# DFT Dataset for “Mechanistic Origin of Superionic Lithium Diffusion in Anion-Disordered Li6PS5X Argyrodites” This dataset contains inputs and outputs for AIMD simulations of Li6PS5X (X=I, Cl) argyrodites, as described in the article &lqduo;Mechanistic Origin of Superionic Lithium Diffusion in Anion-Disordered Li6PS5X Argyrodites” (doi:[10.1021/acs.chemmater.0c03738](https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemmater.0c03738). The subsequent analysis of the DFT data contained in this dataset is published as Data Analysis for &lqduo;Mechanistic Origin of Superionic Lithium Diffusion in Anion-Disordered Li6PS5X Argyrodites” https://github.com/bjmorgan/data_argyrodite_disorder doi:[10.5281/zenodo.4338578](https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4338578). All simulations were run using [VASP](https://www.vasp.at). ## Contents . ├── Li6PS5Cl │   ├── from_materials_project │   ├── 0p │   │   ├── equil_run_1 │   │   ├── equil_run_2 │   │   ├── run1 │   │   ├── run2 │   │   ├── run3 │   │   ├── run4 │   │   └── run5 │   ├── 50p │   │   ├── equil_run_2 │   │   ├── run1 │   │   ├── run2 │   │   ├── run3 │   │   ├── run4 │   │   ├── run5 │   │   └── run6 │ └── 100p │      ├── equil_run_1 │      ├── equil_run_2 │      ├── run1 │      ├── run2 │      ├── run3 │      ├── run4 │      ├── run5 │      └── run6 └── Li6PS5I ├── from_materials_project ├── 0p │   ├── equil_run_1 │   ├── equil_run_2 │   ├── run1 │   ├── run2 │   ├── run3 │   ├── run4 │   ├── run5 │   └── run6 ├── 50p │   ├── equil_run_1 │   ├── equil_run_2 │   ├── run1 │   ├── run2 │   ├── run3 │   ├── run4 │   ├── run5 │   ├── run6 │   └── run7 └── 100p    ├── equil_run_1    ├── equil_run_2    ├── run1    ├── run2    ├── run3    ├── run4    ├── run5    ├── run6    └── run7 Every `runN` directory contains: - `INCAR`: VASP calculation settings. - `KPOINTS`: VASP k-points settings. - `POSCAR`: Starting structure for this MD run. For runN with N>1, this is the final structure from the preceeding run, runN-1. - `CONTCAR`: The final structure from this MD run. - `POTCAR.spec`: Specifies the pseudopotentials used. - `vasprun.xml.gz`: Gzipped VASP `vasprun.xml` output file. - `XDATCAR.gz`: Gzipped VASP MD trajectory, in `XDATCAR` format. and a `quench` subdirectory. The `quench` subdirectories contain a series of `config_XXXX` directories. Each of these uses the corresponding timestep from the parent MD run as a starting structure for a single point geometry optimisation to obtain the corresponding intrinsic structure. Every `quench` directory also contains: - `actual_XDATCAR.gz`: Geometries from the actual MD simulation, in VASP XDATCAR format. - `inherent_XDATCAR.gz`: Sequence of inherent structures obtained by optimising the structures in `actual_XDATCAR.gz`, in VASP XDATCAR format. - `frame_numbers.gz`: A list of timestep, or &lqduo;frame&rqduo; numbers for the configurations in `actual_XDATCAR.gz` and `inherent_XDATCAR.gz`.