, M., Lindfors, L.-G.",,International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment,2003,Scopus,Streamlin*,,,Y,Not Building Related Streamlined Life Cycle Assessment under Uncertainty Integrating a Network of the Petrochemical Industry and Optimization Techniques: Ecoinvent vs Mathematical Modeling,"Calvo-Serrano, R., Guillén-Gosálbez, G.",,ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering,2018,Scopus,Streamlin*,,,Y,Not Building Related Streamlined life cycle assessment: A case study on tablets and integrated circuits,"Alcaraz, Maria L.(1,3); Noshadravan, Arash(2,4); Zgola, Melissa(2,5); Kirchain, Randolph E.(2); Olivetti, Elsa A.(1)","(1) Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge; MA; 02139, United States; (2) Materials Systems Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge; MA; 02139, United States; (3) Technology and Policy Program, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge; MA; 02139, United States; (4) Zachry Department of Civil Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station; TX; 77843, United States; (5) 240 Commercial St. Suite 3B, Boston; MA; 02109, United States",Journal of Cleaner Production,2018,Compendex,Streamlin*,,,Y,Not Building Related Using a streamlined life-cycle analysis matrix to structure a design for the environment program for a complex defense system,"Thomas, L.M.(1); Weinberg, L.(1)","(1) Boeing Co, Seattle, United States",IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment,1999,Compendex,Streamlin*,Design Process,,Y,Not Building Related Environmental and spatial assessment for the ecodesign of a cladding system with embedded Phase Change Materials,"Baldassarri, C., Sala, S., Caverzan, A., Lamperti Tornaghi, M.",,Energy and Buildings,2017,Scopus,Design Process,,,Y,Single Material Life cycle assessment (LCA) of wood-based building materials,"Sathre, R., González-García, S.",,"Eco-Efficient Construction and Building Materials: Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Eco-Labelling and Case Studies",2013,Scopus,Design Process,,,Y,Single Material Integration of life cycle assessment in the design of hollow silica nanospheres for thermal insulation applications,"Schlanbusch, R.D., Jelle, B.P., Christie Sandberg, L.I., Fufa, S.M., Gao, T.",,Building and Environment,2014,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Single Material "Investigating the energy efficiency, environmental and daylighting performance of coated glazing","Eisazadeh, N., Allacker, K., de Troyer, F.",,"Challenging Glass 6: Conference on Architectural and Structural Applications of Glass, CGC 2018 - Proceedings",2018,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Single Material Nano insulation materials: Synthesis and life cycle assessment,"Gao, Tao(1); Sandberg, Linn Ingunn C.(2); Jelle, Bjørn Petter(2,3)","(1) Department of Architectural Design, History and Technology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway; (2) Department of Civil and Transport Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway; (3) Department of Materials and Structures, SINTEF Building and Infrastructure, NO-7465 Trondheim, Norway",Procedia CIRP,2014,Compendex,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Single Material An integrated design approach to the development of a vegetal-based thermal plaster for the energy retrofit of buildings,"Carbonaro, C., Tedesco, S., Thiebat, F., Fantucci, S., Serra, V., Dutto, M.",,Energy and Buildings,2016,Scopus,Iterative,,,Y,Single Material Development of vegetal based thermal plasters with low environmental impact: Optimization process through an integrated approach,"Carbonaro, C., Tedesco, S., Thiebat, F., Fantucci, S., Serra, V., Dutto, M.",,Energy Procedia,2015,Scopus,Iterative,,,Y,Single Material Life cycle assessment on energy consumption of building materials production,"Zhang, X., Wang, J., Huang, Z.",,"IAQVEC 2007 Proceedings - 6th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings: Sustainable Built Environment",2007,Scopus,Iterative,,,Y,Single Material Integration of LCA in R&D by applying the concept of payback period: case study of a modified multilayer wood parquet,"Hesser, F., Wohner, B., Meints, T., Stern, T., Windsperger, A.",,International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment,2017,Scopus,Streamlin*,,,Y,Single Material Streamlined life cycle assessment of an innovative bio-based material in construction: A case study of a phase change material panel,"Heidari, M.D., Mathis, D., Blanchet, P., Amor, B.",,Forests,2019,Scopus,Streamlin*,Early Stage Design,,Y,Single Material Streamlined life cycle assessment of transparent silica aerogel made by supercritical drying,"Dowson, M., Grogan, M., Birks, T., Harrison, D., Craig, S.",,Applied Energy,2012,Scopus,Streamlin*,,,Y,Single Material A BIM-based method for analyzing the trade-off between embodied and operational energy,"Shadram, F., Mukkavaara, J., Schade, J., Sandberg, M., Olofsson, T.",,ICCREM 2017: Industry Regulation and Sustainable Development - Proceedings of the International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management 2017,2017,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Whole Building Challenges for Model-Based Life Cycle Inventories and Impact Assessment in Early to Basic Process Design Stages,"Papadokonstantakis, S., Karka, P., Kikuchi, Y., Kokossis, A.",,"Sustainability in the Design, Synthesis and Analysis of Chemical Engineering Processes",2016,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Whole Building A computer-based LCA tool for sustainable building design,"Azmy, A.M.",,"Proceedings - 3rd International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering, DeSE 2010",2010,Scopus,Design Process,,,Y,Whole Building A cross-platform modular framework for building Life Cycle Assessment,"Kiss, B., Röck, M., Passer, A., Szalay, Z.",,IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2019,Scopus,Design Process,,,Y,Whole Building A multi-objective feedback approach for evaluating sequential conceptual building design decisions,"Basbagill, J.P., Flager, F.L., Lepech, M.",,Automation in Construction,2014,Scopus,Design Process,,,Y,Whole Building "A nZEB housing structure derived from end of life containers: Energy, lighting and life cycle assessment","Schiavoni, S., Sambuco, S., Rotili, A., D’Alessandro, F., Fantauzzi, F.",,Building Simulation,2017,Scopus,Design Process,,,Y,Whole Building A Sustainable Structural Design method to analyse structural and environmental performances of a building,"Tsimplokoukou, K., Lamperti Tornaghi, M., Negro, P.",,"IABSE Conference, Geneva 2015: Structural Engineering: Providing Solutions to Global Challenges - Report",2015,Scopus,Design Process,,,Y,Whole Building A top-down approach for implementation of Environmental Product Declarations in Mexico’s housing sector,"Arvizu-Piña, V.A., Cuchí-Burgos, A., Barrera-Alarcón, I.G.",,International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment,2019,Scopus,Design Process,,,Y,Whole Building "Additive construction: State-of-the-art, challenges and opportunities","Labonnote, N., Rønnquist, A., Manum, B., Rüther, P.",,Automation in Construction,2016,Scopus,Design Process,,,Y,Whole Building An analytical method for evaluating and visualizing embodied carbon emissions of buildings,"Resch, Eirik(1,2); Lausselet, Carine(3); Brattebø, Helge(3); Andresen, Inger(1)","(1) Department of Architecture and Technology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway; (2) Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark; (3) Industrial Ecology Programme, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway",Building and Environment,2020,Compendex,Design Process,,,Y,Whole Building An integrated BIM-based framework for minimizing embodied energy during building design,"Shadram, F., Johansson, T.D., Lu, W., Schade, J., Olofsson, T.",,Energy and Buildings,2016,Scopus,Design Process,,,Y,Whole Building "Assessing the environmental performance of buildings: trends, lessons and tensions","Lützkendorf, T.",,Building Research and Information,2018,Scopus,Design Process,,,Y,Whole Building Challenges in evaluating strategies for reducing a building's environmental impact through Integrated Design,"Leoto, R., Lizarralde, G.",,Building and Environment,2019,Scopus,Design Process,,,Y,Whole Building Comparative assessment of shape related cross-laminated timber building typologies focusing on environmental performance,"Leskovar, V.Ž., Žigart, M., Premrov, M., Lukman, R.K.",,Journal of Cleaner Production,2019,Scopus,Design Process,,,Y,Whole Building Comparison of different accuracy in a building life cycle assessment: A case study on the three different accuracy of inventory,"Takano, A., Kuittinen, M.",,CESB 2013 PRAGUE - Central Europe Towards Sustainable Building 2013: Sustainable Building and Refurbishment for Next Generations,2013,Scopus,Design Process,,,Y,Whole Building Comparison of survey and numerical sensitivity analysis results to assess the role of life cycle analyses from building designers' perspectives,"Han, G., Srebric, J.",,Energy and Buildings,2015,Scopus,Design Process,,,Y,Whole Building Data centre sustainability – Beyond energy efficiency,"Flucker, S., Tozer, R., Whitehead, B.",,Building Services Engineering Research and Technology,2018,Scopus,Design Process,,,Y,Whole Building Evaluation of BIM-based LCA results for building design,"Hollberg, A., Genova, G., Habert, G.",,Automation in Construction,2020,Scopus,Design Process,,,Y,Whole Building IEA EBC annex 57 ‘evaluation of embodied energy and CO2eq for building construction’,"Birgisdottir, H., Moncaster, A., Wiberg, A.H., Chae, C., Yokoyama, K., Balouktsi, M., Seo, S., Oka, T., Lützkendorf, T., Malmqvist, T.",,Energy and Buildings,2017,Scopus,Design Process,,,Y,Whole Building Improving the Uptake of Hybrid Life Cycle Assessment in the Construction Industry,"Bontinck, P.-A., Crawford, R.H., Stephan, A.",,Procedia Engineering,2017,Scopus,Design Process,,,Y,Whole Building Integrated LCA-LEED sustainability assessment model for structure and envelope systems of school buildings,"Alshamrani, O.S., Galal, K., Alkass, S.",,Building and Environment,2014,Scopus,Design Process,,,Y,Whole Building Integrated life-cycle analysis,"Kohler, N., Lützkendorf, T.",,Building Research and Information,2002,Scopus,Design Process,,,Y,Whole Building LCA and LCC as decision-making tools for a sustainable circular building process,"Giorgi, S., Lavagna, M., Campioli, A.",,IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2019,Scopus,Design Process,,,Y,Whole Building LCA in architectural design—a parametric approach,"Hollberg, A., Ruth, J.",,International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment,2016,Scopus,Design