DynaRev - Dynamic Coastal Protection: Resilience of Dynamic Revetments Under Sea Level Rise

This dataset contains processed data from the DynaRev experiments carried out in the Large Wave Flume (Grosser Wellenkanal, GWK) from 14-08-2017 to 29-09-2017 as a Transnational Access project within the EU funded project HYDRALAB+ (654110). The dataset provided under this DOI includes the post-processed data detailed in the article submitted to Scientific Data titled "High-resolution, prototype-scale laboratory measurements of nearshore wave processes and morphological evolution of a sandy beach with and without a dynamic cobble berm revetment".

The overall aim of this project was to construct a prototype-scale beach and investigate the response of the beach to a rising sea level and storms with and without a cobble berm dynamic revetment structure (a gravel or shingle ridge placed around the wave runup limit). The response of two beach configurations was investigated under erosive wave conditions (Hs=0.8m, Tp=6.0s) and a total sea-level rise, SLR = 0.4 m:

i) an unmodified sand beach with an initially plane slope of 1:15, and
ii) a natural beach profile with a dynamic revetment installed at the location of the natural berm before imposing SLR.

SLR was imposed in 4 steps of 0.1 m with an initial water depth of 4.5 m above the flume base. Each phase ran for a total of 58 hours, after which resilience testing under storm waves and accretive conditions was undertaken for a further 12 hours in each case.

The changing profile of the sand beach and revetment was monitored throughout the experiments using a traditional profiler and a LiDAR array. Additional hydrodynamic measurements were obtained at the location of the offshore sandbar to investigate the process of bar formation and migration with SLR.

sediment transport, beach evolution, dynamic revetment, Large Wave Flume, GWK

Cite this dataset as:
Schimmels, S., Blenkinsopp, C., 2020. DynaRev - Dynamic Coastal Protection: Resilience of Dynamic Revetments Under Sea Level Rise. Zenodo. Available from: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3889796.


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Stefan Schimmels
Forschungszentrum Küste


University of Bath
Rights Holder


Data collection method:

The model set-up and experimental program are explained in the submitted Scientific Data paper.

Additional information:

The data structure is explained in the submitted Scientific Data paper. The data files are organised as detailed in "DynaRev_Data_Structure.doc".


Horizon 2020 Framework Programme

HYDRALAB+ – Adapting to climate change

Publication details

Publication date: 16 June 2020
by: Zenodo

Version: 1

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3889796

URL for this record: https://researchdata.bath.ac.uk/id/eprint/907

Related papers and books

Blenkinsopp, C. E., Bayle, P. M., Conley, D. C., Masselink, G., Gulson, E., Kelly, I., Almar, R., Turner, I. L., Baldock, T. E., Beuzen, T., McCall, R. T., Rijper, H., Reniers, A., Troch, P., Gallach-Sanchez, D., Hunter, A. J., Bryan, O., Hennessey, G., Ganderton, P., Tissier, M., Kudella, M., and Schimmels, S., 2021. High-resolution, large-scale laboratory measurements of a sandy beach and dynamic cobble berm revetment. Scientific Data, 8(1). Available from: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-021-00805-1.

Contact information

Please contact the Research Data Service in the first instance for all matters concerning this item.

Contact person: Chris Blenkinsopp


Faculty of Engineering & Design
Architecture & Civil Engineering