FLEXOME software suite, first release 23/11/2020
This protein analysis software identifies rigid and flexible regions in a protein crystal structure; identifies easy directions of motion for the structure; and explores the motion of the structure along these directions. This generates a set of flexible variations on the starting structure, suggestive of the range of variation it will explore naturally in solution.
This dataset primarily contains source code and instructions for a set of protein analysis utilities collectively called FLEXOME. FLEXOME can perform the following functions on a protein structure input:
- Identification of covalent, hydrophobic and polar interactions using the atomic geometry of the input.
- Surface exposure and burial distance finding.
- Rigid Cluster Decomposition using pebble-game rigidity analysis.
- Normal mode finding with an elastic network model, one site per residue. Only the requested number of low-frequency modes are generated, using Cholesky decomposition and inverse iteration, to avoid the computational cost of fully inverting a large matrix.
- Geometric simulations of flexible motion in the all-atom structure, using the input atomic geometry as constraints and a normal mode eigenvector as a bias direction.
Source code in the form of C++ files (.h and .cpp) is in the CPP/ directory. Useful ancillary scripts are in the SCRIPTS/ directory. The HOWTO/ directory includes a detailed user manual, "FLEXOME-GUIDANCE.txt"; a fully worked example, discussed in the manual, in the LysosymeExample/ directory; and an ExpertExample/ directory showing advanced FLEXOME usage options. Each directory includes a README.txt file summarising its contents and significance.
Cite this dataset as:
Wells, S.,
FLEXOME software suite, first release 23/11/2020.
Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.15125/BATH-00940.
Access on request: This dataset consists of a software suite which we expect to be of interest to both academic and commercial (biopharma) users. Users applying from a valid academic email address should be permitted access to the suite on condition that they agree to our assertion of rights, as set out in the file RIGHTS.txt.
Stephen Wells
University of Bath
University of Bath
Rights Holder
Data collection method:
C++ code written by Dr. Stephen A Wells, University of Bath, 2020.
Technical details and requirements:
The code was written, and should be run, in a Linux command-line environment. The development environment was Cygwin on a Windows laptop with the gcc compiler. Shell scripts are written for the Bash shell. PyMOL scripts are provided to aid visualisation.
Additional information:
All code and compilation scripts are in the CPP/ directory. Detailed usage, user manual, and worked example are in the HOWTO/ directory.
Documentation Files
text/plain (1kB)
All Rights Reserved
Assertion of rights
Publication details
Publication date: 23 November 2020
by: University of Bath
Version: 1
- Version 1. (23 November 2020) [Currently Displayed]
- Version 2. (26 September 2023)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15125/BATH-00940
URL for this record: https://researchdata.bath.ac.uk/id/eprint/940
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Contact information
Please contact the Research Data Service in the first instance for all matters concerning this item.
Contact person: Stephen Wells
Faculty of Engineering & Design
Chemical Engineering
Faculty of Science