Dataset for "Speaking Flames – A study of threshold experiences inherent in fire-cræft and the affordances of kindling metaphors for the principles they provide for progressive pedagogy" Ed.D. thesis
The dataset includes a short video (called 'Fire Lighters short'), a slide sequence (called 'Firelighting Slide Sequence'), and unedited video clips of various stages of a facilitated kindling session. These files serve as documentation/supportive material for an Ed.D. thesis which addresses questions and themes in contemporary educational philosophy. The video footage was taken during a facilitated workshop in friction fire-lighting using traditional fire-lighting tools. The workshop was facilitated in the context of a professional development programme for teachers and it documents the situted, collaborative and contextual activity which sits at the core of this Ed.D research into educational philosophy, purpose, and praxis.
Cite this dataset as:
Code, J.,
Dataset for "Speaking Flames – A study of threshold experiences inherent in fire-cræft and the affordances of kindling metaphors for the principles they provide for progressive pedagogy" Ed.D. thesis.
Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive.
Available from:
Jonathan Michael Code
University of Bath
University of Bath
Rights Holder
Collection date(s):
From 1 January 2020 to 31 January 2020
Data collection method:
Video documentation, participant observation, phenomenology.
Publication details
Publication date: 28 June 2023
by: University of Bath
Version: 1
URL for this record:
Related theses
Code, J. M., 2023. Speaking Flames – A study of threshold experiences inherent in fire-cræft and the affordances of kindling metaphors for the principles they provide for progressive pedagogy. Thesis (Doctor of Education (EdD)). University of Bath. Available from:
Contact information
Please contact the Research Data Service in the first instance for all matters concerning this item.
Contact person: Jonathan Michael Code
Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences