Impact assessment in complex contexts of rural livelihood transformations in Africa. Part 2- Interview data

Abstract copyright data collection owner. Qualitative interview resulting from semi-structured household interviews and focus group discussions that aimed to assess the impact of development activities that are intended to benefit poor men, women and children; and how their income and food security is changing. The study took place in four rural village sites: Masumbankhunda and Karonga areas in Malawi and Tigray and Oromia areas in Ethiopia.

quality of life, ethiopia, malawi, rural development, 2016

Cite this dataset as:
Copestake, J., 2016. Impact assessment in complex contexts of rural livelihood transformations in Africa. Part 2- Interview data. UK Data Service. Available from:


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James Copestake
Rights Holder
University of Bath


Fiona Remnant
University of Bath

Claire Allan
Farm Africa

Erin Thomas
Gorta Self Help Africa


Collection date(s):

From 10 September 2012 to 8 September 2015

Geographical coverage:

Ethiopia (Tigray and Oromia); Malawi (Karonga and Masumbankhunda)


Data collection method:

The full data collection methodology is outlined in the attached documentation files. The approach used is Qualitative Impact Assessment Protocol (QUIP). This approach aims to collect information on changes in people's lives over the same period of time as the development intervention that is being assessed by the implementing NGO. Semi structured questionnaires were used with selected beneficiary households that were sampled using a stratified randomised sub-sample of the households in the quantitative monitoring survey, using a combination of open-ended and closed questions. Field researchers were recruited and trained, but given no information about the development project being evaluated to avoid confirmation bias. This is called 'blinding' in the methodology. The dataset consists of Excel files that contain all anonymised interview transcripts for individual households and focus groups. This dataset is linked to a related set of quantitative monitoring data for the same projects.


Economic and Social Research Council

Impact assessment based on self-reported attribution in complex contexts of rural livelihood transformations in Africa

Publication details

Publication date: 4 February 2016
by: UK Data Service

Version: 1

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Contact information

Please contact the Research Data Service in the first instance for all matters concerning this item.

Contact person: James Copestake


Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences
Social & Policy Sciences