Dataset for "Media Context and the 2017 General Election: How Traditional and Social Media Shape Elections"

The dataset for "Media Context and the 2017 General Election: How Traditional and Social Media Shape Elections" consists of an analysis of media coverage of the 2017 British General Election. Media included are national newspapers, local newspapers, national and regional television news, and radio. The complete list of outlets is included in the codebooks. This study was conducted as part of the ESRC Media in Context and the 2017 General Election award, which extends the analysis of the 2015 election, data available under SN 8176.

In 2017 the electoral context had shifted from two years earlier, with a majority Conservative government, different leaders of almost all the major parties, Brexit as both the main issue (prior to the terrorist bomb in Manchester) and the ostensible reason the election was called, the possibility of the incumbent government gaining the largest proportion of the vote in a generation, and a growing distrust of polling data and the media e.g., ‘fake news’ and Twitter bots. This provided us with the opportunity to re-examine media coverage and extend our aims in four ways, by: 1) Looking at media coverage and its effects on different leaders and different issues than in 2015, e.g., Theresa May, Jeremy Corbyn, and Brexit; 2) Comparing the drivers of coverage of the election in traditional and social media, how they interact, and their effects in an era of “fake news” and “post-truth democracy” ; 3) Drawing links between key narratives in the 2015 post-election media coverage that led to the EU referendum and key narratives on Brexit in the 2017 campaign; 4) Identifying the aspects of media and media effects that vary between a competitive and an uncompetitive election at the national level and those that stay constant.

Data collection was for the following additional objectives: 1. To extend the longitudinal data set using the methods we established for the 2015 media content, capturing traditional and social media coverage of the 2017 election beginning on April 18th, 2017, the day Theresa May announced her intention to call an election and ending with the Queen’s speech on June 21st. 2. As in ES/M010775/1, to link traditional media content and social media analysis from 2017 to questions in the British Election Study, both allowing examination of media effects in 2017, and, for the same respondents, in 2015 for comparison.

Media, Political behaviour and attitudes, Politics, Society and culture
Political science and international studies

Cite this dataset as:
Cioroianu, I., Banducci, S., Coan, T., Stevens, D., 2018. Dataset for "Media Context and the 2017 General Election: How Traditional and Social Media Shape Elections". UK Data Service. Available from:


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Iulia Cioroianu
University of Exeter

Susan Banducci
Rights Holder
University of Exeter

Travis Coan
Rights Holder
University of Exeter

Daniel Peter Stevens
Rights Holder
University of Exeter


Collection date(s):

From 1 June 2017 to 31 May 2018

Geographical coverage:

United Kingdom


Data collection method:

The media data were collected through Box of Broadcasts (TV and Radio) and Nexis (newspapers). The Twitter data were collected through the Twitter streaming API between 18 April 2017 and 8 June 2017, using the following keywords: ge2017, corbyn, may, sturgeon, labour, conservative, tory, election, ukip, libdem, plaid, snp, green party, debate, mp, candidate, constituency, parliament, westminster, whitehall, vote, voting, ballot, poll, turnout, manifesto, cabinet, ukpolitics.


Economic and Social Research Council

Media Context and the 2017 General Election: How traditional and social media shape elections (an extension of ES/M010775/1)

Publication details

Publication date: 5 December 2018
by: UK Data Service

Version: 1


URL for this record:

Related papers and books

Thorsen, E., Jackson, D., and Lilleker, D. (eds.) 2017. UK Election Analysis 2017: Media, Voters and the Campaign. Bournemouth: Bournemouth University. Available from:

Contact information

Please contact the Research Data Service in the first instance for all matters concerning this item.

Contact person: Iulia Cioroianu


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