Dataset for "Single-mode solarization-free hollow-core fiber for ultraviolet pulse delivery"

The dataset includes all raw data and files to regenerate all figures in the paper, where we report novel anti-resonant silica hollow-core fibers (AR-HCFs) for solarization-free ultraviolet (UV) pulse transmission. We present a single fiber that guides over a part of the UV-C and the whole of the UV-A spectral regions and a second AR-HCF used for delivery of 17 nanosecond laser pulses at 266 nm at 30 kHz repetition rate. By direct comparison we demonstrate that the single-mode AR-HCF significantly outperforms commercially-available high-OH and solarization-resistant silica multimode fibers for pulsed light delivery in this spectral range. MATLAB scripts are also found which filter the straylight background in the raw data measured by UV spectrometer and generate the all attenuation curves in the paper.

Cite this dataset as:
Yu, F., 2018. Dataset for "Single-mode solarization-free hollow-core fiber for ultraviolet pulse delivery". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:


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image/tiff (364kB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

Fig.1(a) SEM picture

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Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

Fig2_OSA.csv contains the transmitted power from both 33.6 m and 8.4 m in the cutback measured by Ando A6315E optical spectrometer.

text/plain (61kB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

M1_l_4s.txt contains the measured transmission power of 33.6 m fiber shown in fig. 1(a). The first line is wavelength in unit of nm; the second line is the measured power in unit of count. The integration time is 4 sec.

text/plain (61kB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

M1_s_1s.txt contains the measured transmission power of 8.4 m fiber shown in fig. 1(a). The first line is wavelength in unit of nm; the second line is the measured power in unit of count. The integration time is 1 sec.

text/plain (287B)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

Fig5(a)_HCF_withPinhole.csv contains the transmitted power through hollow- core fiber in fig.3(a) for one hour with pinhole in front of fiber input for optimization of coupling.

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Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

Fig5(a)_MMF.csv contains the transmitted power through high-OH multimode fiber for one hour with pinhole in front of fiber input for optimization of coupling.

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Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

Fig5(a)_SRMMF.csv contains the transmitted power through solarization-resistant multimode fiber for one hour with pinhole in front of fiber input for optimization of coupling.

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Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

Fig5(a)_HCF_withoutPinhole.csv contains the transmitted power through through hollow-core fiber in fig.3(a) for one hour without pinhole in front of fiber input for optimization of coupling.

text/plain (60kB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

Fig.5(c).csv contains the fluorescence measurement of multimode silica fiber by Ocean spectrometer (USB4000). The first line is wavelength in unit of nm; the second line is the measured intensity in unit of count.
application/zip (9MB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

Raw non-destructive measurement data, and SEM images of 7 capillaries, used in fig. 1(a)

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Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

M2_l_1ms.txt contains the measured transmission power of 25.1 m fiber shown in fig. 3(a). The first line is wavelength in unit of nm; the second line is the measured power in unit of count. The integration time is 1 sec.

text/plain (59kB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

M2_s_3_8ms.txt contains the measured transmission power of 5.3 m fiber shown in fig. 3(a). The first line is wavelength in unit of nm; the second line is the measured power in unit of count. The integration time is 3.8 msec.

text/plain (54kB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

Fig3_OSA.csv contains the transmitted power from both 19.8 m and 5.7 m in the cutback measured by Ando A6315E optical spectrometer.


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Software: GNU GPL 3.0

Function to recall in the script to remove the background of spectra in UV recorded by Ocean spectrometer

ocean_spectrometer … processing.m
text/plain (722B)
Software: GNU GPL 3.0

Main script to process the data of cutback measured by Ocean spectrometers.

Data licenced under Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0. Code licenced under Software: GNU GPL 3.0


Fei Yu
University of Bath


Maria Cann

Adam Brunton
Project Member

William Wadsworth
Project Member
University of Bath

Jonathan Knight
Project Leader
University of Bath

University of Bath
Rights Holder


Data collection method:

In the cutback measurement, the fiber is rewound in loops in 1 m diameter. Ando AQ6315A and Ocean spectrometer USB4000 are used to measure the transmitted power before and after cut at visible and UV wavelengths respectively. The measurement of 266 nm laser transmitted through hollow-core fiber is by using power meter to directly measure the laser power at the output of fiber. Recording the reading usually takes a few seconds and the average of minimum and maximum power during this period of time is recognized as the transmitted power. The fluorescence is measured by using a short piece of multimode (approx. 15cm) fiber to sample light into Ocean spectrometer.

Data processing and preparation activities:

MATLAB code is to process the raw data measured by Ocean spectrometer. The main purpose of code is to remove the significant background in the spectra due to the straylight. The measured spectral intensities measured before and after cut are input file to be read by MATLAB. Integration time and fiber lengths are needed to generate the corresponding attenuation curves. In the operation, the UV bandedge are required to manually identify on the screen by hand. By clicking the cursor, the X position will be automatically recorded and the local wavelength be recognized as the edge of band. The clicking point should not be at the sharp transitions of band but offset.


Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

Hollow Antiresonant Fibres for Visible and Ultraviolet Beam Delivery

Publication details

Publication date: 13 April 2018
by: University of Bath

Version: 1


URL for this record:

Related papers and books

Yu, F., Cann, M., Brunton, A., Wadsworth, W., and Knight, J., 2018. Single-mode solarization-free hollow-core fiber for ultraviolet pulse delivery. Optics Express, 26(8), 10879. Available from:

Contact information

Please contact the Research Data Service in the first instance for all matters concerning this item.

Contact person: Fei Yu


Faculty of Science