Dataset for "Soliton dynamics in lithium niobate nano-waveguides"

This dataset contains simulated data and data from analytic predictions of soliton propagation in lithium niobate nano-waveguides. The data is grouped into four folders: two of these contain animations of simulated soliton and pulse propagation, the other two contain simulated and predicted data for soliton propagation under the influence of the Raman effect. These data are provided to aid the understanding of thesis and are in addition to other datasets produced for the publication of the work previously (see documentation section for more info).

Optics, photonics and lasers

Cite this dataset as:
Rowe, W., 2022. Dataset for "Soliton dynamics in lithium niobate nano-waveguides". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:


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application/zip (79MB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

Folder containing supplementary data for simulations shown in Fig.4-4 of the thesis. In the thesis cross-correlation frequency resolve optical gating (XFROG) spectrograms are shown for each panel in Fig.4-4 these do not give a full picture of the dynamics of the simulations. Here we provide animations of the simulated propagation of each panel in the form of '.avi' video files.
application/zip (35MB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

Folder containing supplementary data for simulations shown in Fig.4-5 of the thesis. In the thesis cross-correlation frequency resolve optical gating (XFROG) spectrograms are shown for each panel in Fig.4-5 these do not give a full picture of the dynamics of the simulations. Here we provide animations of the simulated propagation of each panel in the form of '.avi' video files.
application/zip (89MB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

Folder containing data for simulations and predictions shown in Fig.5-7 of the thesis. This figure shows a comparison between predictions and simulations of the Raman-induced frequency shift (and associated acceleration) of a soliton. In this figure dispersion is set to be anomalous and much greater in the the second harmonic compared to the fundamental frequency (s_2>r_2 as defined in the thesis).
application/zip (89MB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

Folder containing data for simulations and predictions shown in Fig.5-8 of the thesis. This figure shows a comparison between predictions and simulations of the Raman-induced frequency shift (and associated acceleration) of a soliton. In this figure dispersion is set to be normal and much greater in the the second harmonic compared to the fundamental frequency (s_2>r_2 as defined in the thesis).


Will Rowe
University of Bath


Andriy Gorbach
University of Bath

University of Bath
Rights Holder


Data collection method:

The simulation data contained within this archive were produced by numerical simulation of pulse propagation in lithium niobate nano-waveguides. This simulation was done using the well known split-step Fourier method. The visualisation of the results shown for figures 4-4 and 4-5 are produced by the commonly used XFROG (cross-correlation frequency resolved optical gating) spectrogram in which both spectral and temporal features of the simulation can be observed at once. Simulation data for figures 5-7 and 5-8 are given in both the time and frequency domains and predictions are made using the theory we have developed for self-frequency shift in two-component solitons. All these methods are explained in more detail in the thesis to which this dataset is associated.

Additional information:

The thesis "Soliton dynamics in lithium niobate nano-waveguides" contains three research chapters with the majority of their content copied verbatim from three publications. These publications have their own archived datasets and so the majority of the research data from the thesis is contained within those pre-existing datasets. This dataset provides research data for parts of the thesis that were not contained within those three publications and is therefore missing from the pre-existing datasets. Links to the three pre-existing datasets can be found in the 'Related datasets and code' section of this dataset.


Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Condensed Matter Physics

Publication details

Publication date: 8 March 2022
by: University of Bath

Version: 1


URL for this record:

Related theses

Rowe, W., 2022. Soliton dynamics in lithium niobate nano-waveguides. Thesis (PhD). University of Bath. Available from:

Related datasets and code

Rowe, W. R., and Gorbach, A., 2019. Dataset for "Temporal quadratic solitons and their interaction with dispersive waves in Lithium Niobate nano-waveguides". Version 1. Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Rowe, W., and Gorbach, A., 2020. Dataset for "Raman solitons in waveguides with simultaneous quadratic and Kerr nonlinearities". Version 1. Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Rowe, W., 2021. Dataset for: "Solitons near avoided mode crossings in χ⁽²⁾ nanowaveguides". Version 1. Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:

Contact information

Please contact the Research Data Service in the first instance for all matters concerning this item.


Faculty of Science

Research Centres & Institutes
Centre for Photonics and Photonic Materials