Dataset for "The 19-Item Environmental Knowledge Test (EKT-19): A Short, Psychometrically Robust Measure of Environmental Knowledge"

This dataset consists of two files – one main dataset, and one dataset for the re-test analysis. The main dataset includes an anonymous participant ID, binary responses to 30 environmental knowledge questions, participant's sex, age and duration to complete the task. The re-test dataset includes all the same variables, completed for both the initial study and at re-test after nine weeks. When collecting this dataset, we were seeking to develop a new measure of environmental knowledge, building upon an existing measure by Geiger et al. (2019).

Environmental Knowledge, Factor Analysis, Item Response Theory, Psychometrics, Self-Report

Cite this dataset as:
Player, L., Hanel, P., Whitmarsh, L., Shah, P., 2023. Dataset for "The 19-Item Environmental Knowledge Test (EKT-19): A Short, Psychometrically Robust Measure of Environmental Knowledge". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:


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application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet (56kB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

Main supporting data

EKT-19_Study1Wi … Cleaned.xlsx
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet (38kB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

Re-test data


text/plain (4kB)
Software: MIT License

Code for confirmatory factor analysis (CFA)

text/plain (5kB)
Software: MIT License

Code for Item Response Theory analysis (IRT)


Lois Player
Data Collector, Data Curator, Data Manager, Project Leader
University of Bath

Paul Hanel
Data Collector, Supervisor
University of Essex

Lorraine Whitmarsh
University of Bath; Cardiff University

Punit Shah
Data Collector, Data Curator, Project Leader, Supervisor
University of Bath


University of Bath
Rights Holder


Data collection method:

A UK sample of 346 undergraduate students completed the study via the University’s research participation scheme, 121 of whom repeated the study nine weeks later for test-retest analyses.

Additional information:

The data is mostly binary (0,1) denoting (incorrect, correct) answers to the environmental knowledge questions. In the sex variable, 1 denotes male, and 0 female. Age is in years. Duration_EKT30 variable denotes how long the full 30 items of the environmental knowledge measure took each participant, measured in seconds (s).


Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Advanced Automotive Propulsion Systems

Publication details

Publication date: 12 June 2023
by: University of Bath

Version: 1


URL for this record:

Related papers and books

Player, L., Hanel, P. H.P., Whitmarsh, L., and Shah, P., 2023. The 19-Item Environmental Knowledge Test (EKT-19): A short, psychometrically robust measure of environmental knowledge. Heliyon, 9(8), e17862. Available from:

Contact information

Please contact the Research Data Service in the first instance for all matters concerning this item.

Contact person: Lois Player


Faculty of Engineering & Design
Mechanical Engineering

Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences

Research Centres & Institutes
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Advanced Automotive Propulsion Systems (AAPS CDT)