Dataset for "Higher Level Techniques for the Artistic Rendering of Images and Video"

This dataset contains images and videos demonstrating several Artistic Rendering algorithms presented in the thesis "Higher Level Techniques for the Artistic Rendering of Images and Video". In contrast to techniques that consider only a small image region local to each rendering stroke, or only the current and preceding frame in a video, these algorithms use a higher spatio-temporal level of analysis to broaden the range of potential rendering styles, enhance temporal coherence in animations, and improve the aesthetic quality of renderings.

The images in the dataset are high resolution versions of paintings presented in the thesis (chapters 3 and 4). The videos exhibit various renderings or source footage for the ‘ballet’, ‘basketball’, ‘bounce’, ‘contraption’, ‘cricket’, ‘metronome’, ‘poohbear’, ‘sheep’, ‘spheres’, ‘stairs’, ‘volley’, ‘wand’, and ‘wave’ video sequences (chapters 6 to 8).

image processing, video processing, painterly rendering algorithms, Cubist rendering algorithms, motion emphasis
Information and communication technologies

Cite this dataset as:
Collomosse, J., 2004. Dataset for "Higher Level Techniques for the Artistic Rendering of Images and Video". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:


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Contents of the ‘paintings’ directory of the DVD-ROM submitted with the thesis.
application/zip (522MB)
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From the ‘videos’ directory of the DVD-ROM submitted with the thesis, the files ‘contraption.avi’, ‘panorama.avi’, ‘vpshowreel_lowres_divx5.avi’, and those with prefixes ‘ballet’, ‘basket’, ‘bounce’, ‘cricket’, ‘pooh’, ‘stairs’, ‘volley’, ‘wand’, and ‘wave’ (44 files).
application/zip (644MB)
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From the ‘videos’ directory of the DVD-ROM submitted with the thesis, the files with prefixes ‘metro’, ‘sheep’, and ‘spheres’ (22 files).
application/zip (750MB)
All Rights Reserved

From the ‘videos’ directory of the DVD-ROM submitted with the thesis, the file ‘vpshowreel.avi’.



University of Bath
Rights Holder


Data collection method:

Full details of the algorithms used to render the images and video footage can be found in the associated thesis.

Data processing and preparation activities:

The files listed with the ‘wave’ prefix in Appendix C of the thesis were given the prefix ‘bearwave’ on the accompanying DVD-ROM. These have been renamed in this dataset to match the names given in the thesis. The ‘papers’ directory from the DVD-ROM is not included in this dataset.

Technical details and requirements:

The images are primarily in Tagged Image File Format (TIFF), with one file in PDF. The videos are primarily in Audio Video Interleave (AVI) format, with two in MPEG video format.

Methodology link:

Collomosse, J. P., 2004. Higher level techniques for the artistic rendering of images and video. Thesis (PhD). University of Bath. Available from:

Documentation Files

application/pdf (42kB)
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Descriptions of the files included in this dataset (Appendix C of the thesis)


Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

Comic Strip Rendering of Real Video Sequences

Publication details

Publication date: May 2004
by: University of Bath

Version: 1


URL for this record:

Related theses

Collomosse, J. P., 2004. Higher level techniques for the artistic rendering of images and video. Thesis (PhD). University of Bath. Available from:

Contact information

Please contact the Research Data Service in the first instance for all matters concerning this item.


Faculty of Science
Computer Science