Process,,,Y,Whole Building Life cycle assessment data structure for building information modelling,"Cavalliere, C., Dell'Osso, G.R., Pierucci, A., Iannone, F.",,Journal of Cleaner Production,2018,Scopus,Design Process,,,Y,Whole Building "Life cycle assessment for Zero Emission Buildings - A chronology of the development of a visual, dynamic and integrated approach","Wiberg, A.H., Wiik, M.K., Auklend, H., Slake, M.L., Tuncer, Z., Manni, M., Ceci, G., Hofmeister, T.",,IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2019,Scopus,Design Process,,,Y,Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment of a tourism resort with renewable materials and traditional construction techniques,"König, H., Schmidberger, E., De Cristofaro, L.",,"Portugal SB 2007 - Sustainable Construction, Materials and Practices: Challenge of the Industry for the New Millennium",2007,Scopus,Design Process,,,Y,Whole Building Life cycle ghg emissions of material use in the Living Laboratory,"Inman, M.R., Houlihan Wiberg, A.A.-M.",,CESB 2016 - Central Europe Towards Sustainable Building 2016: Innovations for Sustainable Future,2016,Scopus,Design Process,,,Y,Whole Building Overview of Whole Building Life-Cycle Assessment for Green Building Certification and Ecodesign through Industry Surveys and Interviews,"Bruce-Hyrkäs, T., Pasanen, P., Castro, R.",,Procedia CIRP,2018,Scopus,Design Process,,,Y,Whole Building Reducing embodied carbon during the design process of buildings,"Häkkinen, T., Kuittinen, M., Ruuska, A., Jung, N.",,Journal of Building Engineering,2015,Scopus,Design Process,,,Y,Whole Building Sustainable construction approach through integration of LCA and BIM tools,"Díaz, J., Antön, L.Á.",,Computing in Civil and Building Engineering - Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering,2014,Scopus,Design Process,,,Y,Whole Building Top-down or bottom-up? – How environmental benchmarks can support the design process,"Hollberg, A., Lützkendorf, T., Habert, G.",,Building and Environment,2019,Scopus,Design Process,,,Y,Whole Building Using a budget approach for decision-support in the design process,"Hollberg, A., Lützkendorf, T., Habert, G.",,IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2019,Scopus,Design Process,,,Y,Whole Building A case-based study on the use of life cycle assessment and life cycle costing in the building industry,"Collin, C., Olesen, G.G.H., Qvist Secher, A.",,IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2019,Scopus,Early Stage Design,Design Process,,Y,Whole Building A comparative life cycle assessment of tall buildings with alternative structural systems: Wood vs. Concrete,"Abolghassem Tehrani, M., Froese, T.M.",,6th CSCE-CRC International Construction Specialty Conference 2017 - Held as Part of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Annual Conference and General Meeting 2017,2017,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Whole Building A design integrated parametric tool for real-time Life Cycle Assessment - Bombyx project,"Basic, S., Hollberg, A., Galimshina, A., Habert, G.",,IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2019,Scopus,Early Stage Design,Design Process,,Y,Whole Building A hybrid life cycle assessment of embodied energy and carbon emissions from conventional and industrialised building systems in Malaysia,"Wan Omar, W.M.S.",,Energy and Buildings,2018,Scopus,Early Stage Design,Design Process,,Y,Whole Building A new systemic approach to improve the sustainability performance of office buildings in the early design stage,"Kreiner, H., Passer, A., Wallbaum, H.",,Energy and Buildings,2015,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Whole Building An analysis to understand how the shape of a concrete residential building influences its embodied energy and embodied carbon,"Lotteau, M., Loubet, P., Sonnemann, G.",,Energy and Buildings,2017,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Whole Building An integrative approach for embodied energy: Towards an LCA-based data-driven design method,"Jusselme, T., Rey, E., Andersen, M.",,Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,2018,Scopus,Early Stage Design,Iterative,Design Process,Y,Whole Building "Application of ""element""-Method in Sustainability Assessment","Lützkendorf, T.",,IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2019,Scopus,Early Stage Design,Design Process,,Y,Whole Building Application of life-cycle assessment to early stage building design for reduced embodied environmental impacts,"Basbagill, J., Flager, F., Lepech, M., Fischer, M.",,Building and Environment,2013,Scopus,Early Stage Design,Design Process,,Y,Whole Building Application of the Life Cycle Analysis and the Building Information Modelling Software in the Architectural Climate Change-Oriented Design Process,"Gradziński, P.",,IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering,2017,Scopus,Early Stage Design,Design Process,,Y,Whole Building BIM-Based LCA Method to Analyze Envelope Alternatives of Single-Family Houses: Case Study in Uruguay,"Soust-Verdaguer, B., Llatas, C., García-Martínez, A., Gómez De Cózar, J.C.",,Journal of Architectural Engineering,2018,Scopus,Early Stage Design,Design Process,,Y,Whole Building Building design-space exploration through quasi-optimization of life cycle impacts and costs,"Hester, J., Gregory, J., Ulm, F.