Dataset for "Overheating Risk in Passivhaus Dwellings"

This dataset consists of hourly internal and daily external temperature data from 82 certified Passivhaus dwellings in the UK. The data can be used for calculating overheating risk and guaging how comfortable a home would be in the summer.

This data come from 16 different sites and includes houses and flats. Some of the data is from the living room only, for other dwellings there were sensors in muitple rooms and these are indicated. As this data was compared to CIBSE TM59 "Design methodology for the assessment of overheating risk in homes", there is a calculation of the running mean temperature and maximum temperature.

Overheating, Passive House, Passivhaus, UK, Dwellings
Civil engineering and built environment
Climate and climate change

Cite this dataset as:
Mitchell, R., Natarajan, S., 2020. Dataset for "Overheating Risk in Passivhaus Dwellings". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:


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Internal and external temperature data from 82 certified Passivhaus dwellings from 16 site in the UK. Identified by site, dwelling type and room type.



University of Bath
Rights Holder


Data processing and preparation activities:

This data was provided by the Technology Stratergy Board Building Performance Evaluation Program, and is available from the digital catapault. Other data was provided by WARM low energy Consultancy and indidiual home owners. All data has been anonymised

Additional information:

The variables are Timestamp = time and date SiteID = Site number (1-16) DWType = dwelling type (House or Flat) HouseID = unique reference number for each dwelling in dataset Room = room type LR = living room , BR= bedroom, KI= Kitchen, BT= bathroom = internal temperature (mean hourly) T.ext.daily = external temperature (mean daily) T.rm = running mean temperature calculated using the method described in CIBSE TM59 T.max = maximum daily intenral temperature calculated using the method described in CIBSE TM59


Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in the Decarbonisation of the Built Environment (DBE)

Publication details

Publication date: 22 April 2020
by: University of Bath

Version: 1


URL for this record:

Related papers and books

Mitchell, R., and Natarajan, S., 2019. Overheating risk in Passivhaus dwellings. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 40(4), 446-469. Available from:

Contact information

Please contact the Research Data Service in the first instance for all matters concerning this item.

Contact person: Sukumar Natarajan


Faculty of Engineering & Design
Architecture & Civil Engineering