Dataset for ''Continuous-Wave Mid-Infrared Gas Fiber Lasers''

The dataset include all necessary data to generate figures 1, 4 (b), 4(c), 5–8 in the associated manuscript, "Continuous-Wave Mid-Infrared Gas Fiber Lasers". These data measure the properties of the lasers under different conditions, including different gas pressures and fiber lengths.


Cite this dataset as:
Yu, F., 2018. Dataset for ''Continuous-Wave Mid-Infrared Gas Fiber Lasers''. Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:


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data_lines.mat contains the original data from HITRAN database to be imported for the absorption calculation.In data_lines.mat, the wavelength is converted and in unit of nm..

Figure_1_original … HITRAN.csv
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Figure_1_original_absorption_intensity_strength_from_HITRAN.csv contains the orginal data downloaded from HITRAN database In the first line are absorption central wavelengths in the 1.5 micronmeter spectral region.

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A conventional multimode fiber was used to sample EDFA output and the spectrum of EDFA was measured by an optical spectrum analyzer (YOKOGAWA AQ6370D) in the near-IR spectral region.

Figure_4_c … attenuation.csv
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The fiber attenuation was measured by cut-back method. The Tungsten lamp was used as the whitelight source.

Figure_5_a … incident_power.csv
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The output laser power is measured by an thermal detector (Ophir VEGA) at the output fiber end through a Sapphire filter. The filter is a dichroic mirror used to get rid of the pump power at 1.5 microns.

Figure_5_b … absorbed_power.csv
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The incident pump power is measured before the gain fiber by the same thermal detector. The absorbed pump power is the pump power at P(9) line which is absorbed by acetylene.

Figure_6_a … microns_power.csv
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The maximum output powers in figure 6 (a) are picked from data in fig.5.

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The lasing threshold is the measured incident power when the laser power at 3 micron can be just detected by the themal detector(Ophir VEGA). The minimum detectable power at 3 micron is about 1 mW.

Figure_7_inset … spectrum.csv
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Laser spectra at 3 micron are measured by the monochromater(Bentham Instruments TMc300) from 3090 nm to 3180 nm at different incident powers. The resolution of monochromator at that spectral range is 1 nm.

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Laser spectra at 3 micron are measured by the monochromater(Bentham Instruments TMc300) from 3090 nm to 3180 nm at different incident powers. The resolution of monochromator at that spectral range is 1 nm.

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A 1 meter silica multimode fiber of 600 microemeter core diamter was used to collect the side scattered light from side of hollow core fiber.

Figure_8_b … side_lengths.csv
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Figure_8_c … different_pressures.csv
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Software: MIT License

The program to simulate the 1 meter transmission in acetylene gas of 1 mbar is included in the MATLAB script file theoretic_absorption.m.


Fei Yu
University of Bath


Jonathan Knight
Project Leader
University of Bath

Mengrong Xu
Project Member
University of Bath

University of Bath
Rights Holder


Additional information:

1. Figure_1_original_absorption_intensity_strength_from_HITRAN.csv contains the orignal downloaded data from HITRAN database. MATLAB code is to convert the absorption intensity to the spectral transmittance per meter in fig.1. 2. Figure_4_b_input_spectra.csv contains the measured EDFA output spectrum for different amplifications in fig.4 (b). 3. Figure_4_c_fiber_attenuation.csv contains the measured hollow core fiber attenuations in fig.4 (c). 4. Figure_5_a_output_power_at_different_pressures_incident_power.csv contains the measured output laser power as a function of incident power at different pressures in fig.5 (a). 5. Figure_5_b_output_power_at_different_pressures_absorbed_power.csv contains the measured output laser power as a function of absorbed power at different pressures in fig.5 (b). 6. Figure_6_a_max_3_microns_power.csv contains the maximum output laser power as a function of the pressure for different fiber lengths in fig.6 (a). 7. Figure_6_b_threshold.csv shows the lasing threshold as a fuction of pressure for different fiber lengths (6m, 15m, 40m) in fig.6 (b). 8. Figure_7_P_P_ratio.csv contains the laser peak intensity via P(9) transition over the one via R(7) transition as a function of incident pump power in fig.7. 9. Figure_7_inset_output_spectrum.csv contains the normalized laser spectrum at 3 micron in fig.7 inset. 10. Figure_8_a_absorbed_spectrum.csv contains the typical measured spectra when pump light is tuned on and off P(9) wavelength in fig.8 (a). 11. Figure_8_b_fiber_side_length.csv contains the pump absorption as a function of position along 15 m fiber for different incident powers at 0.6 mbar pressure in fig.8 (b). 12. Figure_8_c_fiber_side_different_pressures.csv contains the pump absorption as a function of position along 31m fiber at different pressures with full incident power in fig.8 (c). 13. Figure_8_c_inset.csv contains the caculated pump absorption slope efficiency as a function of pressure in fig.8 (c) inset.

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Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

Hollow Antiresonant Fibres for Visible and Ultraviolet Beam Delivery

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

New Fibres for New Lasers - Photonic Crystal Fibre Optics for the Delivery of High-Power Light

Publication details

Publication date: 19 January 2018
by: University of Bath

Version: 1


URL for this record:

Related papers and books

Xu, M., Yu, F., Hassan, M. R. A., and Knight, J. C., 2018. Continuous-Wave Mid-Infrared Gas Fiber Lasers. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 24(3), 1-8. Available from:

Contact information

Please contact the Research Data Service in the first instance for all matters concerning this item.

Contact person: Fei Yu


Faculty of Science