-J., Kirchain, R.",,Building and Environment,2018,Scopus,Early Stage Design,Iterative,Design Process,Y,Whole Building Building information modelling (BIM) based CO2emissions assessment in the early design stage,"Oh, M.-S., Na, S.",,International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology,2017,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Whole Building Capital project planning for a circular economy,"Sanchez, B., Haas, C.",,Construction Management and Economics,2018,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Whole Building Climate change influence on building lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions: Case study of a UK mixed-use development,"Williams, David(1,2); Elghali, Lucia(1); Wheeler, Russel(2); France, Chris(1)","(1) Centre for Environmental Strategy, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey GU2 7XH, United Kingdom; (2) Parsons Brinckerhoff, Westbrook Mills, Godalming, Surrey GU7 2AZ, United Kingdom",Energy and Buildings,2012,Compendex,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Whole Building Comparative analysis between a complete LCA study and results from a BIM-LCA plug-in,"Bueno, C., Fabricio, M.M.",,Automation in Construction,2018,Scopus,Early Stage Design,Design Process,,y,Whole Building "Comparison of regression models for estimation of carbon emissions during building's lifecycle using designing factors: a case study of residential buildings in Tianjin, China","Xikai, M., Lixiong, W., Jiwei, L., Xiaoli, Q., Tongyao, W.",,Energy and Buildings,2019,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Whole Building Consistent BIM-led LCA during the entire building design process,"Cavalliere, C., Hollberg, A., Dell'Osso, G.R., Habert, G.",,IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2019,Scopus,Early Stage Design,Design Process,,Y,Whole Building Continuous BIM-based assessment of embodied environmental impacts throughout the design process,"Cavalliere, C., Habert, G., Dell'Osso, G.R., Hollberg, A.",,Journal of Cleaner Production,2019,Scopus,Early Stage Design,Design Process,,Y,Whole Building Critical review of bim-based LCA method to buildings,"Soust-Verdaguer, B., Llatas, C., García-Martínez, A.",,Energy and Buildings,2017,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Whole Building Development of an Automated Tool for Buildings' Sustainability Assessment in Early Design Stage,"Kumanayake, R., Luo, H.",,Procedia Engineering,2017,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Whole Building Early Design Stage Building LCA using the LCAbyg tool: Comparing Cases for Early Stage and Detailed LCA Approaches,"Kjaer Zimmermann, R., Kanafani, K., Nygaard Rasmussen, F., Birgisdóttir, H.",,IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2019,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Whole Building Early Design Stage Building LCA using the LCAbyg Tool: New Strategies for Bridging the Data Gap,"Kanafani, K., Kjaer Zimmermann, R., Nygaard Rasmussen, F., Birgisdóttir, H.",,IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2019,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Whole Building Economic-environmental indicators to support investment decisions: A focus on the buildings' end-of-life stage,"Fregonara, E., Giordano, R., Ferrando, D.G., Pattono, S.",,Buildings,2017,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Whole Building Evaluation of BIM based LCA in early design phase (low LOD) of buildings,"Nilsen, M., Bohne, R.A.",,IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2019,Scopus,Early Stage Design,Design Process,,Y,Whole Building Green Building Rating Systems and Whole-Building Life Cycle Assessment: Comparative Study of the Existing Assessment Tools,"Al-Ghamdi, S.G., Bilec, M.M.",,Journal of Architectural Engineering,2017,Scopus,Early Stage Design,Design Process,,Y,Whole Building Improving life cycle-based exploration methods by coupling sensitivity analysis and metamodels,"Duprez, S., Fouquet, M., Herreros, Q., Jusselme, T.",,Sustainable Cities and Society,2019,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Whole Building Integrating building information modeling (BIM) with sustainable universal design strategies to evaluate the costs and benefits of building projects,"Alsayyar, B., Jrade, A.",,"Proceedings, Annual Conference - Canadian Society for Civil Engineering",2017,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Whole Building Integrating building information modeling and life cycle assessment in the early and detailed building design stages,"Rezaei, F., Bulle, C., Lesage, P.",,Building and Environment,2019,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Whole Building Integration of BIM and LCA: Evaluating the environmental impacts of building materials at an early stage of designing a typical office building,"Najjar, M., Figueiredo, K., Palumbo, M., Haddad, A.",,Journal of Building Engineering,2017,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Whole Building Integration of life cycle assessment in a BIM environment,"Antón, L.A., Díaz, J.",,Procedia Engineering,2014,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Whole Building Investigation of leveraging BIM standards to facilitate sustainability evaluations from early stages of design,"Ramaji, I.J., Gultekin-Bicer, P., Crowley, R.W., Lambert, J.D.",,"Congress on Computing in Civil Engineering, Proceedings",2017,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Whole Building LCA and BIM: Visualization of environmental potentials in building construction at early design stages,"Röck, M., Hollberg, A., Habert, G., Passer, A.",,Building and Environment,2018,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Whole Building LCA benchmarks for decision-makers adapted to the early design stages of new buildings,"Hollberg, A., Vogel, P., Habert, G.",,"Life-Cycle Analysis and Assessment in Civil Engineering: Towards an Integrated Vision - Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, IALCCE 2018",2019,Scopus,Early Stage Design,Design Process,,Y,Whole Building Life cycle assessment and environmental-based choices at the early design stages: an application using building information modelling,"Bueno, C., Pereira, L.M., Fabricio, M.M.",,Architectural Engineering and Design Management,2018,Scopus,Early Stage Design,Design Process,,Y,Whole Building "Life cycle assessment of energy conservation measures during early stage office building design: A case study in London, UK","Azzouz, A., Borchers, M., Moreira, J., Mavrogianni, A.",,Energy and Buildings,2017,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Whole Building Measuring the impact of dynamic life cycle performance feedback on conceptual building design,"Basbagill, J.P., Flager, F., Lepech, M.",,Journal of Cleaner Production,2017,Scopus,Early Stage Design,Design Process,,Y,Whole Building Method and application of characterisation of life cycle impact data of construction materials using geographic information systems,"Zea Escamilla, E., Habert, G.",,International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment,2017,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Whole Building Modeling of fuzziness in life cycle assessment LCA of buildings [Modellierung von Unschärfe in Ökobilanzen von Bauwerken],"Ströbele, B.",,Bauphysik,2016,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Whole Building Operational carbon footprint prediction model for conventional tropical housing: a Malaysian prospective,"Gardezi, S.S.S., Shafiq, N.",,International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology,2019,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Whole Building Parametric design to minimize the embodied GHG emissions in a ZEB,"Lobaccaro, G., Wiberg, A.H., Ceci, G., Manni, M., Lolli, N., Berardi, U.",,Energy and Buildings,2018,Scopus,Early Stage Design,Iterative,Design Process,Y,Whole Building Probabilistic LCA and LCC to identify robust and reliable renovation strategies,"Galimshina, A., Hollberg, A., Moustapha, M., Sudret, B., Favre, D., Padey, P., Lasvaux, S., Habert, G.",,IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2019,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Whole Building Requirements for applying LCA-based environmental impact assessment tools in the early stages of building design,"Meex, E., Hollberg, A., Knapen, E., Hildebrand, L., Verbeeck, G.",,Building and Environment,2018,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Whole Building Review and mapping of parameters for the early stage design of adaptive building technologies through life cycle assessment tools,"Battisti, A., Persiani, S.G.L., Crespi, M.",,Energies,2019,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Whole Building Scrutinising embodied carbon in buildings: The next performance gap made manifest,"Pomponi, F., Moncaster, A.",,Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,2018,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Whole Building Surveying the environmental life-cycle performance assessments: Practice and context at early building design stages,"Jusselme, T., Rey, E., Andersen, M.",,Sustainable Cities and Society,2020,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Whole Building Sustainable building information modeling in the context of model-based integral planning,"Ebertshauser, S., Graf, K., Von Both, P., Rexroth, K., Di Bari, R., Horn, R.",,IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2019,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Whole Building Visual tool to integrate LCA and LCC in the early design stage of housing,"Miyamoto, A., Allacker, K., De Troyer, F.",,IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2019,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Whole Building """Deconstruction programming for adaptive reuse of buildings""","Sanchez, Benjamin(1); Rausch, Christopher(1); Haas, Carl(1)","(1) Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Waterloo, 200 University Avenue, West Waterloo; ON; N2L 3G1, Canada",Automation in Construction,2019,Compendex,Iterative,Design Process,,Y,Whole Building Building life cycle assessment skills with GREET and SimaPro to engage students in analyzing the sustainability of biofuel alternatives,"Striebig, Bradley A.