Data supporting article: Energy saving potential of high temperature heat pumps in the UK food and drink sector

This dataset contains data, analysis and results generated in research reported in "Energy saving potential of high temperature heat pumps in the UK Food and Drink sector" in Energy Procedia and presented at the International Conference on Sustainable Energy & Resource Use in Food Chains (17-19 October 2018, Paphos, Cyprus). This includes performance data for heat pumps, parameters and calculations for selected dairy processes, energy use data for the UK Food and Drink sector and calculation steps used in the analysis. The heat pump performance data consists of the nominal Coefficient of Performance (COP) that can be achieved at specified temperature conditions by several high-temperature heat pumps (HTHPs) that are considered representative for the study. The dairy processes selected are pasteurisation of liquid milk, cheese production, yogurt production, milk drying and cleaning in place. For each process, a representative diagram is provided and temperature bounds for each sub-process are used to calculate the COP that the HTHPs would achieve. UK air temperature data is provided and binned into seven 5K bands to enable these calculations. Data on the relative energy uses within the dairy processes (from the Useable Energy Database and other referenced sources) are used with these COP results, to estimate the overall energy savings that are possible. This is repeated at a more aggregated level for the UK Food and Drink sector. The GHG and fuel cost implications of these energy savings are presented in table and graphical format.

Food science and nutrition
Mechanical engineering

Cite this dataset as:
Cooper, S., 2018. Data supporting article: Energy saving potential of high temperature heat pumps in the UK food and drink sector. Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:


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Analysis of energy-saving potential of high temperature heat pumps in UK food and drink


Sam Cooper
University of Bath


University of Bath
Rights Holder


Data collection method:

The dairy process data was collected through literature review. The heat pump data was based on expert review of published test data. The results were based on calculations described in spreadsheet. Please see the references in the spreadsheet for the sources of the background data used.

Additional information:

Spreadsheet is in Microsoft Excel 2007+ format.


Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council


Publication details

Publication date: 19 December 2018
by: University of Bath

Version: 1


URL for this record:

Related papers and books

Cooper, S., Hammond, G., Hewitt, N., Norman, J., Tassou, S., and Youssef, W., 2018. Energy saving potential of high temperature heat pumps in the UK Food and Drink sector. In: 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Resource Use in Food Chains 2018. Available from:

Cooper, S. J., Hammond, G. P., Hewitt, N., Norman, J. B., Tassou, S. A., and Youssef, W., 2019. Energy saving potential of high temperature heat pumps in the UK Food and Drink sector. Energy Procedia, 161, 142-149. Available from:

Contact information

Please contact the Research Data Service in the first instance for all matters concerning this item.

Contact person: Sam Cooper


Faculty of Engineering & Design
Mechanical Engineering