ENLITEN focus group data

A series of 5 focus groups and one interview were undertaken in April 2013 in Exeter UK. The participants were tenants and leaseholders of Exeter City Council (ECC) social housing. Participants were recruited by the resident involvement officer at ECC.
The focus groups involved three tasks:
1. A card sort task (see associated card sort dataset record)
2. A discussion about energy consumption in the home
3. A branding exercise where participants were told about plans to run a large monitoring study (see ENLITEN project databases) asked their opinions on various potential aspects of the study. Each focus group was recorded and the audio files were edited so that all relevant information to tasks 1 & 2 (psy1-6), and 3 (rec 1-6) were separated. The information relevant to tasks 1 & 2 was transcribed, however the information relevant to task 3 was thematically analysed directly from the audio files and a draft internal report was created contained this data (ENLITEN branding focus group results). One session was an interview as only one participant turned up. Further details about the focus groups can be found in the focus group materials and interview schedules document attached.

Cite this dataset as:
Gabe-Thomas, E., 2015. ENLITEN focus group data. Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from: https://doi.org/10.15125/BATH-00143.


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Transcript for energy discussions

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Transcript for energy discussions

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Transcript for energy discussions

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Transcript for energy discussions

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Transcript for energy discussions

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Transcript for energy discussions

ENLITEN_branding … results.pdf
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A summary of the themes extracted from the recruitment branding section of the focus groups.

Mixed access regime: Transcripts are openly available, but audio recordings are restricted to the original researcher.


Ian Walker
University of Bath

Bas Verplanken
University of Bath

University of Bath
Rights Holder


Temporal coverage:

April 2013


Data collection method:

Focus groups took place at a community center in Exeter in April 2013. The sessions were audio recorded. For further details see interview schedule and materials.

Documentation Files

application/pdf (311kB)

Interview schedule and method

Legal and Ethical Documents

application/pdf (317kB)

briefing, consent and debriefing arrangements


Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

Energy Literacy through an Intelligent Home Energy Advisor ENLITEN

Publication details

Publication date: 2015
by: University of Bath

Version: 1

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15125/BATH-00143

URL for this record: https://researchdata.bath.ac.uk/id/eprint/143

Contact information

Please contact the Research Data Service in the first instance for all matters concerning this item.

Contact person: Elizabeth Gabe-Thomas


Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences