Dataset for "Tunable frequency conversion in doped photonic crystal fiber pumped near degeneracy"

This dataset contains all the underlying data used in Figures 1, 3 and 4 of the associated paper; these figures are represented in the folder titles of the dataset. The paper is an experimental demonstration of using a germanium-doped photonic crystal fiber for tunable frequency conversion over a few nm in the GaAs quantum dot emission range as well as between GaAs quantum dot wavelengths and the telecoms C-band. The data comes in the form of a txt file including measurements of the photonic crystal fiber's dispersion, and excel csv files containing spectra.

Photonic crystal fibre, four-wave mixing
Optics, photonics and lasers

Cite this dataset as:
Murphy, L., Olszewski, M., Androvitsaneas, P., Alvarez Perez, M., Smith, W., Bennett, A., Mosley, P., Davis, A., 2024. Dataset for "Tunable frequency conversion in doped photonic crystal fiber pumped near degeneracy". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:


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Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0


Leah Murphy
University of Bath

Mat Olszewski
University of Bath

Will Smith
University of Bath

Peter Mosley
University of Bath

Alex Davis
University of Bath


University of Bath
Rights Holder

Cardiff University


Collection date(s):

From 26 September 2023 to 25 June 2024


Data collection method:

Full details of the methodology can be found in the associated open access paper.

Technical details and requirements:

Figure 1, Figure 3, Figure 4(a): Data collected as described in the related paper using a Yokogawa AQ6374 optical spectrum analyser with the resolution set to 0.05 nm. Figure 4(b): Data collected as described in the related paper using an Agilent 86145A optical spectrum analyser with the resolution set to 0.02 nm.

Additional information:

The folder titles within the dataset represent figures found in the associated paper. ***** figure 3 ***** csv data for figure 3 are labelled as a date-stamp and a number. In subfigures a-c, the number counts up as the tunable pump wavelength is increased. For example: the data for the spectrum at 1558.1 nm corresponds to 1 and the data for the spectrum at 1558.6 nm corresponds to 2. In subfigure d, the number counts up as the amplifier power is increased. For example: the data for 27 dB corresponds to 1 and the data for 29 dB corresponds to 2. Each spectrum has a corresponding reference spectrum taken with the combined C-band beams blocked so that conversion efficiency can be calculated. These are labelled ending with "_ref". ***** figure 4 ***** In subfigure b, two background measurements are included which are taken with the combined ~920 nm beams blocked. These include "Background" in the name. The background plotted in the subfigure is the average of these two datasets.


Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

PHOCIS: A Photonic Crystal Integrated Squeezer

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

Phase 2 UK Hub for Quantum Computing and Simulation
EP/T001062/1 (with Oxford)

Publication details

Publication date: 12 July 2024
by: University of Bath

Version: 1


URL for this record:

Contact information

Please contact the Research Data Service in the first instance for all matters concerning this item.

Contact person: Leah Murphy


Faculty of Science

Research Centres & Institutes
Centre for Photonics and Photonic Materials