Dataset for "Polymer nanotube membranes synthesized via liquid deposition in anodic alumina"

This dataset includes the following raw data for the polymer nanotube membranes in the study - Roughness data, Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) data, Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) data, Water Flow Enhancement and Permeance Data, and Contact Angle Data. These correspond to the following elements in the associated article "Polymer nanotube membranes synthesized via liquid deposition in anodic alumina":
- Roughness data (Table 1 in the main manuscript);
- FESEM data (Figure 2 and Figure 4 of the manuscript);
- TEM data (Figure 3 of the manuscript);
- Water Flow Enhancement and Permeance Data (Figure 5 and Table 1 of the manuscript);
- Contact Angle Data (Table 1 of the manuscript).

membranes, nanotube membranes, soaking method, Hagen–Poiseuille, flow enhancement, polymer nanochannels, polystyrene

Cite this dataset as:
Meng, Z., Casanova, S., Mohamed, H., Kapil, N., Xiao, X., Zhang, Y., Coppens, M., Mattia, D., 2020. Dataset for "Polymer nanotube membranes synthesized via liquid deposition in anodic alumina". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:


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Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

AFM data for all the plasma etched membranes in this work. These raw data have been processed with Gwyddion to obtain average roughness (Ra) data in Table 1 of the related manuscript.

text/plain (2kB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

Contact angle data and computation of Young contact angle via the Cassie Baxter equation. This was done by using the values for porosity obtained by ImageJ analysis on the top surfaces displayed in Figure 2 of the manuscript.
application/zip (281MB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

FESEM data used to prepare Figure 2 and Figure 4,
application/zip (21MB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

TEM data in Figure 3.

text/plain (1kB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

Flow enhancement data and calculation, for Figure 5.


Zheyi Meng
University College London

Halan Mohamed
University College London

Nidhi Kapil
University College London

Xiao Xiao
Beihang University

Yuheng Zhang
Beihang University

Marc-Olivier Coppens
University College London

Davide Mattia
University of Bath


University of Bath
Rights Holder


Data collection method:

A complete description of the experimental methodology for the acquisition of this data is reported in the related manuscript and Electronic Supplementary Information (ESI).

Technical details and requirements:

Gwyddion version 2.49 ( was used for AFM data processing; this software may be used to view the .000 and .001 files.

Methodology link:

Casanova, S., Borg, M. K., Chew, Y. M. J., and Mattia, D., 2019. Surface-controlled water flow in nanotube membranes. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 11(1), 1689-1698. Available from:

Lee, K. P., 2013. Fabrication and Applications of Nanoporous Alumina Membranes. Thesis (PhD). University of Bath. Available from:

Mattia, D., Leese, H., and Lee, K. P., 2015. Carbon nanotube membranes: From flow enhancement to permeability. Journal of Membrane Science, 475(1), 266-272. Available from:

Meng, Z., Casanova, S., Mohamed, H., Kapil, N., Xiao, X., Zhang, Y., Coppens, M. O., and Mattia, D., 2020. Polymer nanotube membranes synthesized via liquid deposition in anodic alumina. Colloids and Interface Science Communications, 39. Available from:


Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

SynFabFun - From Membrane Material Synthesis to Fabrication and Function

Publication details

Publication date: 16 November 2020
by: University of Bath

Version: 1


URL for this record:

Related papers and books

Meng, Z., Casanova, S., Mohamed, H., Kapil, N., Xiao, X., Zhang, Y., Coppens, M.-O., and Mattia, D., 2020. Polymer nanotube membranes synthesized via liquid deposition in anodic alumina. Colloid and Interface Science Communications, 39, 100334. Available from:

Contact information

Please contact the Research Data Service in the first instance for all matters concerning this item.

Contact person: Davide Mattia


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Chemical Engineering

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