Data for Reduced Repetition Rate Picosecond Ytterbium Mode-locked Fiber Laser Using Hollow Core Fiber

The data used to generate figures 3 - 7. Including: zip file of spectral csv files used to generate the heat map in figure 3; Excel file containing normalised spectra examples from three experimental cavities for figure 4; Excel file containing auto correlation traces from three experimental cavities including a longer time scale trace for the figure inset for figure 5; Excel file containing the measured mode locking and multi-pulsing thresholds of six experimental cavities with theoretical plot for figure 6; and an Excel file containing the multi-pulsing thresholds expressed in nonlinear phase shift normalised to pi shown in figure 7.

Optics, photonics and lasers

Cite this dataset as:
Harvey, C., 2015. Data for Reduced Repetition Rate Picosecond Ytterbium Mode-locked Fiber Laser Using Hollow Core Fiber. Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:


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Data used to generate figure 3 heatmap. CSV files recorded with yokogawa optical spectrum analyser. File names are arb. units for pump power. These can be converted to the pump power measured after the WDM in mW by filename*0.0513-13.492.

application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet (2MB)

Data used to generate figure 4. Includes normalised spectra recorded by a Yokogawa optical spectral analyser. Three sets of spectral data are given as examples from reference cavity, cavity with 20m HCF and cavity with 48m HCF.

application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet (21kB)

Data used to generate figure 5. Autocorrelation data recorded using an APE PulseCheck autocorrelator. Traces given are examples from the reference cavity, cavity with 20m of HCF and cavity with 48m HCF taken on a 15ps time scale. The inset trace is a pulse from the reference cavity with a 150ps time scale.

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Data used to generate figure 6. Points are measured results from experiment. The reference line is the theoretical expected cavity behaviour based on the reference cavity and ideal HCF.

application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet (9kB)

Points used to generate figure 7. Multi-pulsing thresholds are given in peak power and in estimated nonlinear phase shift normalised to pi.



Fei Yu
Related Person
University of Bath

Jonathan Knight
University of Bath

William Wadsworth
University of Bath

Paulo Almeida
Fianium Ltd

University of Bath
Rights Holder


Data collection method:

Spectra in figure 3 and 4 were measured using a yokogawa optical spectrum analyser at the cavity output. Key settings include: resolution of 0.02nm, sample of 25001 data points and a sensitivity setting of high 1. Autocorrelation traces in figure 5 were recorded on an APE PulseCheck autocorrelator using both a 15ps time scale and a 150ps time scale. Key settings were an averaging of 16 points, smoothing was on. Threshold points given in "Modelocking range data.xlsx" for figure 6 were recorded by increasing pump power from 0 to 140mW and recording the pump power where pulse behaviour changed. This was repeated several times over multiple days and the variance in thresholds was incorporated into the error bars. Threshold points given in "Peak power data.xlsx" for figure 7 were also recorded increasing pump power from 0 to 140mW but noting the average output pulse power. Using the measured pulse width and repetition rate the peak power was calculated. This was then used to estimate the peak power and nonlinear phase at each cavity stage using known component parameters. This is then summed up to give the total nonlinear phase shift per cavity round trip.


Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

Industrial CASE Account – University of Bath 2012


Fianium Ltd

Publication details

Publication date: 2015
by: University of Bath

Version: 1


URL for this record:

Related papers and books

Harvey, C. M., Yu, F., Knight, J. C., Wadsworth, W. J., and Almeida, P. J., 2016. Reduced Repetition Rate Yb3+ Mode-Locked Picosecond Fiber Laser With Hollow Core Fiber. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 28(6), 669-672. Available from:

Contact information

Please contact the Research Data Service in the first instance for all matters concerning this item.

Contact person: Clarissa Harvey


Faculty of Science