Dataset for "Dynamic Lone Pairs and Fluoride-Ion Disorder in Cubic-BaSnF4"

This dataset contains the DFT calculations used in the paper "Dynamic Lone Pairs and Fluoride-Ion Disorder in Cubic-BaSnF4". This consists of four sets of data files corresponding to the four main components of the theoretical workflow: Initial optimal volume calculations, Site analysis calculations, Polarisation analysis, and Analysis of Quenched structures. Each of these sets contains all the files necessary for the analysis to be run and the analysis themselves.

In addition, the experimental data plotted in the main paper is available in this archive.

The analysis of data is presented in the linked dataset "user200000/data-BaSnF4: Bath Dataset Equivalent Release" though the data necessary for these scripts to work is only available here.


Cite this dataset as:
Mercadier, B., Coles, S., Duttine, M., Legein, C., Body, M., Borkiewicz, O., Lebedev, O., Morgan, B., Masquelier, C., Dambournet, D., 2023. Dataset for "Dynamic Lone Pairs and Fluoride-Ion Disorder in Cubic-BaSnF4". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:



text/plain (136B)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

This text file lists the POTCARS used for these simulations

text/plain (4kB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

This condo lml describes the python environment on which analysis was run.

text/plain (9kB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

This POSCAR file is the starting structure from which all subsequent calculations are derived
application/zip (4MB)
Creative Commons: Attribution-Share Alike 4.0

This file contains the numerical values plotted in the experimental figures in the main paper and the supporting information: An index is provided in the README.MD file within the zip file.

application/gzip (7GB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

This section handles the calculation of structural and temporal properties related to the tin lone pair. It contains all the notebooks for this analysis which are detailed in the readme. Further it contains the results of wannierisation and the dipoles calculated from these results, taken from structures with static and mobile fluoride ions. Each directory contains the files: dipoles.out, wannier90.eig, wannier90.wout,,,, and POSCAR.

application/gzip (1GB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

This directory creates the figures plotted from quenched structures. It contains two notebooks that process data from relaxed (quenched) structures from the MD. Structures: contains quenched structures from the real MD. Static_structures: contains quenched structures from the static fluorine MD. For each structure the set contains: an INCAR, a vasprun.xml, a POSCAR (starting structure drawn from MD), and a CONTCAR (relaxed structure).

application/gzip (4GB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

This subdirectory handles site- and density-based analysis. It contains three Jupyter notebooks. Further it contains the raw vasp trajectories in the trajectories directory. This directory contains 54 consecutive numbered runs, as well as an equilibration run (r_eq). Each run directory consists of the following files: OUTCAR, POSCAR (starting structure), CONTCAR (final structure), vasprun.xml, INCAR, and XDATCAR For all full description of contents see the README.MD in the archive.

application/gzip (2GB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

This subdirectory handles site- and density-based analysis. It contains one Jupyter notebook. It also contains a set of subdirectiories labeled SQS1 to SQS11. Each of these directories contains four run files labelled r1 to r4. These runs follow each other numerically. Each directory contains the following files: OUTCAR, POSCAR (starting structure), CONTCAR (final structure), vasprun.xml and INCAR.


Briséïs Mercadier
Sorbonne University; Research Network on Electrochemical Energy Storage; University of Picardie Jules Verne

Samuel Coles
University of Bath; Faraday Institution

Mathieu Duttine
Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry of Bordeaux

Monique Body
Le Mans University

Olaf Borkiewicz
Argonne National Laboratory

Oleg Lebedev
Crystallography and Material Sciences Laboratory (CRISMAT)

Benjamin Morgan
University of Bath; Faraday Institution

Christian Masquelier
University of Picardie Jules Verne; Research Network on Electrochemical Energy Storage

Damien Dambournet
Sorbonne University; Research Network on Electrochemical Energy Storage


Data collection method:

Ab initio molecular dynamics trajectories were calculated using the Vasp5 DFT and Ab Initio molecular dynamics code on the Archer2 national super computer. Wannierisation of this trajectory was performed using Wannier 90 on the Faraday Institution's Michael Supercomputer.

Methodology link:

Wannier Developers' Group, n.d. Support. Wannier90 website. Available from:

The VASP Manual, n.d. Available from:

Documentation Files
text/plain (3kB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

README file contains description of directory structure


CatMat – Next Generation Li-ion Cathode Materials

Michael HPC

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

High End Computing Materials Chemistry Consortium

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

GW4 Tier-2 HPC Centre for Advanced Architectures

Dr B Morgan URF - Modelling Collective Lithium-Ion Dynamics in Battery Materials

United States Department of Energy

Advanced Photon Source

French National Research Agency

STORE-EX – Laboratory of excellency for electrochemical energy storage

Publication details

Publication date: 16 October 2023
by: University of Bath

Version: 1


URL for this record:

Related papers and books

Mercadier, B., Coles, S. W., Duttine, M., Legein, C., Body, M., Borkiewicz, O. J., Lebedev, O., Morgan, B. J., Masquelier, C., and Dambournet, D., 2023. Dynamic Lone Pairs and Fluoride-Ion Disorder in Cubic-BaSnF4. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 145(43), 23739-23754. Available from:

Related datasets and code

Coles, S., and Morgan, B., 2023. user200000/data-BaSnF4: Bath Dataset Equivalent Release. Version Archive. Zenodo. Available from:

Contact information

Please contact the Research Data Service in the first instance for all matters concerning this item.

Contact person: Samuel Coles


Faculty of Science