Dataset for "The effect of acute citalopram on self-referential emotional processing and social cognition in healthy volunteers"

This dataset is for a study examining whether acute administration of citalopram is associated with an increase in positive affective learning biases about the self and increases in prosocial behaviour. 41 healthy volunteers were randomised to either an acute 20 mg dose of citalopram (n = 20) or matched placebo (n = 21) in a between-subjects double-blind design. Participants completed computer-based cognitive tasks designed to measure referential affective processing, social cognition and expression of prosocial behaviours. This included a prisoners' dilemma task, the social evaluation learning task, a referential categorisation and recall task, an affective go/no-go association task and simple associative learning tasks. Participants also completed trait measures of mood and personality at baseline, and state measures of mood and side effects at baseline, post-drug and post-testing timepoints. Data for all questionnaire and cognitive task measures are included in this dataset in both raw and aggregated formats.

antidepressants, emotional processing, psychopharmacology, depression, social cognition, self, neuropsychological theory antidepressants

Cite this dataset as:
Hobbs, K., Murphy, S., Wright, L., Carson, J., Indra, V., O'Brien, J., Oyesanya, M., Sui, J., Munafo, M., Kessler, D., Harmer, C., Button, K., 2020. Dataset for "The effect of acute citalopram on self-referential emotional processing and social cognition in healthy volunteers". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:


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Acute_Citalopram …
application/zip (5MB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

Raw merged datafiles produced by each of the cognitive tasks and questionnaires. This data has not been cleaned apart from for anonymisation purposes.

Acute_Citalopram …
application/zip (129kB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

Aggregated, cleaned datafiles for statistical analysis.


Acute_Citalopram …
application/zip (21kB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

R Scripts for cleaning the raw data produced by each of the cognitive tasks and questionnaires.

Acute_Citalopram … Statistics.Rmd
text/plain (84kB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

R script for analysing the cleaned data.


Katie Hobbs
University of Bath

Susannah E Murphy
University of Oxford

Lucy Wright
University of Oxford

James Carson
University of Oxford

Van Assche Indra
University of Oxford

Jessica O'Brien
University of Oxford

Mayowa Oyesanya
University of Oxford

Jie Sui
University of Aberdeen

Marcus R Munafo
University of Bristol

David Kessler
University of Bristol


University of Bath
Rights Holder

University of Oxford


Collection date(s):

From 23 October 2019 to 9 March 2020

Geographical coverage:

Oxford, UK


Data collection method:

This study was pre-registered on Open Science Framework (, which details the study methodology and data analysis plans. Briefly, this study used a randomised between-subject double-blind design where participants were allocated to receive an acute dose of citalopram (20 mg) or placebo. Participants completed a number of cognitive tasks and self-report questionnaires of mood and personality.

Data processing and preparation activities:

Data files were anonymised by generating hashed IDs to replace participant unique identifiers using the digest package in R. Variables which could potentially identify participants were removed, including specific employment details, specific language spoken as a first language, and age in years and months (only years were retained).

Technical details and requirements:

R version 3.6 was used to clean and analyse the data. Full details of the process for cleaning the data can be found in the Raw anonymised data R scripts. Full details for analysing the data can be found in the Acute_Citalopram_Paper_Statistics.Rmd file.

Additional information:

The data for this study has been separated into two parts (1) the merged raw files produced by each of the cognitive tasks / questionnaires, (2) the cleaned data files and scripts that reflect the data analysis reported in our paper. For the raw data I have provided both .xlsx and .csv files, although I imported the data into R using .xlsx so there may be some discrepancies when using the .csv files with the R scripts. For the cleaned data for analysis I have provided the R dataframe files and .csv files. I imported the data into R using the dataframe files so again there may be discrepancies when using the R script with the .csv files. It is therefore recommended to use the .xlsx files for the raw data and the R dataframe files for the cleaned data if also using the accompanying R scripts.

Documentation Files

Acute_Citalopram … readme.txt
text/plain (5kB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

RawData_Dataframes … tionary.xlsx
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet (37kB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

Data dictionary outlining the files and variables included in each of the raw data files.

Analysis_Dataframes … ionary.xlsx
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet (32kB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

Data dictionary outlining the files and variables included in the cleaned, aggregated data files used for statistical analysis.

Legal and Ethical Documents

application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document (205kB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0


Medical Research Council

GW4 BioMed MRC Doctoral Training Partnership

NIHR Oxford Biomedical Research Centre

Publication details

Publication date: 30 September 2020
by: University of Bath

Version: 1

Alternative title: Acute_Citalopram_Self_Social_Cognition


URL for this record:

Related papers and books

Hobbs, C., Murphy, S. E., Wright, L., Carson, J., Assche, I. V., O'Brien, J., Oyesanya, M., Sui, J., Munafò, M. R., Kessler, D., Harmer, C. J., and Button, K. S., 2020. Effect of acute citalopram on self-referential emotional processing and social cognition in healthy volunteers. BJPsych Open, 6(6). Available from:

Related theses

Hobbs, C., 2022. A neurocognitive investigation of the role of reinforcement learning in updating dysfunctional self-schema in depression: A putative mechanism for antidepressant action? (Alternative Format Thesis). Thesis (PhD). University of Bath. Available from:

Contact information

Please contact the Research Data Service in the first instance for all matters concerning this item.

Contact person: Katie Hobbs


Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences