Dataset for "Filler size effect in an attractive fibrillated network: a structural and rheological perspective"

The dataset for "Filler size effect in an attractive fibrillated network: a structural and rheological perspective" contains data, in the form of excel and txt files, for the figures shown in the main manuscript and the electronic supplementary information (ESI). Each excel sheet is specific for a set of data acquired utilising the same protocol. Rheological and scattering data are provided and specifications regarding each dataset can be found in the dataset description.
This study is conducted to unravel how the size of colloidal fillers modulates the structure-property relationship of hydrogels composed by a fibrillated network.

Specification of the materials and methods employed throughout the data collection are available in the main manuscript.

Chemical measurement
Civil engineering and built environment

Cite this dataset as:
Calabrese, V., Alves Da Silva, M., Porcar, L., Bryant, S., Hossain, K., Scott, J., Edler, K., 2020. Dataset for "Filler size effect in an attractive fibrillated network: a structural and rheological perspective". Bath: University of Bath Research Data Archive. Available from:


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Fig.2 (SANS).zip
application/zip (23kB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

The zip file named “Fig.2 (SANS)” contains txt files for each sample measured in Small angle neutron scattering (SANS).
application/zip (82kB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

(i) Gamma_vs_time: Data for the sinusoidal deformation (gamma in (%) as function of time (s) (ii) Lissajous_sigma_vs_shear: Data for the Lissajous-plots as stress (Sigma in (Pa) as function of shear rate (1/s) (iii) Lissajous_sigma_vs_strain: Data for the Lissajous-plots as stress (Sigma in (Pa) as function of strain (gamma in (%)) (iv) Sigma_vs_time: Data for the sinusoidal deformation as stress (Sigma (Pa) as function of time (s)

Data_filler … Fibrillated_Network.xlsx
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet (213kB)
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0

Fig. 1(a) shows the Small Angle X-rays Scattering (SAXS) data of the Silica Nanoparticles used in the study Fig. 1(b) contains the data of size distributions for the Silica Nanoparticles used in the study. Fig. 3 contains the rheological data for the time sweep of the OCNF-based gels (data presented as G’, G’’ and tand_delta vs time. Fig.4-6-S5 Show the Oscillatory strain sweep as G’, G’’ and tand_delta vs strain Fig. S1 contains the data for the contrast match experiment.


University of Bath
Rights Holder


Data collection method:

Detailed description of materials and methods used for the data collection is described in the main Manuscript.

Additional information:

In the Excel file named “Data_filler_Size_Fibrillated_Network”, the data are presented in separate sheets, each of which is labelled as for the figure presented in the manuscript. The spreadsheet named: Fig. 1(a) shows the Small Angle X-rays Scattering (SAXS) data of the Silica Nanoparticles used in the study Fig. 1(b) contains the data of size distributions for the Silica Nanoparticles used in the study. Fig. 3 contains the rheological data for the time sweep of the OCNF-based gels (data presented as G’, G’’ and tand_delta vs time). Fig.4-6-S5 Show the Oscillatory strain sweep as G’, G’’ and tand_delta vs strain. Fig. S1 contains the data for the contrast match experiment as SQR(I(q)) vs q . The zip file named “Fig.2 (SANS)” contains txt files for each sample measured in Small angle neutron scattering (SANS). The zip file named “Fig.5_FigS3_FigS4” contains subfolder as: (i) Gamma_vs_time: which contains the data for the sinusoidal deformation (gamma in (%) (left Column)) as function of time (s, (right Column)) for each sample and each amplitude displayed in the Manuscript. The files are named as “NameY-axe_vs_NameX-axe,_sample name_applied amplitude” as for instance “Gamma_vs_time_1wt%OCNF_5wt%SiNp5_gamma=5%” (ii) Lissajous_sigma_vs_shear: which contains the data for the Lissajous-plots as stress (Sigma in (Pa) (right Column)) as function of shear rate (1/s (left Column)) for each sample and each amplitude displayed in the Manuscript. The files are named as “Lissajous_NameY-axe_vs_NameX-axe,_sample name_applied amplitude” as for instance “Lissajous_Sigma_vs_ShearRate_1wt%OCNF_5wt%SiNp5_gamma=5%” (iii) Lissajous_sigma_vs_strain: which contains the data for the Lissajous-plots as stress (Sigma in (Pa) (right Column)) as function of strain (gamma in (%) (left Column)) for each sample and each amplitude displayed in the Manuscript. The files are named as “Lissajous_NameY-axe_vs_NameX-axe,_sample name_applied amplitude” as for instance “Lissajous_Sigma_vs_strain_1wt%OCNF_5wt%SiNp5_gamma=5%” (iv) Sigma_vs_time: which contains the data for the sinusoidal deformation as stress (Sigma (Pa) (left Column)) as function of time (s, (right Column)) for each sample and each amplitude displayed in the Manuscript. The files are named as “NameY-axe_vs_NameX-axe,_sample name_applied amplitude” as for instance “Sigma_vs_time_1wt%OCNF_5wt%SiNp5_gamma=5%”


Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

New Enzymatically Produced Interpenetrating Starch-Cellulose Gels

Publication details

Publication date: 5 February 2020
by: University of Bath

Version: 1


URL for this record:

Related papers and books

Calabrese, V., da Silva, M. A., Porcar, L., Bryant, S. J., Hossain, K. M. Z., Scott, J. L., and Edler, K. J., 2020. Filler size effect in an attractive fibrillated network: a structural and rheological perspective. Soft Matter, 16(13), 3303-3310. Available from:

Contact information

Please contact the Research Data Service in the first instance for all matters concerning this item.

Contact person: Vincenzo Calabrese


Faculty of Science