Data on the securitization of ideologies in US presidential speech

This dataset reveals the data behind an article published in Global Society on how and when ideology was securitized in US presidential speech. It reveals how securitizing speech justifies methods and targets in the resistance of “dangerous ideologies” that are problematic for democracies. The analysis of the geographic and issue area contexts of the securitizing moves reveals that the entanglement of oppositional ideologies with security was articulated in the context of the War on Terror. While the original need to see ideologies as an existential threat was necessary to justify the exclusion of the ideologies of the Taliban and Saddam Hussein from the elections in Afghanistan and Iraq in 2004 and 2005 respectively, the securitization of ideologies then spread to issue areas beyond terror and to geographic contexts outside of these two countries, all the way to US domestic political competition. The need to avoid embarrassment in Iraq and Afghanistan may have thus affected US democracy.

This dataset is created for the analysis of the origin of securitization of ideologies in US political discourse. There are two Stata 17 documents, one focusing on word frequencies (WordFrequencies.dta) of all clauses in US Presidential Papers (Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States 1989-2014 (Washington D.C.: US Government Printing Office)) and the other focusing on NVivo-based coding of sentences (Coding results.dta) with the word "ideology" in any of its forms from January 2003 until the end of 2005. These are coded with NVivo 12 textual analysis package, with open access to the coding of the text in file “securitization of knowledge.qsr”

Securitization, Ideologies, Terrorism, Iraq, Afghanistan, democracy, elections
Political science and international studies

Cite this dataset as:
Kivimäki, T., 2022. Data on the securitization of ideologies in US presidential speech. Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:


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securitization … (NVivo R1)1.nvp
application/octet-stream (126MB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

This is an NVivo file containing coding of proxies of securitization of ideology in US presidential papers.

word frequencies 20220404.dta
application/octet-stream (18kB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

This dataset consists of monthly word frequencies of words that are considered proxies of specific narratives and framings. Words threat, terror, and military are considered proxies of a discourse strand on security, while words ideology and propaganda are treated as proxies of a discourse stand on ideology. The monthly frequency of “threat” is considered as the main proxy of the securitizing move as it is related to the framing of something as an existential threat.

coding results 20220404.dta
application/octet-stream (24kB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

This dataset reveals the results of coding of US presidential papers for sentences on ideology. Coding is done for the issue area and geographic context of such sentences, for the method of resisting dangerous ideologies and for the reason for declaring an ideology dangerous. Coding of text is sentence-based and each variable indicates monthly frequencies.


Timo Kivimäki
University of Bath


University of Bath
Rights Holder


Temporal coverage:

From 1 March 1989 to 1 January 2014

Time period:

The time period of the data is from the ending of the Cold War until the maturing of a new concept of securitized ideologies in US political debate.


Data collection method:

Data is collected by coding US presidential papers in accordance to the coding rules explicated in the codebook by using NVivo 12 software package. It was then stored in a numerical form into Stata 17 format.

Data processing and preparation activities:

The data was produced in textual analysis by following grammatical and textual analysis rules defined by the codebook and justified by the article that this data is primarily produced for.

Technical details and requirements:

The coding was done using NVivo 12 software package. It was then stored in a numerical form into Stata 17 format.

Additional information:

The codebook reveals how text was coded and quantified.

Documentation Files

Codebook for data 20220406.pdf
application/pdf (114kB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

This codebook explicated the methods and variables of the coding and quantification of the textual body.


Publication details

Publication date: 7 April 2022
by: University of Bath

Version: 1


URL for this record:

Related papers and books

Kivimäki, T., 2022. When Ideologies Became Dangerous: An Analysis of the Transformation of the Relationship Between Security and Oppositional Ideologies in US Presidential Discourse. Global Society, 37(2), 225-244. Available from:

Contact information

Please contact the Research Data Service in the first instance for all matters concerning this item.

Contact person: Timo Kivimäki


Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences
Politics, Languages and International Studies