Data sets for "Structure of molten NaCl and the decay of the pair-correlations"

Data sets used to prepare Figure 1 -14 in the Journal of Chemical Physics article entitled "Structure of molten NaCl and the decay of the pair-correlations." The data sets refer to the measured and simulated structure and thermodynamic properties of molten NaCl.

Molten NaCl, neutron diffraction, x-ray diffraction, molecular dynamics, pair-correlation functions, thermodynamics
Atomic and molecular physics
Chemical synthesis
Facility Development
Materials sciences

Cite this dataset as:
Salmon, P., Zeidler, A., 2022. Data sets for "Structure of molten NaCl and the decay of the pair-correlations". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:


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Figure 1 shows the k-dependence of the singular values sigma_l (l = 1, 2 or 3) and the condition numbers kappa_2 and kappa_2' for the Faber-Ziman (FZ) (left column) and Bhatia-Thortnon (BT) (right column) partial structure factors.

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Figure 2 shows the temperature dependence of the atomic number density of the melt from experiment and from molecular dynamics simulations.

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Figure 3 shows neutron total structure factors ^{35}F(k) and ^{nat}F(k) and the difference function Delta F(k) measured for NaCl at 1093 K compared to the x-ray total structure factor S_X(k) measured for NaCl at 1091~K. Also shown is the S_X(k) function measured for NaCl at 1083~K in the work of Ohno and Furukawa.

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Figure 4 shows the Faber-Ziman partial structure factors from the present diffraction work at T = 1093 K, the neutron diffraction work of Biggin and Enderby at T = 1148 K and the polarizable ion model (PIM) simulation at T = 1100 K.

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Figure 5a shows the BT partial structure factor S^{BT}_{NN}(k) from experiment at T = 1100 K and the PIM simulation at T = 1100 K. Also shown is the breakdown of the simulated function into its contributions from the weighted Faber-Ziman partial structure factors S^{FZ}_{ClCl}(k), S^{FZ}_{NaCl}(k) and S^{FZ}_{NaNa}(k). The inset highlights the measured and simulated BT functions at low-k, plotted as a function of k^2 in order to extract the low-order moments by fitting a straight line.

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Figure 5b shows the BT partial structure factor S^{BT}_{CC}(k) from experiment at T = 1100 K and the PIM simulation at T = 1100 K. Also shown is the breakdown of the simulated function into its contributions from the weighted Faber-Ziman partial structure factors S^{FZ}_{ClCl}(k), S^{FZ}_{NaCl}(k) and S^{FZ}_{NaNa}(k). The inset highlights the measured and simulated BT functions at low-k, plotted as a function of k^2 in order to extract the low-order moments by fitting a straight line.

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Figure 5b shows the BT partial structure factor S^{BT}_{NC}(k) from experiment at T = 1100 K and the PIM simulation at T = 1100 K. Also shown is the breakdown of the simulated function into its contributions from the weighted Faber-Ziman partial structure factors S^{FZ}_{ClCl}(k), S^{FZ}_{NaCl}(k) and S^{FZ}_{NaNa}(k). The inset highlights the measured and simulated BT functions at low-k, plotted as a function of k^2 in order to extract the low-order moments by fitting a straight line.

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Figure 6 shows the partial pair-distribution functions from the present diffraction work at T = 1093 K, the neutron diffraction work of Biggin and Enderby at T = 1148 K and the PIM simulation at T = 1100 K.

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Figure 8 shows the running moments ^{run}M_{IJ}^(0)(r_{max}) from the PIM simulations at T = 1100 K for IJ= NN, CC and NC.

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Figure 9 shows the temperature dependence of the isothermal compressibility.

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Figure 10 shows the Faber-Ziman partial structure factors calculated for molten NaCl at T=1100 K using the PIM, rigid ion model 1 (RIM1) and rigid ion model 2 (RIM2).