(1)","(1) James Madison University, United States","ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings",2017,Compendex,Iterative,,,Y,Whole Building Impact of progressive sustainable target value assessment on building design decisions,"Russell-Smith, S.V., Lepech, M.D., Fruchter, R., Littman, A.",,Building and Environment,2015,Scopus,Iterative,Design Process,,Y,Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment of Retrofitting Large Prefabricated Panels Low-Rise Collective Dwellings,"Ungureanu, V., Muntean, D.M.",,IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering,2019,Scopus,Iterative,,,Y,Whole Building Actionable insights with less data: guiding early building design decisions with streamlined probabilistic life cycle assessment,"Hester, J., Miller, T.R., Gregory, J., Kirchain, R.",,International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment,2018,Scopus,Streamlin*,Early Stage Design,Iterative,Y,Whole Building "Generic LCA-methodology applicable for buildings, constructions and operation services - today practice and development needs","Erlandsson, M., Borg, M.",,Building and Environment,2003,Scopus,Streamlin*,,,Y,Whole Building Integrated carbon metrics and assessment for the built environment,"Teh, S.H., Wiedmann, T., Schinabeck, J., Rowley, H., Moore, S.",,Procedia CIRP,2015,Scopus,Streamlin*,,,Y,Whole Building Need for an embodied energy measurement protocol for buildings: A review paper,"Dixit, M.K., Fernández-Solís, J.L., Lavy, S., Culp, C.H.",,Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,2012,Scopus,Streamlin*,,,Y,Whole Building Streamlined environmental and cost life-cycle approach for building thermal retrofits: A case of residential buildings in South European climates,"Rodrigues, C., Kirchain, R., Freire, F., Gregory, J.",,Journal of Cleaner Production,2018,Scopus,Streamlin*,Early Stage Design,,Y,Whole Building Streamlining the Life Cycle Assessment of Buildings by Structured Under-Specification and Probabilistic Triage,"Tecchio, P., Gregory, J., Olivetti, E., Ghattas, R., Kirchain, R.",,Journal of Industrial Ecology,2019,Scopus,Streamlin*,,,Y,Whole Building Technique for quantification of embodied carbon footprint of construction projects using probabilistic emission factor estimators,"Yeo, Z., Ng, R., Song, B.",,Journal of Cleaner Production,2016,Scopus,Streamlin*,,,Y,Whole Building Development of LCA Calculator to support community infrastructure co-design,"Borrion, A., Matsushita, J., Austen, K., Johnson, C., Bell, S.",,International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment,2019,Scopus,Design Process,,,Y,Wider scope Factors that influence Australian community buildings' sustainable management,"Kalutara, P., Zhang, G., Setunge, S., Wakefield, R.",,"Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management",2017,Scopus,Design Process,,,Y,Wider scope Visualisation of KPIs in zero emission neighbourhoods for improved stakeholder participation using Virtual Reality,"Wiberg, A.H., Lovhaug, S., Mathisen, M., Tschoerner, B., Resch, E., Erdt, M., Prasolova-Forland, E.",,IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2019,Scopus,Design Process,,,Y,Wider scope "Environmental assessment of sustainable neighborhood projects through NEST, a decision support tool for early stage urban planning","Lotteau, M., Yepez-Salmon, G., Salmon, N.",,Procedia Engineering,2015,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Wider scope LCA and BIM: Integrated Assessment and Visualization of Building Elements' Embodied Impacts for Design Guidance in Early Stages,"Röck, M., Hollberg, A., Habert, G., Passer, A.",,Procedia CIRP,2018,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Wider scope Life Cycle Engineering from the Perspective of an Engineering Consultancy,"Collin, C., Linnet, A., Secher, A.Q.",,Procedia CIRP,2018,Scopus,Early Stage Design,Design Process,,Y,Wider scope Life-Cycle Assessment as a decision-support tool for early phases of urban planning: Evaluating applicability through a comparative approach,"Slavkovic, K., Nault, E., Jusselme, T., Andersen, M.",,IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2019,Scopus,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Wider scope Expanding the use of life-cycle assessment to capture induced impacts in the built environment,"Anderson, J.E., Wulfhorst, G., Lang, W.",,Building and Environment,2015,Scopus,Streamlin*,,,Y,Wider scope Towards a sustainable district: A streamlined Life cycle assessment applied to an Italian urban district,"Palumbo, E., Traverso, M., Antonini, E., Boeri, A.",,IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2019,Scopus,Streamlin*,,,Y,Wider scope USEEIO: A new and transparent United States environmentally-extended input-output model,"Yang, Yi(1); Ingwersen, Wesley W.(2); Hawkins, Troy R.(3); Srocka, Michael(4); Meyer, David E.(2)","(1) CSRA Inc., Falls Church; VA; 22042, United States; (2) US Environmental Protection Agency, National Risk Management Research Laboratory, Cincinnati; OH; 45268, United States; (3) Franklin Associates, a Division of Eastern Research Group, Inc., Lexington; MA; 022421, United States; (4) GreenDelta, Berlin, Germany",Journal of Cleaner Production,2017,Compendex,Streamlin*,,,Y,Wider scope A LCA approach to EMS in practice - The Copenhagen Metro case study,"Ojan, M; Jean, P",,"FIRST INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ENVIRONMENTALLY CONSCIOUS DEGIGN AND INVERSE MANUFACTURING, PROCEEDINGS",1999,Web of Science,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Not Building Related A METHOD FOR EVALUATING THE ENVIRONMENTAL LIFE CYCLE POTENTIAL OF BUILDING GEOMETRY,"Hollberg, A; Kluber, N; Schneider, S; Ruth, J; Donath, D",,EXPANDING BOUNDARIES: SYSTEMS THINKING IN THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT,2016,Web of Science,Early Stage