Dataset for Synchrotron micro-CT in kink-band formation of UD-CFRP laminates with microdefects

This dataset contains raw Synchrotron micro-CT images for a baseline and a defect-rich sample subjecting to in-situ compressive loading at different load stages. Post-processing results such as Digital Volume Correlation (DVC) and Fibre misalignment analysis that has been used in the publication.

Kink-band formation, Digital Volume Correlation, Raw data, Fibre misalignment analysis
Materials sciences
Mechanical engineering

Cite this dataset as:
Srisuriyachot, J., 2023. Dataset for Synchrotron micro-CT in kink-band formation of UD-CFRP laminates with microdefects. Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:


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Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0


Jiraphant Srisuriyachot
Rights Holder
University of Bath


Jean Bénézech
University of Bath

Sophie Mcnair
Data Collector
University of Bath

Thomas Maierhofer
Data Collector
University of Bath

Richard Butler
University of Bath

Alexander Lunt
University of Bath

University of Bath
Rights Holder


Data collection method:

Micro-CT image acquisition was performed at the I13-2 beamline at Diamond Light Source. A pink beam of peak energy 19 keV was obtained through a series of Pyrolytic graphite filters and an aluminium filter, and the beam was collimated to 10 mm × 10 mm using beam-defining slits. The PCO.edge high speed 5.5 X-ray camera was used to capture radiographs at each load increment at a resolution of 2560 × 2560 pixels. Micro-CT data was collected via a flyscan over 180° at an increment of 0.01° (18,000 projections) with an exposure time of 50 ms. A ×2 objective lens was selected in addition to the detectors ×2 predefined magnification (×4 total magnification), resulting in a FOV of 4.2 mm × 3.5 mm with an effective pixel size of ∼ 1.625 μm. This pixel size is sufficient to distinguish individual fibres with ɸf = ∼ 7 μm in diameter. To enhance the phase contrast between the fibres and matrix, an in-line phase propagation study was employed by collecting micro-CT data sets at a range of sample to detector distances. The reconstructions were then analysed to determine an optimised sample-to-detector distance of 580 mm. A Deben CT5000 5kN load cell, co-axially fixed onto a tomography tower, was used to perform in-situ compressive testing of baseline and defect-rich samples. The tower was composed of an Aerotech goniometer, along with multiple Huber and Newport motors, to facilitate sample rotation and the translation required for synchrotron micro-CT at the location of interest. A compressive load was applied at a rate of 0.1 mm/min along the primary fibre axis of the sample. Micro-CT data were collected at each increment load while the motors held stationary, and the increment was reduced close to the expected failure loads for all samples until they failed. This ensured that the initiation of failure and subsequent failure (e.g. fibre kinking, matrix shear and fibre fracture) were captured during the experiment. The samples were held using steel grips that were able to load the sample via the resin blocks on either end. These results were used to determine the load increments applied to the sample during the micro-CT study.

Technical details and requirements:

.vtk requires Paraview (open-source application) to view the processed data .raw requires ImageJ (open-source application) to view the raw data

Documentation Files

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Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0


Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

Re-shaping the Test Pyramid

Diamond Light Source

Facility time award

Publication details

Publication date: 10 October 2023
by: University of Bath

Version: 1


URL for this record:

Related papers and books

Srisuriyachot, J., Bénézech, J., Couégnat, G., McNair, S. A.M., Maierhofer, T., Butler, R., and Lunt, A. J.G., 2023. Synchrotron micro-CT in kink-band formation of UD-CFRP laminates with microdefects. Composites Part B: Engineering, 266, 111038. Available from:

Contact information

Please contact the Research Data Service in the first instance for all matters concerning this item.

Contact person: Jiraphant Srisuriyachot


Faculty of Engineering & Design
Mechanical Engineering

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