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Figure 11a shows the number-number Bhatia-Thornton partial structure factor calculated for molten NaCl at T = 1100 K using the PIM, RIM1 and RIM2. Also shown is the function measured in the present diffraction work. The inset zooms into the low-k region of the simulated and measured functions.

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Figure 11b shows the concentration-concentration Bhatia-Thornton partial structure factor calculated for molten NaCl at T = 1100 K using the PIM, RIM1 and RIM2. Also shown is the function measured in the present diffraction work. The inset zooms into the low-k region of the simulated and measured functions.

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Figure 11c shows the number-concentration Bhatia-Thornton partial structure factor calculated for molten NaCl at T = 1100 K using the PIM, RIM1 and RIM2. Also shown is the function measured in the present diffraction work.

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Figure 12 shows the total pair correlation functions obtained from the RIM2 simulations at T = 1100 K.

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Figure 13a shows the temperature dependence of the BT total pair-correlation function rh^{BT}_{NN}(r) from the PIM simulations fitted to Eq.~(42).

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Figure 13b shows the temperature dependence of the BT total pair-correlation function rh^{BT}_{CC}(r) from the PIM simulations fitted to Eq.~(42).

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Figure 13c shows the temperature dependence of the BT total pair-correlation function rh^{BT}_{NC}(r) from the PIM simulations fitted to Eq.~(42).

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Figure 14 shows the temperature dependence of the decay length [a_0^{IJ}]^{-1} of Eq.~(42). The values from the PIM simulations at several different temperatures are compared to the values from the diffraction experiment at T = 1093 K.

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Figure 7a shows the Bhatia-Thornton partial pair-distribution function g^{BT}_{NN}(r) from the present diffraction work and from the PIM simulation. Also shown is the breakdown of the simulated function into its contributions from the weighted g_{NaCl}(r), g_{ClCl}(r) and g_{NaNa}(r) functions.

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Figure 7b shows the Bhatia-Thornton partial pair-distribution function g^{BT}_{CC}(r) from the present diffraction work and from the PIM simulation. Also shown is the breakdown of the simulated function into its contributions from the weighted g_{NaCl}(r), g_{ClCl}(r) and g_{NaNa}(r) functions.

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Figure 7c shows the Bhatia-Thornton partial pair-distribution function g^{BT}_{NC}(r) from the present diffraction work and from the PIM simulation. Also shown is the breakdown of the simulated function into its contributions from the weighted g_{NaCl}(r), g_{ClCl}(r) and g_{NaNa}(r) functions.


Philip Salmon
University of Bath

Anita Zeidler
University of Bath


Mark Wilson
Work Package Leader
University of Oxford

University of Bath
Rights Holder


Collection date(s):

From 7 May 2007 to 23 June 2022


Data collection method:

The data sets were collected using the methods described in the published paper.

Data processing and preparation activities:

The data sets were analysed using the methods described in the published paper.

Technical details and requirements:

The figures were prepared using QtGrace ( The data set corresponding to a plotted curve within an QtGrace file can be identified by clicking on that curve.

Additional information:

The files are labelled according to the corresponding figure numbers. The units for each axis are identified on the plots.

Methodology link:

Zeidler, A., Salmon, P. S., Usuki, T., Kohara, S., Fischer, H. E., and Wilson, M., 2022. Structure of molten NaCl and the decay of the pair-correlations. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 157(9), 094504. Available from:


Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

Glassy and Liquid Networks: Deformability and Manipulation

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science


Japan Society for the Promotion of Science


Publication details

Publication date: 26 August 2022
by: University of Bath

Version: 1


URL for this record:

Related papers and books

Zeidler, A., Salmon, P. S., Usuki, T., Kohara, S., Fischer, H. E., and Wilson, M., 2022. Structure of molten NaCl and the decay of the pair-correlations. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 157(9), 094504. Available from:

Contact information

Please contact the Research Data Service in the first instance for all matters concerning this item.

Contact person: Philip Salmon


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