Low-loss single-mode performance in anti resonant hollow-core fibers

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Optics, photonics and lasers

Cite this dataset as:
Yu, F., 2016. Low-loss single-mode performance in anti resonant hollow-core fibers. Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from: https://doi.org/10.15125/BATH-00189.


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Raw cutback data and calculated attenuations of 8 and 7 capillary cladding hollow core fibres

8.8m__7_AR-HCF … 1078_1082.mat
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S2 measurement data of 8.8 7 capillary cladding HCF, in format of MATLAB data

11.3m_7_AR-HCF … 1078_1082.mat
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S2 measurement raw data for 11.3 m 7 capillary cladding HCF, save in format of MATLAB data

11.5m_8_AR-HCF … 1078_1082.mat
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S2 measurement raw data for 11.5 m 8 capillary cladding HCF, saved in format of MATLAB data

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All attenuation data plotted in Fig.5, saved in excel format.

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All SEM images in Fig.5.

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SEM images in Fig.1

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Videos of mode excitations which are visualization 1 - 5 in the manuscript.

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Raw data and calculated attenuations of LP21 mode in 7 capillary cladding HCF, save in excel format


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Main script post-processing raw data of S2 measurement, written in MATLAB

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Dispersion calculation functions for main script, written in MATLAB

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Mode plot function for main script, written in MATLAB


Fei Yu
University of Bath


Jonathan Knight
Project Leader
University of Bath

Mengrong Xu
Project Member
University of Bath

University of Bath
Rights Holder


Data collection method:

1. Fibre attenuations measurement The fibre attenuations were measured by the cutback measurement. A tungsten lamp was used as the light source. A short piece of single-mode optical fibre (SMF28, less than 0.5 m) was used to couple light from the light source into hollow core fibres (HCFs). A optical spectrum analyser (ANDO aq-6315b) was used to record the spectra before and after the cut-back. The coupling between SMF28 and light source was free space. The other end of SMF28 approached to HCF as close as possible. The near field patten of output of HCF was monitored by a CCD camera (DMK 41BU02). While moving SMF28 across HCF end, the output mode pattern changed with the intensity. When the output pattern became most fundamental-mode like with the highest intensity, SMF28 was fixed in place through the cutback measurement. 2. Mode excitation The mode excitation in HCFs was recorded by CCD camera while 2D scanning the butt-coupling between SMF28 and HCFs as described in 1. Fibre attenuation measurement. 3. S2 measurement S2 measurement in the manuscript adopted the same methodology described in J. W. Nicholson, A. D. Yablon, S. Ramachandran, and S. Ghalmi, "Spatially and spectrally resolved imaging of modal content in large-mode-area fibers," Opt. Express 16, 7233-7243 (2008). A home-made supercontinuum light source was used as the whitelight source. YOKOGAWA AQ6370D optical spectrum analyser was used to record the spectral fringes. LABVIEW program controlled the XY stage at the imaging plane of HCF output. The XY stage was made by two translation stages PI M-126.DG1 and THORLABS ZST.

Methodology link:

Nicholson, J. W., Yablon, A. D., Ramachandran, S., and Ghalmi, S., 2008. Spatially and spectrally resolved imaging of modal content in large-mode-area fibers. Optics Express, 16(10), 7233. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1364/oe.16.007233.

Documentation Files

text/plain (246B)

Explanation of raw data file naming protocol

text/plain (182B)

Special explanation about plotting Fig.4(d)


Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

Hollow Antiresonant Fibres for Visible and Ultraviolet Beam Delivery

Publication details

Publication date: 2016
by: University of Bath

Version: 1

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15125/BATH-00189

URL for this record: https://researchdata.bath.ac.uk/id/eprint/189

Related papers and books

Yu, F., Xu, M., and Knight, J. C., 2016. Experimental study of low-loss single-mode performance in anti-resonant hollow-core fibers. Optics Express, 24(12), 12969. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1364/oe.24.012969.

Contact information

Please contact the Research Data Service in the first instance for all matters concerning this item.

Contact person: Fei Yu


Faculty of Science