Dataset for "Six weeks of daily morning fasting causes no adaptation of metabolic or appetite responses to feeding in adults with obesity"

We present data collected as part of a randomised controlled trial to establish if daily breakfast consumption or fasting until noon modifies the acute metabolic and appetitive responses to a fixed breakfast and ad libitum lunch in individuals with obesity. The dataset contains measurements of participants' food intake, appetite regulatory hormones and metabolic responses throughout a laboratory testing day before and after a sustained period of either daily breakfast consumption or morning fasting.

Breakfast, Appetite Hormones, Energy Intake, Fasting

Cite this dataset as:
Chowdhury, E., Betts, J., 2019. Dataset for "Six weeks of daily morning fasting causes no adaptation of metabolic or appetite responses to feeding in adults with obesity". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:



James Betts
Project Leader
University of Bath


Dylan Thompson
Project Member
University of Bath

Javier Gonzalez
Project Member
University of Bath

Judith Richardson
Project Member
University of Bath

Kostas Tsintzas
Project Member
University of Nottingham; Yokohama City University

University of Bath
Rights Holder


Collection date(s):

From 1 June 2010 to 31 May 2013


Data collection method:

Data collection methods are outlined in the manuscript and protocol paper (Betts et al, 2011, Trials) with additional information relating to the dataset included in the readme file. Using a parallel group design, 22 healthy men and women (25-58y) were randomly assigned to 6-wk of consuming ≥700 kcal of self-selected items before 1100 or remaining fasted (0 kcal) until 1200 daily. Following 48h of diet and physical activity standardization, we examined metabolic and appetite responses to a standardized breakfast and ad libitum lunch before and after the intervention.

Data processing and preparation activities:

Data was analyzed using 3 and 2-way ANCOVA.

Methodology link:

Betts, J. A., Thompson, D., Richardson, J. D., Chowdhury, E. A., Jeans, M., Holman, G. D., and Tsintzas, K., 2011. Bath Breakfast Project (BBP) - Examining the role of extended daily fasting in human energy balance and associated health outcomes: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial [ISRCTN31521726]. Trials, 12(1). Available from:


Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council

Extended Daily Fasting (Omission of Breakfast) and the Regulation of Energy Balance

Publication details

Publication date: 29 March 2019
by: University of Bath

Version: 1


URL for this record:

Related papers and books

Chowdhury, E. A., Richardson, J. D., Gonzalez, J. T., Tsintzas, K., Thompson, D., and Betts, J. A., 2019. Six Weeks of Morning Fasting Causes Little Adaptation of Metabolic or Appetite Responses to Feeding in Adults with Obesity. Obesity, 27(5), 813-821. Available from:

Contact information

Please contact the Research Data Service in the first instance for all matters concerning this item.

Contact person: James Betts


Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences