Dataset for 'Prevention of Encrustation and Blockage of Urinary Catheters by Proteus mirabilis via pH-Triggered Release of Bacteriophage'

The crystalline biofilms of Proteus mirabilis can seriously complicate the care of patients undergoing long-term indwelling urinary catheterisation. Expression of bacterial urease causes a significant increase in urinary pH, leading to the supersaturation and precipitation of struvite and apatite crystals. These crystals become lodged within the biofilm, resulting in the blockage of urine flow through the catheter.

This dataset presents the effect on bacterial growth, and hence time to blockage of urinary catheters as a result of an infection-responsive surface coating, which releases a therapeutic dose of bacteriophage in response to elevated urinary pH. The coating employs a dual-layered system comprising of a lower hydrogel ‘reservoir’ layer impregnated with bacteriophage, capped by a ‘trigger’ layer of the pH-responsive polymer poly(methyl methacrylate-co-methacrylic acid) (EUDRAGIT®S 100). Evaluation of prototype coatings using a clinically reflective in vitro bladder model resulted in the doubling of catheter blockage time under conditions of established infection in response to a 'burst release' of bacteriophage.

The data presented shows the time to blockage for both models infected with urease positive and negative bacteria, as well as the change in bacterial CFU/ml and bacteriophage PFU/ml with time. Samples taken directly from the bladder at time intervals show the simultaneous reduction in bacterial count, accompanied by an increase in viral concentration. Atomic absorption spectroscopy data also presented quantifiably shows the reduction in crystalline biofilm biomass after bacteriophage release within the bladder.


Cite this dataset as:
Milo, S., Hathaway, H., Nzakizwanayo, J., Alves, D., Pérez Esteban, P., Jones, B., Jenkins, T., 2017. Dataset for 'Prevention of Encrustation and Blockage of Urinary Catheters by Proteus mirabilis via pH-Triggered Release of Bacteriophage'. Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:


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Analysis of conditions within the in vitro bladder models (bacteria/bacteriophage concentration, AAS data, time to blockage)

Coated_no_phage …
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Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

CFU/ml plate pictures for catheter coating without bacteriophage (control)
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Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

SEM images of bacteriophage coated catheter after 13 hours in bladder models
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Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

CFU/ml plate pictures for bacteriophage coated catheter
application/zip (6MB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

PFU/ml plate pictures of phage coated catheters
application/zip (7MB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

CFU/ml plate pictures of uncoated catheter control
application/zip (8MB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

SEM images of uncoated catheter after 13 hours in bladder models


Scarlet Milo
University of Bath

Diana Alves
University of Brighton

Patricia Pérez Esteban
University College London

Brian Jones
University of Brighton

Toby Jenkins
University of Bath


University of Bath
Rights Holder


Geographical coverage:

University of Bath


Data collection method:

Measurement of bacterial and bacteriophage count within bladder models by measuring CFU/ml and PFU/ml at various time points after serial dilution into PBS buffer/SM buffer and plating on NSLB agar/ LB agar. Visual evaluation of plates including colony counting and viral plaque counting. Biofilm biomass was quantified using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS).

Data processing and preparation activities:

All data were processed in GraphPad Prism software. Graphs were plotted and statistical analysis (unpaired t test) were performed within the same software.

Technical details and requirements:

Equipment: Electronic pH meter (Jenway) Plate reader (BMG fluorostar) AAS: Perkin Elmer AAnalyst 100 Combined calcium and magnesium hollow cathode lamp (S&J Juniper & Co) SEM imaging: JEOL JSM6480LV) Software: GraphPad Prism 7.02 for Windows


Annett Trust

PhD Studentship

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council

Public Health England PhD Studentship

Evaluating the potential for efflux inhibitors to control infection, encrustation, and blockage of urinary catheters

Medical Research Council

Development of an Infection Detecting Wound Dressing

Queen Victoria Hospital NHS Trust Charitable Fund

Queen Victoria Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Publication details

Publication date: 2017
by: University of Bath

Version: 1


URL for this record:

Related papers and books

Milo, S., Hathaway, H., Nzakizwanayo, J., Alves, D. R., Esteban, P. P., Jones, B. V., and Jenkins, A. T. A., 2017. Prevention of encrustation and blockage of urinary catheters by Proteus mirabilis via pH-triggered release of bacteriophage. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 5(27), 5403-5411. Available from:

Contact information

Please contact the Research Data Service in the first instance for all matters concerning this item.

Contact person: Scarlet Milo


Faculty of Science