Design,Design Process,,Y,Whole Building A model for streamlining and automating path exchange hybrid life cycle assessment,"Stephan, A; Crawford, RH; Bontinck, PA",,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT,2019,Web of Science,Streamlin*,,,Y,Single Material A review of the limitations of life cycle energy analysis for the design of fabric first low-energy domestic retrofits,"Hurst, LJ; O'Donovan, TS",,ENERGY AND BUILDINGS,2019,Web of Science,Design Process,,,Y,Whole Building A Simplified Life Cycle Approach for Assessing Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Wind Electricity,"Padey, P; Blanc, I; Le Boulch, D; Zhao, XS",,JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ECOLOGY,2012,Web of Science,Streamlin*,,,Y,Not Building Related An approach towards sustainable renovation-A tool for decision support in early project stages,"Olsson, S; Malmqvist, T; Glaumann, M",,BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT,2016,Web of Science,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Whole Building An integrated assessment system for managing life cycle CO2 emissions of a building,"Roh, S; Tae, S",,RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS,2017,Web of Science,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Whole Building Applying an ex-ante life cycle perspective to metal recovery from e-waste using bioleaching,"Villares, M; Isildar, A; Beltran, AM; Guinee, J",,JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2016,Web of Science,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Not Building Related BIM-based assessment metrics for the functional flexibility of building designs,"Cavalliere, C; Dell'Osso, GR; Favia, F; Lovicario, M",,AUTOMATION IN CONSTRUCTION,2019,Web of Science,Design Process,,,Y,Whole Building Building Simplified Life Cycle CO2 Emissions Assessment Tool (B-SCAT) to Support Low-Carbon Building Design in South Korea,"Roh, S; Tae, S",,SUSTAINABILITY,2016,Web of Science,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Whole Building Clark's Crow: A design plugin to support emergy analysis decision making towards sustainable urban ecologies,"Keena, N; Raugei, M; Etman, MA; Ruan, D; Dyson, A",,ECOLOGICAL MODELLING,2018,Web of Science,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Wider Scope Collaborative Circular Design. Incorporating Life Cycle Thinking into an Interdisciplinary Design Process,"Goldsworthy, K; Ellams, D",,DESIGN JOURNAL,2019,Web of Science,Iterative,Design Process,,Y,Not Building Related Combined use of MILP and multi-linear regression to simplify LCA studies,"Pascual-Gonzalez, J; Pozo, C; Guillen-Gosalbez, G; Jimenez-Esteller, L",,COMPUTERS & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2015,Web of Science,Streamlin*,,,Y,Whole Building Construction of evolving models for the environmental evaluation of innovative sub-systems based on a hierarchical agglomerative clustering,"Garcia, J; Millet, D; Tonnelier, P",,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE ENGINEERING,2015,Web of Science,Iterative,,,Y,Not Building Related Development of a Carbon Emissions Analysis Framework Using Building Information Modeling and Life Cycle Assessment for the Construction of Hospital Projects,"Lu, K; Jiang, XY; Tam, VWY; Li, MY; Wang, HY; Xia, B; Chen, Q",,SUSTAINABILITY,2019,Web of Science,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Whole Building "Development of an automated estimator of life-cycle carbon emissions for residential buildings: A case study in Nanjing, China","Li, DZ; Cui, P; Lu, YJ",,HABITAT INTERNATIONAL,2016,Web of Science,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Whole Building Does ex ante application enhance the usefulness of LCA? A case study on an emerging technology for metal recovery from e-waste,"Villares, M; Isildar, A; van der Giesen, C; Guinee, J",,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT,2017,Web of Science,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Not Building Related Early-stage materials selection based on embodied energy and carbon footprint,"Morini, AA; Ribeiro, MJ; Hotza, D",,MATERIALS & DESIGN,2019,Web of Science,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Whole Building Ecodesign tools in the construction sector: Analyzing usage inadequacies with designers' needs,"Lame, G; Leroy, Y; Yannou, B",,JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2017,Web of Science,Early Stage Design,Design Process,,Y,Whole Building Environmental analysis of two building material alternatives in structures with the aim of sustainable construction,"Estokova, A; Porhincak, M",,CLEAN TECHNOLOGIES AND ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY,2015,Web of Science,Design Process,,,Y,Whole Building Framework to Account for Uncertainty in Energy and Carbon Assessment of Ground Improvement Works,"Shillaber, CM; Mitchell, JK; Dove, JE; Ostrum, ZA",,JOURNAL OF GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING,2017,Web of Science,Streamlin*,,,Y,Building Assembly Holistic approach to sustainability of bridges,"Popa, N; Charlier, M; Tibolt, M; Rademacher, D; Ryjacek, P; Jehlicka, P; Wald, F; Kuhlmann, U; Pascual, AM; Martins, N; Orcesi, A; Rigueiro, C",,STEEL CONSTRUCTION-DESIGN AND RESEARCH,2018,Web of Science,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Not Building Related Identifying hotspots of environmental impact in the development of novel ik) inorganic polymer paving blocks from bauxite residue,"Joyce, PJ; Hertel, T; Goronovski, A; Tkaczyk, AH; Pontikes, Y; Bjorklund, A",,RESOURCES CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING,2018,Web of Science,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Single Material Integrating a LCA tool with a design platform towards a sustainable-aware PSS design: application in a FabLAB environment,"Fontana, A; Corti, D; Alge, M; Petrucciani, M; Calvo, L; Marangi, L",,IFAC PAPERSONLINE,2018,Web of Science,Design Process,,,Y,Not Building Related Interactive life cycle assessment framework to evaluate agricultural impacts and benchmark emission reduction credits from organic management,"Zaher, U; Higgins, S; Carpenter-Boggs, L",,JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2016,Web of Science,Streamlin*,,,Y,Not Building Related Iterative Framework for Performance and Environmental Impacts of Airfields,"Said, IM; Al-Qadi, IL",,TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD,2019,Web of Science,Iterative,,,Y,Not Building Related LCA Analysis Through a Visual Programming Tool: Workflow on a BIM Model Case Study,"Politi, S; Bergonzoni, G; Cincotta, IWJ; Sampietro, F",,IN BO-RICERCHE E PROGETTI PER IL TERRITORIO LA CITTA E L ARCHITETTURA,2018,Web of Science,Early Stage Design,Design Process,,Y,Whole Building LCA and LCC Analysis for the Programming of Sustainable Interventions on Building Heritage,"Scognamillo, C",,IN BO-RICERCHE E PROGETTI PER IL TERRITORIO LA CITTA E L ARCHITETTURA,2018,Web of Science,Design Process,,,Y,Building Assembly Life cycle assessment based environmental impact estimation model for pre-stressed concrete beam bridge in the early design phase,"Kim, KJ; Yun, WG; Cho, N; Ha, J",,ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REVIEW,2017,Web of Science,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Not Building Related Life cycle assessment methodology integrated with BIM as a decision-making tool at early-stages of building design,"Najjar, MK; Figueiredo, K; Evangelista, ACJ; Hammad, AWA; Tam, VWY; Haddad, A",,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT,,Web of Science,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Whole Building Methodologies for social life cycle assessment,"Jorgensen, A; Le Bocq, A; Nazarkina, L; Hauschild, M",,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT,2008,Web of Science,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Not Building Related OMNIITOX concept model supports characterisation modelling for life cycle impact assessment,"Carlson, R; Erixon, M; Palsson, AC; Tivander, J",,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT,2004,Web of Science,Iterative,,,Y,Not Building Related Physicochemical modelling of the classical steelmaking route for life cycle inventory analysis,"Iosif, AM; Hanrot, F; Birat, JP; Ablitzer, D",,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT,2010,Web of Science,Design Process,,,Y,SIngle Material Reducing Life Cycle Environmental Impacts of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Recycling,"Johansson, JG; Bjorklund, AE",,JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ECOLOGY,2010,Web of Science,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Not Building Related Streamlining life cycle inventory data generation in agriculture using traceability data and information and communication technologies - part II: application to viticulture,"Bellon-Maurel, V; Peters, GM; Clermidy, S; Frizarin, G; Sinfort, C; Ojeda, H; Roux, P; Short, MD",,JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2015,Web of Science,Streamlin*,,,Y,Not Building Related Streamlining scenario analysis and optimization of key choices in value chains using a modular LCA approach,"Steubing, B; Mutel, C; Suter, F; Hellweg, S",,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT,2016,Web of Science,Streamlin*,,,Y,Single Material The Dutch approach for assessing and reducing environmental impacts of building materials,"de Klijn-Chevalerias, M; Javed, S",,BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT,2017,Web of Science,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Whole Building The systemic approach in sustainable environmental planning: references to the ecology of living systems,"Clementi, M; Fontana, C",,TECHNE-JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY FOR ARCHITECTURE AND ENVIRONMENT,2019,Web of Science,Design Process,,,Y,Not Building Related Toward LCA-lite: A Simplified Tool to Easily Apply LCA Logic at the Early Design Stage of Building in Australia,"Tabrizi, TB; Brambilla, A",,EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT,2019,Web of Science,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Whole Building Understanding the sustainability potential of part consolidation design supported by additive manufacturing,"Yang, S; Min, WB; Ghibaudo, J; Zhao, YYF",,JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2019,Web of Science,Early Stage Design,,,Y,Not Building Related Using Eco-indicator 99 and a two-stage nested analysis of variance test to evaluate building mitigation measures under hazard risks,"Ribakov, Y; Halperin, I; Pushkar, S",,ADVANCES IN STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING,2016,Web of Science,Design Process,,,Y,Not Building Related